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About Senior Lightworker Lucas

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Photography, Dance, Documentaries, Inspiring Quotes.
Pets / Animals
I have two cats and they are my BFFs. I love animals. :)
Grateful For
Access to basic necessities. Kindness, Hope, Inspiration, Autonomy.
Your Motto
Love is the Law.
Doctrine /Affiliation
ULC - Ecclectic, Quintessence, 93/93 - Love and Will
Other Details
Educator / Development Director
Website URL
www.ulc.net , ulcseminary.org
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Senior Lightworker Lucas's Achievements

Divine Being (12/17)
ChristLight started following Senior Lightworker Lucas
This topic is under review by the staff. It may currently be locked or open, depending upon why it is being reviewed. (Pls note that we don't have any information whatsoever about who this is, what they ordered, etc. as the name, email address and other registry information doesn't match what we would need to have to do a lookup in the order system or know what the issue is.)
Amalga9 started following Senior Lightworker Lucas
RevMariaNunez started following Senior Lightworker Lucas
Robward78 started following Senior Lightworker Lucas
MARIEGILBERT started following Senior Lightworker Lucas
Rev_Chrissi started following Senior Lightworker Lucas
Rev Charles Hicks started following Senior Lightworker Lucas
Gospel and Reincarnation
Senior Lightworker Lucas replied to Joyful's topic in Eastern Religions & Philosophies
I'll reference Lion's Roar since they are a well respected publisher of Buddhist concepts and manage to intermingle the different aspects of east/west traditional/modern decently well. Do Buddhists Believe in a Soul Essentially what is called a soul is a matter of vernacular. Some say soul, some say Buddhanature with a caveat that there is no ego attached. Therefore it is more of a nature or incorporeal force than a corporeal "spirit" or "entity." (What I referred to as 'soul energy' earlier; for the purpose of reincarnation - said energy would incorporate itself into a new form. -->incarnation.) -
Gospel and Reincarnation
Senior Lightworker Lucas replied to Joyful's topic in Eastern Religions & Philosophies
I am not sure what the Buddhist texts say about soul transfer in their texts. I didn't take to studying that part in depth. It is a curious question, though! I could be wrong; I think the Dalai Lama mentioned somewhere just as you have mentioned about your beliefs, that reincarnation isn't a progression up or down a hierarchical food chain. (e.g. if human, always reincarnated as human.) To me that would create somewhat of a caste system, based on how humanity approaches the value of life. Once a cockroach, always a cockroach? The creatures do serve a purpose even if it is not my purpose! However, I am unable to reconcile being stuck as a cockroach for 10,000 years for myself. I am of the belief that soul energy will return to serve the purpose which is most needed at the time. If I am needed to be a cricket for two days, a bee for a month... I am continuously part of a plan and purpose that is in a process of seeking balance and harmony. I was once told that I was a peasant who lived in Spain in the 1400s or something like that. It didn't resonate with me. Something else might have. That one not so much. -
As we go forward with laying new groundwork for communicating from the office to the open community, I hope we will be able to communicate to everyone on the forum that we care a great deal about all of you. Even if things are silent from our end, at the office we get to know you on the forum when we check in. In the future we will do a better job with presenting information to keep you in the loop with what is going on, and make everyone a part of a community sharing in the same ideals to make our online venues a better place! We also hope to do a much better job with communicating our appreciation and gratitude to you. A sincere thank you to all of our volunteers, and to all of our members who have devoted countless hours of participation and sharing experiences and trials, and to all who have offered support and encouragement to one another. Rev Al was such an example to the community as someone with an open mind and an open heart. He spoke with fairness and understanding. His energy continues to flow through here for many of us. His passing is a great loss to us all and we hope to do what we can to support anyone who can use a shoulder or an ear. From me, and on behalf of Brother Kevin, thank you all for your love, your support and patience over the years. We hope to communicate the same to you in return, to honor you more openly and much more often.
Welcome to the Interpath Academia & Scholarship Forum Area Interpath Dialogue, Universal Virtues and Values Please take a moment to read the following: Locked topics are old topics. Feel free to start a new topic based on a locked topic to open new, updated conversation with people who visit the forum currently. Hopefully the forum description and helpful keywords will help you determine if your topic is correct for this area. The keywords are only for guidance and suggestion. They can be viewed where you go to read and start topics within the forum area. Some subject matter for your topics will be "crossover" and may fit into several different places. You should only choose one area to post your topic in. When posting a topic that can go into multiple areas: Please consider: Who is the audience you want to be presenting your topic to? Who you would like to receive a response from primarily? Examples: If you hope for a response coming mostly from the Earth-Based & Indigenous Religions for the question "What Does God Mean to You?" - post the question in the forum where the practitioners hold their discussion. If the question is posted in our Monotheist forum, the responses will be different. We ask that you choose one area for your topic and don't spam across all of them for the same question. If you want a general poll, then post it in the Interpath Dialogue forum instead of a focus group. Note: No group is excluded from posting a reply in any area. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate everywhere. Others who do not study the same practice are welcomed to add comments and questions to compare, contrast and learn. If the topic isn't in an area focused on your own belief system, do not hijack the topic to make it all about you! No Territory The Interpath forums are designed so that we can observe, identify with, or learn more about central tenets and practices of other ideologies. We can observe groups engaging more naturally, using customary common greetings and observe each other using practitioner's vocabulary in the proper context of conversation vs explanation or definition. Interpath forums are not territories with exclusive borders. It is wise to assume that practitioners of every single belief system listed and even those not listed on the forum already exist here as registered members and regular visitors, or may be a lurking guest visitor who views and reads the forums. We will not fear bullying, ridicule or humiliation for our beliefs. We will feel welcome, invited and encouraged to share and learn in this space. Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply on the forum: The ULC Online Statements, Rules and Policies If there are any questions or concerns regarding posts or replies for this forum your volunteer moderator is here to assist. Your moderator is: TBD
Welcome to the Interpath Academia & Scholarship Forum Area Earth/Nature-Based & Indigenous Religions Please take a moment to read the following: Locked topics are old topics. Feel free to start a new topic based on a locked topic to open new, updated conversation with people who visit the forum currently. Hopefully the forum description and helpful keywords will help you determine if your topic is correct for this area. The keywords are only for guidance and suggestion. They can be viewed where you go to read and start topics within the forum area. Some subject matter for your topics will be "crossover" and may fit into several different places. You should only choose one area to post your topic in. When posting a topic that can go into multiple areas: Please consider: Who is the audience you want to be presenting your topic to? Who you would like to receive a response from primarily? Examples: If you hope for a response coming mostly from the Earth-Based & Indigenous Religions for the question "What Does God Mean to You?" - post the question in the forum where the practitioners hold their discussion. If the question is posted in our Monotheist forum, the responses will be different. We ask that you choose one area for your topic and don't spam across all of them for the same question. If you want a general poll, then post it in the Interpath Dialogue forum instead of a focus group. Note: No group is excluded from posting a reply in any area. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate everywhere. Others who do not study the same practice are welcomed to add comments and questions to compare, contrast and learn. If the topic isn't in an area focused on your own belief system, do not hijack the topic to make it all about you! No Territory The Interpath forums are designed so that we can observe, identify with, or learn more about central tenets and practices of other ideologies. We can observe groups engaging more naturally, using customary common greetings and observe each other using practitioner's vocabulary in the proper context of conversation vs explanation or definition. Interpath forums are not territories with exclusive borders. It is wise to assume that practitioners of every single belief system listed and even those not listed on the forum already exist here as registered members and regular visitors, or may be a lurking guest visitor who views and reads the forums. We will not fear bullying, ridicule or humiliation for our beliefs. We will feel welcome, invited and encouraged to share and learn in this space. Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply on the forum: The ULC Online Statements, Rules and Policies If there are any questions or concerns regarding posts or replies for this forum your volunteer moderator is here to assist. Your moderator is: TBD
Welcome to the Interpath Academia & Scholarship Forum Area Eastern Religions & Philosophies Please take a moment to read the following: Locked topics are old topics. Feel free to start a new topic based on a locked topic to open new, updated conversation with people who visit the forum currently. Hopefully the forum description and helpful keywords will help you determine if your topic is correct for this area. The keywords are only for guidance and suggestion. They can be viewed where you go to read and start topics within the forum area. Some subject matter for your topics will be "crossover" and may fit into several different places. You should only choose one area to post your topic in. When posting a topic that can go into multiple areas: Please consider: Who is the audience you want to be presenting your topic to? Who you would like to receive a response from primarily? Examples: If you hope for a response coming mostly from the Earth-Based & Indigenous Religions for the question "What Does God Mean to You?" - post the question in the forum where the practitioners hold their discussion. If the question is posted in our Monotheist forum, the responses will be different. We ask that you choose one area for your topic and don't spam across all of them for the same question. If you want a general poll, then post it in the Interpath Dialogue forum instead of a focus group. Note: No group is excluded from posting a reply in any area. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate everywhere. Others who do not study the same practice are welcomed to add comments and questions to compare, contrast and learn. If the topic isn't in an area focused on your own belief system, do not hijack the topic to make it all about you! No Territory The Interpath forums are designed so that we can observe, identify with, or learn more about central tenets and practices of other ideologies. We can observe groups engaging more naturally, using customary common greetings and observe each other using practitioner's vocabulary in the proper context of conversation vs explanation or definition. Interpath forums are not territories with exclusive borders. It is wise to assume that practitioners of every single belief system listed and even those not listed on the forum already exist here as registered members and regular visitors, or may be a lurking guest visitor who views and reads the forums. We will not fear bullying, ridicule or humiliation for our beliefs. We will feel welcome, invited and encouraged to share and learn in this space. Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply on the forum: The ULC Online Statements, Rules and Policies If there are any questions or concerns regarding posts or replies for this forum your volunteer moderator is here to assist. Your moderator is: TBD
Welcome to the Interpath Academia & Scholarship Forum Area Freethought, Secularism, No Religion Please take a moment to read the following: Locked topics are old topics. Feel free to start a new topic based on a locked topic to open new, updated conversation with people who visit the forum currently. Hopefully the forum description and helpful keywords will help you determine if your topic is correct for this area. The keywords are only for guidance and suggestion. They can be viewed where you go to read and start topics within the forum area. Some subject matter for your topics will be "crossover" and may fit into several different places. You should only choose one area to post your topic in. When posting a topic that can go into multiple areas: Please consider: Who is the audience you want to be presenting your topic to? Who you would like to receive a response from primarily? Examples: If you hope for a response coming mostly from the Earth-Based & Indigenous Religions for the question "What Does God Mean to You?" - post the question in the forum where the practitioners hold their discussion. If the question is posted in our Monotheist forum, the responses will be different. We ask that you choose one area for your topic and don't spam across all of them for the same question. If you want a general poll, then post it in the Interpath Dialogue forum instead of a focus group. Note: No group is excluded from posting a reply in any area. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate everywhere. Others who do not study the same practice are welcomed to add comments and questions to compare, contrast and learn. If the topic isn't in an area focused on your own belief system, do not hijack the topic to make it all about you! No Territory The Interpath forums are designed so that we can observe, identify with, or learn more about central tenets and practices of other ideologies. We can observe groups engaging more naturally, using customary common greetings and observe each other using practitioner's vocabulary in the proper context of conversation vs explanation or definition. Interpath forums are not territories with exclusive borders. It is wise to assume that practitioners of every single belief system listed and even those not listed on the forum already exist here as registered members and regular visitors, or may be a lurking guest visitor who views and reads the forums. We will not fear bullying, ridicule or humiliation for our beliefs. We will feel welcome, invited and encouraged to share and learn in this space. Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply on the forum: The ULC Online Statements, Rules and Policies If there are any questions or concerns regarding posts or replies for this forum your volunteer moderator is here to assist. Your moderator is: TBD
Welcome to the Interpath Academia & Scholarship Forum Area Monotheist Theologies & Scriptures Please take a moment to read the following: Locked topics are old topics. Feel free to start a new topic based on a locked topic to open new, updated conversation with people who visit the forum currently. Hopefully the forum description and helpful keywords will help you determine if your topic is correct for this area. The keywords are only for guidance and suggestion. They can be viewed where you go to read and start topics within the forum area. Some subject matter for your topics will be "crossover" and may fit into several different places. You should only choose one area to post your topic in. When posting a topic that can go into multiple areas: Please consider: Who is the audience you want to be presenting your topic to? Who you would like to receive a response from primarily? Examples: If you hope for a response coming mostly from the Earth-Based & Indigenous Religions for the question "What Does God Mean to You?" - post the question in the forum where the practitioners hold their discussion. If the question is posted in our Monotheist forum, the responses will be different. We ask that you choose one area for your topic and don't spam across all of them for the same question. If you want a general poll, then post it in the Interpath Dialogue forum instead of a focus group. Note: No group is excluded from posting a reply in any area. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate everywhere. Others who do not study the same practice are welcomed to add comments and questions to compare, contrast and learn. If the topic isn't in an area focused on your own belief system, do not hijack the topic to make it all about you! No Territory The Interpath forums are designed so that we can observe, identify with, or learn more about central tenets and practices of other ideologies. We can observe groups engaging more naturally, using customary common greetings and observe each other using practitioner's vocabulary in the proper context of conversation vs explanation or definition. Interpath forums are not territories with exclusive borders. It is wise to assume that practitioners of every single belief system listed and even those not listed on the forum already exist here as registered members and regular visitors, or may be a lurking guest visitor who views and reads the forums. We will not fear bullying, ridicule or humiliation for our beliefs. We will feel welcome, invited and encouraged to share and learn in this space. Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply on the forum: The ULC Online Statements, Rules and Policies If there are any questions or concerns regarding posts or replies for this forum your volunteer moderator is here to assist. Your moderator is: TBD
Welcome to the Interpath Academia & Scholarship Forum Area New Age Theosophy & Cosmic Humanism Please take a moment to read the following: Locked topics are old topics. Feel free to start a new topic based on a locked topic to open new, updated conversation with people who visit the forum currently. Hopefully the forum description and helpful keywords will help you determine if your topic is correct for this area. The keywords are only for guidance and suggestion. They can be viewed where you go to read and start topics within the forum area. Some subject matter for your topics will be "crossover" and may fit into several different places. You should only choose one area to post your topic in. When posting a topic that can go into multiple areas: Please consider: Who is the audience you want to be presenting your topic to? Who you would like to receive a response from primarily? Examples: If you hope for a response coming mostly from the Earth-Based & Indigenous Religions for the question "What Does God Mean to You?" - post the question in the forum where the practitioners hold their discussion. If the question is posted in our Monotheist forum, the responses will be different. We ask that you choose one area for your topic and don't spam across all of them for the same question. If you want a general poll, then post it in the Interpath Dialogue forum instead of a focus group. Note: No group is excluded from posting a reply in any area. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate everywhere. Others who do not study the same practice are welcomed to add comments and questions to compare, contrast and learn. If the topic isn't in an area focused on your own belief system, do not hijack the topic to make it all about you! No Territory The Interpath forums are designed so that we can observe, identify with, or learn more about central tenets and practices of other ideologies. We can observe groups engaging more naturally, using customary common greetings and observe each other using practitioner's vocabulary in the proper context of conversation vs explanation or definition. Interpath forums are not territories with exclusive borders. It is wise to assume that practitioners of every single belief system listed and even those not listed on the forum already exist here as registered members and regular visitors, or may be a lurking guest visitor who views and reads the forums. We will not fear bullying, ridicule or humiliation for our beliefs. We will feel welcome, invited and encouraged to share and learn in this space. Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply on the forum: The ULC Online Statements, Rules and Policies If there are any questions or concerns regarding posts or replies for this forum your volunteer moderator is here to assist. Your moderator is: TBD
Hello and Welcome to the ULC Online Forum If you are a newly ordained minister, congratulations and welcome! We are happy to have all ministers and members join us here at the official gathering place for Universal Life Church. Please browse the forum, ask questions, and get to know other ULC Ministers and Members. If you are about to perform your first wedding ceremony for friends or family, more congratulations are in order! Hopefully the following information will help point you in the right direction for this very special and unique occasion. Many of our newly ordained ministers ask about where to find ceremonies for an upcoming wedding. Our forum has ceremonies available to read in various areas. The ULC Minister Supply Store offers supplies for weddings which includes many types of ceremony books you may be looking for. For other information needs, we also have a Legal Resource Center & Minister FAQ here on the forum. The Help Desk forum holds Frequently Asked Questions. The Legal Questions Forum is open to post a question in if something in the FAQ is not clear or might appear to be out of date. Ministers who are registered on our forum and have 25 posts/replies can add information to the forum to share about their ULC Congregations or Websites. Information about forum post count achievements and the colored medals below our usernames called 'pips' can be found here. Every registered visitor who has made 25 posts/replies will unlock the ability to create a custom title in their profile to replace "Titled Friend." Or, one can choose to keep the default titles listed if preferred. Except for the Forum Innkeeper accounts, (site owners) the ULC Online Forum Staff is presently and has always been maintained and run by a wonderful and dedicated group of unpaid volunteers. We are thankful for the generous offer of their time over many years. It is our hope that you will take the opportunity to get to know them and our other long-time forum family members. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the forum, posts or replies, all members of the forum are quite helpful. A friendly hand is likely to assist you. Please take the following into serious consideration when creating a topic and posting a reply: ULC Online Forum Statements, Rules and Policies Again welcome and enjoy your visits and interactions here at the ULC Online Forum. Other helpful information: The only doctrine of Universal Life Church is; "Do that which is right." Universal Life Church was founded by Kirby Hensley and incorporated in the state of California in 1962. Universal Life Church International Headquarters (ULCHQ) is located in Modesto, California. Under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, your ordination is recognized as legal in all 50 States. Laws and protocols regarding officiating weddings and performing other ceremonies will vary based on your location. Your ordination information is kept on record at ULCHQ. If your name, address or other important information changes, please submit an update here. The current presiding head of the church at Headquarters is Reverend Andre Hensley. The official Universal Life Church family is: ULCHQ, ULC Online, and ULC Seminary. There are no other site names or affiliations considered official or recognized by our Headquarters other than the sites listed above. Becoming ordained through our websites is 100% free. If your ordination was not free, the site is not an affiliate of Universal Life Church. It is another entity. If you were not ordained through any one of the three sites listed above, we will not have your ordination records to issue a credential because you were ordained by another entity. You are welcomed and encouraged to become ordained through our website and have a record of your ordination entered into the church records at Headquarters in Modesto, California. You can then begin your own process to receive your legal document(s) through the original founding Headquarters or the genuine Universal Life Church associates. There is no requirement to be ordained through any of our sites (or at all) to participate on the forum, shop at our store, or belong to any of our online communities. This information is also on our Wikipedia page here.