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Everything posted by simplicitys-brother

  1. Actually I would trade being senior for another forty years. What the hells would I do with that? After Obama is elected, WHY? Makes me glad to be senior, may make me eligible for more of your money.
  2. Exactly what he says ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ He's got it right and says it well.
  3. When a child plays and adults don't believe it the child ceases to play that way and the stupidity begins. If a child plays cowboys and indians for example, they are remembering cowboys and Indians and then adults in our "wisdom" say it couldn't be that way, they have to believe as we tell them because we are the ones who feed them. We are so foolish when it comes to"wisdom". And those who sit in their ivory towers and wear sweaters with leather elbows and write books for others like them to read are the worst. And those who play with their kids and talk to them and listen to them may be the wisest of us all.
  4. Websters says: Wisdom.......Power of judging rightly and and following the soundest course... I can stick with that, age doesn't matter. Sounds a lot like ethics to me. Do the right thing and all.
  5. Truth is what you conceive it to be. If it is true for you it is true for you and it doesn't matter if it is truth to another or not. There are other definitions but I had best not go into them now.
  6. Welcome to the ULC forum. I do hope you find us worth sticking with for a while or maybe even entertaining some times.

  7. Not just for Kevin C; If you want to find out about life, get out and live some of it. Jump out of an airplane if you want that thrill, cook something you never liked to find out why, sing a song during rush hour on the street or watch someone else do it. Find out what it really feels like to have an explosion where you can feel it but don't scare the cops too badly. Live, forcryinoutloud, live Don't study in some ivory tower and say you know anything, that is too much like a college professor. Join Toastmasters and give a speech, Go to a farm and milk a cow, feed farm cats. Drive a truck and saddle a horse and ride for hours. The ideas are endless, just like life is if you live it.
  8. The way, the only way, to achieve anything is to strive for it and always do the things that get you closer to your objective. It helps a lot if the objective is a good thing and not some silly idea like being famous or popular. HOOKA has a signature that goes something like it is much better to be interested than interesting. That is so true that even the very best actors are interested in the acting, not the fame of being well known. They are interested in getting the story across to the audience, not that their name is on the board out front. Those who seek to be interesting are only that: oddities.
  9. The LAW by Bastiat In almost every library and less than ten bucks through Amazon or B & N. Of course you have to spend a little more to have free shipping.
  10. No, it doesn't mean that at all. Where have you been getting the kool-aide? They can have an even better standard of living than we enjoy. All they have to do is overthrow their non-representative governments and establish the personal liberty that we were founded with. Do you notice the despots in this country still haven't gotten past the freedom thing? They have to go step by step to add an income tax here, elect the senators there, educate the youth into the big government silliness, control communications, put chemicals in the water supply, universal health care, federal gun control, minimum wages, Federal reserve, child work laws, war on drugs and so forth. We have no dictator, even though there are many who would like to do that, that can simply order these things to be done. That is the major difference between us and most of the rest of the world. On January 20, 2009 we will change Presidents, peacefully, in many countries, there will be an armed conflict when changing "leaders". Would you like some examples? My fight is not to gain freedom but to reclaim it from where it is being lost because of these despots so that we do not become like the third world countries. But that is just the way I am. I believe in personal freedom and Liberty to do as one wishes so long as he does not harm others.
  11. I have liked Desiderata for many years. There used to be a story that it was found in the late 1700 in a Monastery near Baltimore but I have never tried to confirm that. I have learned that one part of Desiderata is in error, this one: And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. It is wrong because we unfold the universe it is not being unfolded for us. We are cause not effect. For us to be the effect of anything we must choose to be the effect and the willing recipient of it. I would, now, also change the first sentence from Go Placidly to something more like Go as you will while harming none. But that doesn't make good poetry.
  12. I'm told I look like Sean Connery. I don't think there is much truth to that.
  13. With horseradish sauce on the side? next to the wild rose honey?
  14. You might want to ask how long ago was my first coherent memory? But you wouldn't believe the answer.
  15. I can plan for millions of years. No explanation would be accepted so I won't bother with that. It won't be this moldy old body though. I'll be young and cute again in no time.
  16. Can I have one of each, to make sure my pick would be lasting?
  17. I have no fear of asking any question but I do draw the line at asking any question that it is not necessary for me to have an answer to. The reason I ask questions is to get the person to look at the answer but I mostly don't care what the subject of that answer is. I do ask under privileged rules.
  18. Immoral acts are those things that do the least good or the greatest damage to: 1: self 2. sex and family 3. groups one is a member of 4. mankind in general 5. other life 6. physical universe 7. spiritual universe 8. Supreme Being/Creator/GOD/Allah or whatever you want to call infinity. Moral acts are those which most enhance the survival of them. The optimum solution is: that which action best enhances the survival of all of them. Moral/immoral acts can only be from the viewpoint of the individual doing them.
  19. Optional is a good word and so are clothes.
  20. The ULC forum is a place where I can make a post and not have to endure a lot of profanity and silliness from others who post here. People here have strong enough ability for thought to at least be able to form a conversation without (too often) using belligerence as their only weapon. And sometimes some of the threads get to be very humorous, I like that it can be done without the vulgarity of many forums.
  21. If you could make one law, which could never be repealed, what would it be? I would want it to be along the lines of: "No one nor any entity is entitled to the property of another without the others origination."