Rev. Richard Futrell Posted October 7, 2008 Report Share Posted October 7, 2008 Brothers and Sisters,If that is GOD's will then so be it. He has a plan for all of us. Keep your faith in GOD and he will provide the answers!May GO(D be with you and keep you safely within his power.Rev. Richard Futrell Link to comment
Fawzo Posted October 7, 2008 Report Share Posted October 7, 2008 Rev. Richard Futrell said: Brothers and Sisters,If that is GOD's will then so be it. He has a plan for all of us. Keep your faith in GOD and he will provide the answers!May GO(D be with you and keep you safely within his power.Rev. Richard FutrellIt's God's will that "none should perish" we don't have anything to worry about......."so be it"'s also my will and a hosts of other's wills. Doesn't seem as if there is anything to worry about then does it!!! Link to comment
nestingwave Posted October 8, 2008 Report Share Posted October 8, 2008 Fawzo said: It's God's will that "none should perish" we don't have anything to worry about......."so be it"'s also my will and a hosts of other's wills. Doesn't seem as if there is anything to worry about then does it!!!Absolutely not. However, for the sake of happiness, it is best to become aware of our interconnectivity with All That Is and thus increase our appreciation for the entire web of life and loving service to our fellow beings. Link to comment
Fawzo Posted October 8, 2008 Report Share Posted October 8, 2008 nestingwave said: Absolutely not. However, for the sake of happiness, it is best to become aware of our interconnectivity with All That Is and thus increase our appreciation for the entire web of life and loving service to our fellow beings.I heard a Buddhist teaching one time that there are two ways to come to this awareness during meditation. One can meditate on the belief that everything is God or one can meditate that everything is self. Both paths can get one to the point of awareness.He used the aphorism God because he was speaking to a mostly Christian oriented group. Link to comment
nestingwave Posted October 9, 2008 Report Share Posted October 9, 2008 Fawzo said: I heard a Buddhist teaching one time that there are two ways to come to this awareness during meditation. One can meditate on the belief that everything is God or one can meditate that everything is self. Both paths can get one to the point of awareness.He used the aphorism God because he was speaking to a mostly Christian oriented group.Or, as in zen, sitting quietly doing nothing. Link to comment
jwiderstra Posted January 20, 2009 Report Share Posted January 20, 2009 bsawtelle said: Is it a coincidence that the next presidential election takes place in 2012? no, its no coincidence. man i wish all my studies didn't disappear. I'll try to regather some things. We've all got a lot to learn, and even more to live. Link to comment
idadave Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 (edited) I guess if i die today the world will end in 2009 for this life...not 2012 Edited January 24, 2009 by idadave Link to comment
RevRainbow Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 (edited) It's kinda interesting, being in my mid 60's, how I now view life. Today, I enjoy and celebrate my life and try to make it count for blessing others. When I die, which I do not fear, I will be transformed into my next state of being (hopefully, and most assuredly, according to my beliefs). If I make it, God willing, to 2012, it will be exciting to be part of either the end, or the new beginning. As far as the "end," it matters little to me personally since I have already exceeded the lifespan I thought I would have. God has blessed me and I find no reason to fear what is to come. Today is a day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Peace. Edited January 24, 2009 by RevRainbow Link to comment
nestingwave Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 (edited) idadave said: I guess if i die today the world will end in 2009 for this life...not 2012Hi idadave,Look at it this way. If God is truly Almighty and is Omnipotent, Omnicient and Omnipresent. and says that it is his will that "none should perish but have everlasting life," ==== then who is it that has been threatening us with "damnation," "separateing from God," "eternal torment," "spiritual annihilation," etc.??In a word --- Priestcraft. Those who wish to exercise power and control over the minds and souls of men. AND, that "priestcraft" is not just found "out there." Often, if we are courageous enough to examine ourselves, we find it RIGHT THERE within us. So often, WE are are OWN worst enemy. In fact, our ONLY enemy because although priestcraft watned to expercise power over the minds and souls of men --- WE ABDICATED OUR FREE WILL AND ALLOWED IT. So, it all comes back to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for whereever we find ourselves. Once one sees through that pious fraud and swindle of totalitarian man-made religion, one can know Almighty God within themselves because he/she/it is the One Source of All That Is and is VERY near to all. The biggest block that stand in the way between our consciousness of God within us is .... our own religiousity. It is even a greater hinderance than our MISTAKES.If you die in 2009, you are not finished, just changed temporarily until the next change. Constant change is the nature of Creation. ALL thing mover in CYCLES. All things in the Universe are spinning in cycles cosmically great beyond comprehension and at the same time microscopically tiny -- AND -- everything in between. Cycles nested like chinese dolls inside each other. Cycles like spring, summer, winter, fall, up, down, in, out, birth, life, death, reincarnation.The Universe is a huge classroom and human lives, such as the ones we are living now, are only to prepare us for future human lives with more knowledge and understanding of who we are and why we come into these bodies. In this age, we have been living on a planeet of FORGETFULNESS. 2012 is the peak of the close of one age and at the same time the beginning of a NEW AGE. All this is ALREADY happening and culminating rapidly as our solar system begins to cross down across the Milky Way Ecliptic. That coming happening is as much of a scientific fact as the fact that the earth is round. It is a coincidence of several cycles, the largest one perceptable to us being 26,000 years. Many things will end but many things will be born -- such as contact with extraterrestrial intelligences and technologies that will empower us to begin to explore the mulitfarious worlds of time and space as a type 1 space-faring civilization. And upon Mother Earth --- sanity will reign. No, not heavely perfection. This change is only ONE NEXT STEP. And those who belong to Mother Earth and walk softly upon her, reincarmate back here. That's US. And in that NEW AGE, the MEEK shall inherit the Earth and become her careGIVERS instead of her destroyers and murderers. Those who presently destroy her and murder her and want to exercise domination and control over her beings, may have to reincarnate ELSEWHERE this time to finish working out the dog eat dog pecking order they themselves have created. However, that disfunctional paradigm is now FINSHED on planet Earth and taking its last dying breaths.We are now in the final years of a very disfunctional paradigm that has been going on for thousands of years. It is no longer sustainable. Some are afraid. Others are full of joy and happiness, glad to see it go and embrace the new. Those who CLING to the old disfunctional paradigm will be very disappointed to see it go or cling to it and go with it. However, those who see these past thousands of years for the disfunctional paradigm they have been, and know in their hearts that there is a much much better way, will experience great joy and enthusiasm and embrace a new way.So, there are two ways of viewing 2012. 1) the END of the world or 2) the beginning of an era of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. In fact, it is both. It is the END of the world AS WE KNOW IT RIGHT NOW and what will rise in its place will be almost unrecognizable compared to right now. However, none of this is "INSTANT" --- it takes place over time. 2012 is simply the center of the energetic allignment. So, there is a building up and a reorganizing/disgarding. The Hopis say, "the time of the Great Purification of Mother Earth." If you look around you with open eyes, you can see the great need for that.It is totally insane to destroy a planet because those destroying her are completely ignorant to the fact that they are interconnected with her and are only destroying themselves in an insane suicidal blindness.However, you see, Mother Earth will not stand for that because she too has a responsibility to the cosmos.So, may peace be unto you,namaste,Bob Edited January 24, 2009 by nestingwave Link to comment
Rev. Magus Adam Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 greenwitch56 said: Hi All,with all the talk of the world ending in 2012, what do Pagans think of this. I am wiccan and my husband isn't. He is convinced the world is going to end in 2012. What do all you think?To me the same question was being asked before 2000 aka Y2K, and it like the 2012 mystery will amount to diddly squat for the general population.As a Pagan-ish kind of guy, I might prepare a ceremony in order to harness the planetary energies, which should be high during the whole year.There will be a lot of chaotic energy flying around just from those who're indecisive, or others displaying genuine fear. Entertainment you just can't buy.On the off chance that something like poles shift, or aliens fry us off the planet...I'd like to say so long and thanks for all the fish. Link to comment
nestingwave Posted January 25, 2009 Report Share Posted January 25, 2009 Rev. Magus Adam said: To me the same question was being asked before 2000 aka Y2K, and it like the 2012 mystery will amount to diddly squat for the general population.As a Pagan-ish kind of guy, I might prepare a ceremony in order to harness the planetary energies, which should be high during the whole year.There will be a lot of chaotic energy flying around just from those who're indecisive, or others displaying genuine fear. Entertainment you just can't buy.On the off chance that something like poles shift, or aliens fry us off the planet...I'd like to say so long and thanks for all the fish."Aliens fry us off the planet" is paranoia put out by the military industrial complex that views every phenomena they do not understand as a National Security threat. If "aliens" wanted to "fry" us off the planet, as some Hollywood movies declare, we'd already have been toast a LONG time ago. And believe me, we couldn't have done ONE thing about it. However, there are laws in the Universe concerning interaction between species of different development and actually high civilizations have no desire nor need for conquest such as our own very limited consciousness often assumes. No, they don't think and act just like us at all.Education on the matter will help you out and increase your understanding. Y2K was a fraud from the very beginning -- the biggest hoaxer was -- the department of Naval Intelligence who was putting out a constant stream of dire false predictions in an effort to stir up the public fear just to monitor and see how they would react. It was a psychological test to get public reactions to a major public emergency which they know is coming. The public actually did quite well, because they kept a cool head and many already saw through the operation from the beginning having delved into that earlier psyops in the 1930s that Orson Wells participated in --- H.G. Well's "War of the Worlds." Orson was H.G.s cousin, you know. As to Y2K, we all got a VERY high score in our reactions which were very level headed. It actually surprised them because they had a much more cynical view of humanity, expecting major chaos and humans going beserk by the thousands. Ha ha hah. Surpise, surpise to them. Some militarist really do have a view of civilians as undisciplined and unpredictable.Also. ALL Y2K actually required to correct was some simple computer adjustment and no one even noticed it. Of course Naval Intelligence already knew that and just wanted to conduct a preliminary test on the psyche of the American population. On the other hand, the Nexus Event already beginning now and peaking in 2012, is not in that category. And the date comes from more than the Mayan calendar. It is far more significant and the overall change it will produce is much much greater. In fact an energetic shift of both physical matter and human consciousness and most importantly -- the time-line which the Myans fully understood. However, we didn't understand it until recently and that understanding came about due to government ongoing contact with the ETI who have been teaching us about the nature of time over the last fifty years. Interestingly, we have discovered an unlimted supply of energy there in what physicists call the "Time Domain" and the principle to tap into it. This has been known since the days of Nicola Tesla but has been highly suppressed by those who demand an energy MONOPOLY on this planet and the political overcontrol that goes with it. We believe that disfunctional paradigm to be very close to its end. The Nexus Event, peaking in 2012, has solid scientific proof gathered for decades, including the evidence from many NASA probes, as the many links I have given on my website clearly show. The Russians too, who have an institute which studies the Heliosphere, give very solid evidence backed up by many scientists all over the world including NASA and the European Space Agency. (The ESA)However, no one should take my word for it, but find out for themselves through getting past their natural conceptual opinions and hearing what those who have been intensly and carfully studying this from many different angles for many years, have discovered. Things that you will not be hearing about from the surface media because of the disinformation campaign of "Global Warming" is the selected method of initially getting peoples attention to cooperate with one another -- which is what is actually required. If anyone truly wants to get a handle on this, they can, becaise, although you will not be hearing about it from CNN, the information is just barely beneath the surface -- and for a good reason. If anyone chooses to ignore that information, that is their choice. This can produce severe psychological stress in some, so "plausible denial" will remain and is necessary for as long as it can be maintained."I never heard it on the news and so it must not be happening."The important thing, in my view, is that the extreme paranoia and fear is not allowed to prevail and run out of control due to a lack of genuine understanding. Personally, I have not the least amount of fear whatsoever because I have not only studied the mountains of evidence for the physical event but also its metaphysical implications and they are .... shall we say .... age changing? Paradigm shifting? There may be some cataclysmic destruction -- in fact that is already happening -- but is somewhat mitigated by our conscious recognition of who we are and what Mother Earth actually IS. This is because WE effect things by how we interpret them. A hard thing for some to believe not understanding any of the recent scientific discoveries of quantum physics which keep on gaining more and more evidence that everything is effected by our thoughts, and the overall thought of our social concensus "realitys," whether based on actual reality or not.The "alien invasion threat" scenario is one of those. The militarist have to do something to insure job security and so have promoted this "threat" scenario. However, knowing where it came from, alerts one to what it is.Metaphorically, the "invasion from space" scenario means this coming Nexus Event which is not an "invasion" by aliens but a bombardment with hitherto unkown energies emenating from the recently confirmed black/white hole in the center of the Milky Way.Our present civilization is no longer sustainable but is committing slow suicide. Not good for our children and their children in "business as usual." You will see very soon that "business as usual" is a thing of the past because those ways can no longer be facilitated by trickery and fraudulent schemes. Once the magicians sleight of hand is known, the act just becomes a meaningless comedy.Both the very best and the very worst in people comes out in an emergency which effects all. 911 is a good example on a small scale. This world-wide financial meltdown is another on a larger scale. You see, things are building and will continue to build up to 2012 when they will start to subside. Gradually subside, just as the buildup is also gradual.Human beings do tend to show their creativity and resourcefulness when it becomes necessary.The most positive thing that could be done right now is to bring out the new energy technolgies already proven and in beginning development. This can be done by lifting the truth embargo that has maintained the global energy and political monopoly at the expense of the Earth's populations for many decades."Global Warming" is the outer cover up for the 2012 Convergence, called "Global Warming," but it is NOT due to hydrocarbons in the atmosphere as was highly advertised originally. That cause is now highly disputed by at least 30,000 scientists who are even bringing lawsuits against Al Gore who so greatly promoted that disinformation, in their view. What they don't realize is that Al KNOWS the truth of it but "Global Warming" is the ploy to get our attention and spur us on to cooperation. That will become VERY valuable as such cooperation will be required to soften any difficult circumstances. However, mankind has indeed poisoned the earth, air, fire and water of Mother Earth for many centuries due to his ignorance. No doubt about that.But this Nexus Event is happnening in spite of any action man can take in an effort to stop it. There is no stopping it, only understanding it and dealing with all its implications for our civilization. The most prudent action is for those who see this coming is to take care of their own consciousness, heart, mind and spirit while doing some inner examination.Outwardly, anyone can look around and see that they should start growing their own food because food supplys could be easily disrupted for any number of reasons -- such as a large truckers strike -- an earthquake -- rampant inflation -- or any other number of reasons in this age of uncertainty. And, we can also see that we should start USING all kinds of alternative energy such as solar, wind, wave power etc. However, those are only temporary because much more advanced and less expensive ways of producing all the energy we will ever need will soon emerge, such as Stanley Meyers new technique of hydrolysis which, with very little current, produces voluminous amounts of hydroxy gas. This can even run our present internal combustion engines -- and do so SAFELY because it uses WATER as fuel and produces the hydroxy gas ON DEMAND -- no explosive pressure tanks involved. Stans technology is called by NASA --a WATER SPLITER. This too is an interim technology to get us through the first of this crisis. Later comes a small unit anyone can put on their house and without wires or any connection to the power grid will produce all the energy one ever needs with NO COST whatsoever, other than the original unit which has no moving parts to wear out. If these technologies, now waiting in the wings, are demanded to be released BY THE PEOPLE WHO BECOME AWARE OF THEM, it will mean much less loss of life WORLD WIDE in the years to come and eventually can heal the entire planet and cuase these wars of aggression for resources and political power to cease forever.This to me is a vision worth pursuing with all ones might, because my research has proven to me that they are viable and very real, having read enough technical papers on them to understand the principles and having seen the many devices built to "prove the principle" in action. Whether anyone wishes to explore this possibility is up to each person according to their understanding and their willingness to educate themselves further. Personal responsibility.My job, regarding this present and coming Nexus Event, is to inform and direct people to where they can find out about it from the many others who have spent their entire lives, in some cases, unveling what it is all about -- and anyone can find that out ... IF .... they want to. It is right now a great matter of popular speculation, concern and unfortunately (but expectedly) quite a bit of disinformation. It is good to separate the wheat from the chaff but nobody can do that for somebody else. It must be personally discovered. However, many simply reject learning about it for various reasons, such as denial, fear or the disinformation they have heard without confirming. Their choice.namste,Bob Link to comment
emalpaiz Posted February 13, 2009 Report Share Posted February 13, 2009 (edited) I think that I will simply continue to live by cultivating Self-Knowledge, Understanding, and Loving Compassion. Hermano LuisMoriviví Hermitage Edited February 13, 2009 by emalpaiz Link to comment
nestingwave Posted February 13, 2009 Report Share Posted February 13, 2009 emalpaiz said: I think that I will simply continue to live by cultivating Self-Knowledge, Understanding, and Loving Compassion. Hermano LuisMoriviví HermitageAnd .... that is ALL that is required. "Bottom line" so to speak. Thanks. )namaste,Bob Link to comment
crystalrose07 Posted March 1, 2009 Report Share Posted March 1, 2009 greenwitch56 said: I guess what I meant was what do you guys think? Will it happen or is it just hype? As a person of an earth based religion, what do you think? The history channel is showing alot of this type stuff. I am not sure what to think, they have some good arguments on their side. But as a pagan, I guess I am not sure what to think?????????? Will we have natural disasters of course, global warming, of course, but I think we are the cause of this.hello all, i am a new member, and would like to add my two cents.i have been reading as much as i can about this.first of all, we went through the new millenuim thing not long ago when they thought all computers would fail, remember, nothing happened.I have also read that there will be a great change at that time, end of the violentence, war etc. begining of more inlightened awarness, I hope this is true. could just turn out to be nothing. but it would be nice if it opens a new way of seeing/being human in all ways. guess we will just have to wait the three years to see what really happens. keep good thoughts.Crystalrose07 Link to comment
nestingwave Posted March 1, 2009 Report Share Posted March 1, 2009 crystalrose07 said: hello all, i am a new member, and would like to add my two cents.i have been reading as much as i can about this.first of all, we went through the new millenuim thing not long ago when they thought all computers would fail, remember, nothing happened.I have also read that there will be a great change at that time, end of the violentence, war etc. begining of more inlightened awarness, I hope this is true. could just turn out to be nothing. but it would be nice if it opens a new way of seeing/being human in all ways. guess we will just have to wait the three years to see what really happens. keep good thoughts.Crystalrose07Welcome and greetings Cyrstalrose07. I have collected quite a bit of evidence which is very informative from a scientific point of view about what is actually happening and the meaning of 2012 and the reasons for the energetic changes, both in the Earth and in our consciousness, which we are all beginning to experience.Convergence Link to comment
risteen Posted March 2, 2009 Report Share Posted March 2, 2009 nestingwave said: Welcome and greetings Cyrstalrose07. I have collected quite a bit of evidence which is very informative from a scientific point of view about what is actually happening and the meaning of 2012 and the reasons for the energetic changes, both in the Earth and in our consciousness, which we are all beginning to experience.ConvergenceI guess it depends on your faith, being a Christian, through the writings of the Bible:Hebrews 9:25-27 (King James Version) 25Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest enter into the holy place every year with blood of others; 26For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:2 Corinthians 5 Our Heavenly Dwelling1Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.2Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, 3because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked.2 Peter 3:9-11 (New International Version)9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.[a] 11Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly livesOr it could be a bunch of non-sense like the Y2K scare. Link to comment
nestingwave Posted March 2, 2009 Report Share Posted March 2, 2009 risteen said: I guess it depends on your faith, being a Christian, through the writings of the Bible:Hebrews 9:25-27 (King James Version) 25Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest enter into the holy place every year with blood of others; 26For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:2 Corinthians 5 Our Heavenly Dwelling1Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.2Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, 3because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked.2 Peter 3:9-11 (New International Version)9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.[a] 11Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly livesOr it could be a bunch of non-sense like the Y2K scare.That's for each person to decide. But, I do suggest that you actually inform yourself. Y2K wasn't just a hoax but a psyops TEST to see how the public will react to the coming events of major disruption. Your government has known this is coming FOR A VERY LONG TIME. Since they cannot do ONE THING about it, you can understand why CNN isn't telling you. However, if you are paying attention, we have been getting messages to help prepare us for years. Not everyone in government is a totalitarian megalomaniac or a greedy criminal banker, although that segment does seem to be the guiding factor. If you consider that they are expecting a complete disruption of our entire civilization, then you can see that perhaps everything that seems to be so totally insane has a dimension to it that has been out of sight.Most of the Christians I know are not at all surprised by this. Y2K was carried out by the Department of Naval Intelligence whose website was the source of the dire predictions. Interestingly enough, overall, the population of the United States did far better than expected. People quitely prepared, didn't panic and basically showed an unexpected maturity. At the time, I was working for Johnson County Developmental Support which cares for developmentally disabled and mentally retarded folks. My company WAS fully prepared in case of a meltdown in 2000. No sweat. We all knew exactly what to do in case of a real emergency. Actuallly, the majority of the country acted just that way. The government tends to think of the people of America as a people who are completely dependent on Uncle Sam for everything. They forget that people are CREATIVE in a variety of situations and, although all will not help their neighbors, in general we do VERY well in overall emergencies. In those cases the VERY BEST comes out in the marjority. Yes, the SELFISHNESS also manifests in some too. There are those who riot and loot. That's why the worst place to be during this is the big cities.Think about the message you are constantly getting (for years) in DISASTER movies. The message: help your neighbors. Do not panic. Do not depend upon "authorities" but COORDINATE with those around you for rescue, medical aide, food, water and necessities.This 2012 Nexus Event is already underway. 2012 only represents the mid-point of the convergence of our solar system with the Milky Way Ecliptic for the very first time since the creation of homo sapiens sapiens.It is the breakdown of Earth's magnetic field that subjects us to the extreme incoming energies from the many black/white holes in the Galactic Center. Our DNA, and thus our consciousness, is being highly effected. Yes, it is a great rekoning and some will try to cling to the old while others will embrace the new. This is about TIME. Our Mother Earth's TIME-LINE is about to split into TWO TRIBUTARIES. Most have already decided which one they will be going on according to which one they are magnetically attracted to. It is not the "end" of the world but the "end" of one time cycle and the beginning of another. Our preset dysfunctional civilization is finished completely and an ENTIRELY New Paradigm is being born. Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men. This has been prophesied not only by the Bible but by EVERY indigenous tribe on the face of the planet. We are the last to know since our culture became so disconnected from Mother Earth. Link to comment
Atwater Vitki Posted March 14, 2009 Report Share Posted March 14, 2009 I eagerly await this change and begining of a new era of higher thought free of the constraints of current thinking. I can't wait for the rest of galaxy to catch up to me and many of those I know. As long as it is a positive change it will be good for everyone, even those who don't think change is a good thing.On Dec. 20, 2012, my wife and I plan on being ready for anything as best we can. Perhaps we'll chance going up to the roof so we can watch the whole town, just to see what happens. We eagerly await the New Era...BRING IT ON!!!! Link to comment
nestingwave Posted March 15, 2009 Report Share Posted March 15, 2009 RevAl said: I eagerly await this change and begining of a new era of higher thought free of the constraints of current thinking. I can't wait for the rest of galaxy to catch up to me and many of those I know. As long as it is a positive change it will be good for everyone, even those who don't think change is a good thing.On Dec. 20, 2012, my wife and I plan on being ready for anything as best we can. Perhaps we'll chance going up to the roof so we can watch the whole town, just to see what happens. We eagerly await the New Era...BRING IT ON!!!!Hello RevAl,Dec 21 2012 at 11:11 AM Universal Time represents the peak of the allignment. The energetic changes are already occurring. On the one hand, the world will experience turmoil. On the other hand, at the same time, new and very creative ideas will arise. It is literally the end of the old and the beginning of the new. However, it will also be a matter of extreme stress for some folks as our civilization collapses and they literally loose everything. Those who see the light at the end of the tunnel must comfort others even when it looks the darkest.Help your neighbors. Grow a garden. Be creative. Learn to heal yourself and others. Remember that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Sing. Play music. Meditate and pray. Watch the skys. Expect severe earth changes. Be prepared.And, actually, WE are catching up to the rest of the Galaxy and will eventually qualify to become Galactic Citizens. Peace be upon the earth and among all beings.namaste Link to comment
Bro. Hex Posted March 16, 2009 Report Share Posted March 16, 2009 (edited) risteen said: ... what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly livesOr it could be a bunch of non-sense like the Y2K scare.One thing is for sure, risteen,Your advice, "that we should live holy and godly lives" is excellent advice for any year.I shall strive to do just that, throughout this year, throughout 2013, and throughout the intervening years,if I should live that long.Those who follow your excellent advice need have no concern as to what might or might not occur.. Edited March 16, 2009 by Hexalpa Link to comment
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