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Everything posted by simplicitys-brother

  1. No, once again you are trying to put your word into my processor. I want private education to give the data about Ethics. It is happeing in several places but needs to be more. Some examples are Delphi schools, Washburn Academy, among others. Socialism is working against society and is caused by the silliness of public education and the maunderings of Karl Marx. It has never been really understood by its adherents and thus is thought it must be really great since even you don't understand it.
  2. There is a way to reduce and/or control such experiments and that is through the tech of Ethics. Something good can always be measured by the benefit to the largest number of dynamics and something bad is the greatest harm to the largest number of dynamics. IF the researcher were ethical, there would be very tight controls placed by himself before such research started. Only a person wishing harm on lots of people would be involved in loose controls of such research. Only a mad man would ever release such on the population. It would be an act of insanity.
  3. You're missing a major point. The difference between significance and workability. Among other things of course. Science has not proven that is the reason why water boils or any of the other claims some practioners of science have proclaimed.
  4. Not me. I want an end to any suffering caused by them but not an end to them. I want to come back to a world that is ready for a new improved version of me and you. Only through death can we make room for the new models. That is how we improve by the way. Imagine a three hundred year old lumberjack sitting at the table next to you and wanting you to do things his way. Nah, doesn't appeal to me.
  5. Many times that seems to be truth and perhaps often is. I, like you, am not sitting in the dark waiting for proof that electricity flowing through a wire is what make the bulb grow brighter. Many thimes it makes no differnce whether or not the theory is correct. We don't know if water boils at 212 F. we do know that water boils and changes form. We do not know what causes water to boil at that particular temp but do we need to know? There are however many times where the "science has proven" such and so that is not true. That was true for snake oil salesmen and global atmosphere change and causes of diseases that if we knew the real cause, we could solve but there are many people making lots of money because some "authority" said the science was settled. That space probes make a landing on an object far away is not proof that all the technology that was entered into it was what made it work. It could even be that those who designed the machine simply wanted it badly enough. We do know they worked for it.
  6. I will have mmore respect for science when they have found a way to prove their theories. From where I sit, they have never proven that there is not another cause for the phenomena they claim to observe. They are in the same category as most organized religions because they are based on faith rather than truth.
  7. I have been prejudiced often for many different reasons. When I have had a second job driving taxi, I would never pick up a young male wearing a winter coat in July. When I had a part time job in a liquor store, I would never sell adult beverages to anyone wearing any type of mask. When I was farming for my living I would never allow anyone to enter my barns unless I was with them. there are may types of prejudices some of them are even beneficial for example if I want to buy a piece of wooden furniture I will try to go the the nearest Amish group because I know I will get quality. The lists of my prejudices could go on for hours and that is not always a bad thing. There is one that scares me from jump street and that is when someone says "I'm from the government and I'm here to help".
  8. First you got to decide to do it and then do it. Simple as that. Only when you let the willies get you will the willies get you. Goodonya Murph for showing that it can be done. I've been away from it eleven years now. It stops being ugly after a while.
  9. My job is simple, I help people learn how to help people and they, in turn help yet more people and the world becomes a better place to live. Doing that allows me to learn even more about how to help myself and others. I like golf and watching pro sports like baseball and hockey live in their stadia. I watch very few movies and don't have a television. I do read lots of books. Welcome to the forum Connie. Next:
  10. pos·tu·late (psch-lt) KEY TRANSITIVE VERB: pos·tu·lat·ed, pos·tu·lat·ing, pos·tu·lates To make claim for; demand. To assume or assert the truth, reality, or necessity of, especially as a basis of an argument. To assume as a premise or axiom; take for granted. See Synonyms at presume. NOUN: (psch-lt, -lt) Something assumed without proof as being self-evident or generally accepted, especially when used as a basis for an argument: "the postulate that there is little moral difference between the superpowers" (Henry A. Kissinger). A fundamental element; a basic principle. Mathematics An axiom. A requirement; a prerequisite. ETYMOLOGY: Medieval Latin postulre, postult-, to nominate to a bishopric, to assume, from Latin, to request; see prek- in Indo-European roots OTHER FORMS: postu·la This is why poor people stay poor and wealthy people stay wealthy. Def. 2 as a noun and def 3 as a verb. Wealthy people know they can acquire it and poor people have been lied to and told they cannot. Once anyone believes their postulates that sets up their future. The funny thing is, anyone can change their postulates at any time and decide to be something different. Of course, one has to find the correct prior postulate to cancel. If you have been told frequently enough that you are stupid and you believe that you are indeed stupid, then you will not have answers to questions when asked. Rather simple actually.
  11. I think they are identified by toe tag probably or is that just on TV? No, it does not mean you have to kill them but sometimes they do put one in a position of choosing what is best for the largest number of dynamics and I, who do a lot of good in the society, is more valuable to that society than someone who wants to succumb and die. You may disagree with that and you may be willing to allow yourself to be killed over some insanity but that we would just have to disagree about. I happen to think you do more good than someone who wants you to kill them. I would support you if you did kill someone under those circumstances.
  12. And sometimes the individual wants to be killed and leaves no choice. Yes, I know that is insane but the reactive mind works that way sometimes. Sometimes it appears to an individual that the only way to stop them from harming others is to be, themselves, killed.
  13. The only reason why I would take the chance of killing someone would be if they pose what to me amounts to a lethal danger to myself or any other person. I would hate to have to do that. That would be the only way I would be able to justify it. There is no way I would push the plunger on a lethal injection sentence. I am very much against the death penalty although I strongly uphold the idea of self protection.
  14. It has been said that keeping the shiny side up is a help.
  15. Not too sure you really want an answer to that one. Just sayin.
  16. Today I went into the kitchen, wondered why I was there and walked out empty handed. Coffee sitting on the counter waiting for me to come back. It was cold by then.
  17. That is great work. I don't know if one would need a PHD but it sure requires talent and innovation. Both of which seem to be in too short of supply. Disclaimer, I don't think I could produce that, like Mark said: If only..........
  18. My body is older than that and I know I will never die. My body will wilt away and It will be burned but I will simply pick up another body and go on. After that body gets beyond use to me I will get yet another one. That is why I think it important to leave this place in such a way that I will endure next what I leave today. I fully understand Hyper but as someone said, there is only one way to find out. I know.
  19. You can never die. Only your body gets to be buried or burned. You are not your body.
  20. But they sure look a lot like "Smart pills" as my Dad used to call them.