Can I Use The Ordination/ordinance Certificate Of Ulc To Proclaim Myse


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  On 9/4/2010 at 1:49 AM, armanduk2010 said:

Can I use the ordination/Ordinance certificate of ULC to legally proclaim myself as an evangelist / active Christian who would go from city to city, country to country and door to door inviting people to Jesus?

Well certainly. Anyway I think anyone can preach and call themselves an eveangelist.

With your ULC ordination you can call yourself an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.

You can legitimately use the term, "Rev."

Good luck.

Edited by Carl Harry Carlson
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  On 9/4/2010 at 7:53 AM, Brother Kevin said:

In the United States, governments do not regulate peaceful religious activities.

You don't even need to be ordained to evangelize.

Thank you very much Bro. Kevin for the reply. But I'm in the UK and I wanna work as a legally ordained evangelist in countries such as UK, Bangladesh, India and Saudi Arabia. Also I want to evangelize/proselytize like pastor joseph, david wood and sam shamoun, links to videos of whom can be viewed here:

I'm specifically referring to Christian apologetics, specially those who have issues with Islam and want to expose how false and evil it is etc etc like the apologetics mentioned above.

So, therefore, again let me rephrase my question: Can I use the ordinance/ordination certificate of ULC to legally proclaim myself as a legally ordained Christian evangelist and debate with muslims in muslim countries?

Thanks and god bless you all

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  On 9/4/2010 at 4:29 AM, Carl Harry Carlson said:

Well certainly. Anyway I think anyone can preach and call themselves an eveangelist.

With your ULC ordination you can call yourself an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.

You can legitimately use the term, "Rev."

Good luck.

Thank you very much Carl for the reply. But I'm in the UK and I wanna work voluntarily as a legally ordained evangelist in countries such as UK, Bangladesh, India and Saudi Arabia. Also I want to evangelize/proselytize like pastor joseph, david wood and sam shamoun, links to videos of whom can be viewed here:

I'm specifically referring to Christian apologetics, specially those who have issues with Islam and want to expose how false and evil it is etc etc like the apologetics mentioned above.

So, therefore, again let me rephrase my question: Can I use the ordinance/ordination certificate of ULC to legally proclaim myself as a legally ordained Christian evangelist and debate with muslims in muslim countries?

Thanks and god bless you all

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  On 9/4/2010 at 1:38 PM, Eynion De said:

THAT would be a stupid thing to do unless you like muslim jails.

but in bangladesh, which is my homeland, i will not be jailed because even though our state religion is islam and 90 percent of the population is islamic, we as a nation are a secular one and according to our constitution, anyone can leave any religion and convert to a new religion and then practice it and even proselytize

so therefore i won't be put into prison unless i do it in saudi arabia.

either way Tilston, thanks for the reply but my question has still not been answered.

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What is meant is that all countries have different laws and some countries like the USA it would be ok but some countries it would be very dangerous. It will be dangerous in all cases for you to evangelize in muslim countries but in some the legailty will differ.

You will need to check country by country. Your ordination idetifies you as a christian minister, but all ministers are subject to the same laws in any province.

Your ordination comes from the church - any license that may be required will come from the province requiring it.

I hope that helps!

Edited by curenado
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  On 9/4/2010 at 4:16 PM, Dorian Gray said:

In Suadi Arabia you will end up in jail. They have a law against proselytizing.

Hi Dorian,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write a reply to my post.

However, please note that I never wanted to know if it would be illegal to proselytize in Saudi Arabia. My question was: Can I use the ordinance/ordination certificate of ULC to legally proclaim myself as a legally ordained Christian evangelist and debate with muslims in muslim countries?

May peace be with you


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  On 9/4/2010 at 4:46 PM, armanduk2010 said:

Hi Dorian,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write a reply to my post.

However, please note that I never wanted to know if it would be illegal to proselytize in Saudi Arabia. My question was: Can I use the ordinance/ordination certificate of ULC to legally proclaim myself as a legally ordained Christian evangelist and debate with muslims in muslim countries?

May peace be with you


You did ask in your first post. Anyway, the short answer is No,you cannot legally do what you ask.
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why would you wish to debate beliefs of someone else other than to try to prove them wrong?the ulc is not about that anyway,and if you personelly feel that way,that is your right.however you did ask,and you said country to most islamic countries,you might get lucky and be jailed.chances are tho you would get your throat cut.if you wish to commit suicide that way,i hope you do not involve others.

you have every right to believe as you choose.and i know many christians believe they should convert as many as possible.while i wish you well on your path,i would not want to be around when you tried telling muslims in any country they are wrong.i think the word they use is infedel.

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  On 9/5/2010 at 9:29 PM, mark 45 said:

why would you wish to debate beliefs of someone else other than to try to prove them wrong?the ulc is not about that anyway,and if you personelly feel that way,that is your right.however you did ask,and you said country to most islamic countries,you might get lucky and be jailed.chances are tho you would get your throat cut.if you wish to commit suicide that way,i hope you do not involve others.

you have every right to believe as you choose.and i know many christians believe they should convert as many as possible.while i wish you well on your path,i would not want to be around when you tried telling muslims in any country they are wrong.i think the word they use is infedel.

I really appreciate your concern. Thank you. But even though my country, where I'm planning on proselytizing/evangelizing, is a secular country although its state religion is Islam. Its constitution says that any person should feel free to leave his religion and convert to a new religion and then even proselytize and also states that government protection would be provided in case he/she feels threatened.

So, therefore, it's clear that I can evangelize/proselytize in Bangladesh safely like the gentlemen (sam shamaoun, pastor Joseph, bro. David wood) do in the videos mentioned in this post. But can I do so as a legally ordained evangelist if I obtain an ordination from ULC? Thanks and God bless you all

  On 9/5/2010 at 10:04 PM, Brother Michael Sky said:

is the number 144,000 significant to you? :):shift: JK....

sorry i don't understand what you meant. Would you please clarify? Thanks

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  On 9/6/2010 at 12:10 AM, armanduk2010 said:

sorry i don't understand what you meant. Would you please clarify? Thanks

Mate, I think it's the refernce to the Jehovah's Witnesses belief that only $1,440,00 will be saved.

His joke is....why bother preaching when only those number will be saved.

I asssume this is the joke?

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yes, but it was because of his strong desire to go out among his fellows.... It wasn't meant in any snide way... I don't know if the witnesses are active in bangladesh...

On the surface, i would wonder why you could not do as any other member of the clergy do. A ULC ordination is an ordination the same as any other.

The question would be whether Bangladesh has any reason to think of a ULC ordination as any thing other than authentic. I would think YOU would be the perfect one to enlighten US as this process unfolds for you.

I intend to do a search of the net now, because you have piqued my curiosity... i'll let you know if I find anything useful...

Edited by Brother Michael Sky
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Ok - as I am understanding it so far, Bangladesh is similar to the US in this religious freedom. So then the answer most likely would be yes, as long as you were in Bangladesh or a place that allowed you to, your ULC vesture (ordainment) should be what I think you are asking about. You may still have to register that credential with the local court or town hall.

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