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Everything posted by simplicitys-brother

  1. Star Spangled Banner Not Jimi, this is Madison Rising. Excellent.
  2. Good pickin and nice harmonica. Overall a B+
  3. No. I don't think that way. Control is control nothing else. It can be defined as start-change-stop easily enough.
  4. You're right Doggie but consider: If the desired outcome is a negative such as a prohibition on the vices shared by a few people is it really control or is it suppression of the desires of those suppressed? I would posit that bad control cannot exist because then we have crimes, not control. Real, good control always would thus have a good ending, such as in the examples I posted above. I do have to agree with you on this one. Government has seldom used control for the things it should but has often suppressed the liberties of the people and called it necessaary controls. There are members of this forum who think that is wise and wonderful.
  5. I don't think that is the kind that becomes a steer. Looks like a heifer to me. But, I could be wrong. A cool harmless hobby that she enjoys and maybe the heifer does too. Honestly though, I have never seen cows show any affection.
  6. So far you are all correct but there is way more. Control your children within the proper method and they will grow to be successful adults. Control your coffee cup and you won't spill a drop. Control traffic and there will be no collisions. Control those who refuse to control themselves and the world is safer for everyone. Note: I did not say punishment, I said control. There is a great big difference. Control your car and you won't have accidents or mechanical failures. Control your gun and you will hit where you're aiming. Control your temper and you will have no arguements. Control your life and you will much more enjoy living. That's enough for today.
  7. I'll explain later after work. Have at it.
  8. LeopardBoy is back. I think that calls for celebration.
  9. Welcome to the forum. I like what you said although in some ways I disagree. I would say that holiness really should be called survival in the way used here. Things are good which aid a better survival across the dynamics. Things are bad (evil) to the degree they destroy survival for the largest number of dynamics. There is no limit to good or bad, anything good can be made more of and anything bad can be increased as well.
  10. I am grateful that the way out of the cycle of birth, death, birth, death and on and on has been conquered and how to do it has been written down and made available to all. I am grateful that I have found that way and I am walking on it. I am grateful that there others who form a team to bring that ability to the rest of the planet. I am grateful that I will not be alone in the future millenia and I am grateful that I can communicate my finds to you.
  11. Not reallly true for me but I want to welcome you to the forum.Would you break down your name so I can see how it should be pronounced? There absolutely are spirits that cannot be seen by the human eye around and they have powers that humans cannot comprehend. Perhaps because they cannot feel the spirits they disavow them out of ignorance or fear.
  12. Tell me, how long has it been since there was a verified act of terrorism by the KKK? I wonder if some are barking up the wrong tree? Perpetuating a myth doesn't help anything. I too want to live in a world where we leave alone those who want to be left alone and I strongly hope they are successful in their games so long as they don't harm others.
  13. I tolerate things that lead to better survival for the largest number of dynamics even though they may not be my favorite things to do. I try to correct those tings that harm the greatest number of dynamics. I have a large tolerance for those who make a single simple mistake, I abhor those who commit crimes or continue to make the same stupid mistakes when they should have found a better way.
  14. Indeed so. I like my crocks too. I can cook alligator parts in my crocks but then I have to wash them.
  15. Why not do it right here? How much ground do you have to work with? First suggestion: Go to a lawn & Garden center such as Walmart of Meijers and ask lots of questions. Don't be deterred if the cashier doesn't have answers but go to the Dept mgr. or one of the guys who takes care of them at the store. Second suggestion: make friends with your local school, Jnr College or higher, caretakers. Third suggestion: do not stay in direct sunlight too long without long sleeved shirts and slacks. No swim suits in the garden. That advice from me, its worth what you paid for it.
  16. I think that we should not bother with hope. We plan the most unknown realm of existence and so long as we claim to not know we will have the mystery. Perhaps that is one of the games we play with ourselves. Hope and luck are synonyms in that they both require preparation to be valuable and it does take an amount of forecasting to predict what we should be prepared for. Planning and execution of our plans give us knowledge of our futures and the expectations of the rewards for having done it well. It gives us the game of overcoming obstacles we can know about which results in happiness. Nietzsche was a pompous ass.
  17. Thank you Grateful; I am content that I've been able to accomplish what I have. I am not content because there is so much more to do and yes, I overcome obstacles every day and that makes me happy because I am getting done what needs to be done. I am thankful that there are others who share my common goals and to an extent I do depend on them to do what they should so we can all make life better for self and others. That said, I do have great confidence in self that I can make good things happen. That too gets validated daily.
  18. A workable definition of Happiness could be: the overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a worthwhile goal. Makes faith obsolete in my mind.
  19. Actually Mike, it does because those who could not write never were able to get their ideas passed down to us. We don't have much of an idea what those ideas were.
  20. The root of all ethics and morals is survival. The better ones survival across the dynamics, the more ethical that person is. That which is moral is likewise pro-survival, that which is non survival is not moral nor ethical. The codification of some of them are simply records of what has been pro-survival to someone who could write. And don't confuse dynamics for numbers of people, it doesn't work that way.
  21. Welcome to the forum. Triumph don't burn rice, do they?
  22. I can't go there without getting in trouble so I'll stay away from this one. It appears we would just disagree.
  23. Evil could be defined as doing things that harm the survival potential of the greatest number of dynamics. When a person has a problem that they do not know the most survival way to solve they have little choice but to do an evil act. Evil is plainly against the personal code of working toward the most survival for all of the dynamics. There is no ultimate evil nor goodness, only shades of each. The technology of Ethics shows how to know what is good and what is bad. For example sometimes it is the best possible choice to kill another human being and sometimes it is terrible to shooo a fly away from the baby. The tipping point (between good and bad) would be the overall value to the largest number of dynamics.
  24. I am strongly against the forced recitation of any pledge. I think it should never be used in schools for any reason. The only proper use of this pledge, in my mind, would be when entering the US Military or elective office and in both times it should be as required as their current oathes of office. Should a child be punished because one day he just doesn't feel like making that pledge and his reason why doesn't matter at all.