Eynion De' Tilston

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About Eynion De' Tilston

  • Birthday 03/18/1957

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Divine Being

Divine Being (12/17)

  1. Grandpa Jones Heart Firefall Beach boys TKO 3 Beers til Dubuque
  2. He has enough people praying for him, I'll pray for those whose lives he endangered.
  3. God, I ask that you guide all involved with this process on thier way, ensure that nothing that should be shown is hidden and allow those who should not and can not make those decisions be accepting of the choices made by the ones that must choose. May all involed find more happiness then sorrow.
  4. You did ask in your first post. Anyway, the short answer is No,you cannot legally do what you ask.
  5. If you happen to be in the area, this is what I'm doing this weekend: www.lzlambeau.org On Memorial Day I will be doing what I have for the last 8 years. there will be a sevice at the school with the band, choir and a speaker from Ft. McCoy and then we go to the local cemetaries and go honors.
  6. Could it also be that your spirtuality affects your environment? They perhaps could be an equal reflection of each other.
  7. I like the way this profile smells.

  8. Those who are older the Me are old. Those that are younger then me are "kids". Those who I agree with are wise.
  9. He has made and continues to make the choices he wants. He is where, for whatever reason, exactly where he has worked very hard to get. You can do nothing. He has to make the choices that change what he is doing and where he is. You can't do it for him.