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  On 3/28/2010 at 5:01 PM, Ravenstrikes said:

Behold the Kustom in all its glory!

Mine would be the one to the far left. The towers weighed a ton and were rather impracticable; wouldn't fit in a car, you needed a one ton truck to haul them around, but they sure looked cool!

"Impracticable"?? is that even a word? Oh spell checker you are not my friend...Rah! Rah!

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  On 3/28/2010 at 8:46 PM, Ravenstrikes said:

"Impracticable"?? is that even a word? Oh spell checker you are not my friend...Rah! Rah!

Yes, impracticable IS a word. It refers to an ACTION or a PRACTICE that is not "practical".

Use impracticable to describe an ACTION.

Use impractical to describe a THING (like tower speakers that "weigh a ton and won't fit in a car".

These are not "hard and fast rules". You can call an action impractical.

Edited by Hexalpa
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  On 3/28/2010 at 10:05 PM, Hexalpa said:

Yes, impracticable IS a word. It refers to an ACTION or a PRACTICE that is not "practical".

Use impracticable to describe an ACTION.

Use impractical to describe a THING (like tower speakers that "weigh a ton and won't fit in a car".

These are not "hard and fast rules". You can call an action impractical.

In the City of Detroit, the city now prohibits speakers to be taken into Belle Isle park on flatbed trucks and large trailers. Apparently there are some pretty big speakers being used to battle for the loudest jam on Belle Isle in the summer.

Actor Bruce Willis tells a story about the house he'd like to have in Hollywood. He says he'd like his neighbor to come over to admire his newly built back yard and ask if those are his-and-her cabana houses by the pool. He says he wants to be able to say, "No man, those are the SPEAKERS!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you haven't been introduced to Israel Kamakawiwo'ole ....... then let me have the distinct pleasure of introducing to you to a man who moved on, before i was ready for him to go.... His music brings a genuine tear to my eye... he was a Kind and Gentle soul, who taught us much when he was here... please enjoy these:


thank you....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heavens so far away....

Black roses and Hail Mary's, cant bring back whats taken from me...

I reach to the sky, and call out you're name.... And if I could trade, I would.

Gone away... The offspring:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the story of the Hurricane....

Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land

Where justice is a game....


The vid's cut a tad short... For a mp3 with no vid;

Ya have to click "I read and understand" and do the capta thingi....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eh.. Living, as I do, with what amounts to a death sentence (dont we all!? LOL), gives me a somewhat unique outlook and world view at times.... It also forces me at times to reflect on life, and death, and the human condition in general...

Some of you actually believe that we come from monkeys... I dont... But whatever.

IF we do, and we are evolving... Well, HOW far have we really evolved??? How do we answer that question, WITHOUT ego getting in the way?

For my money... If we are just talking monkeys, then we REALLY havent come so very far from the days of living in trees and slinging feces at one another... We STILL live in chopped up trees.. And yup, we are, as a race, still more then happy to sit around and sling poo at each other all day long, we just do it on CNN now...

Lets see how far we've come- Matchbox 20...

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If Lemmi and God got into a wrestling match, who would win???

What´s the use in crying for help... If no one hears you're screams...

No one hears you're screams...

No voices in the sky.... Confusion blinds the eye....

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Land of bear... and Land of eagle...

Land that gave us birth and blessing...

Land that pulls us ever homewards...

We will go home.... we will go home...

We will go home across the mountains....

This is a woman named "Mixie" doing the full version of the haunting "Song of Exile"....

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