Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have.

    Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding!


  2. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open bunch of folks that we have.

    Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding!


  3. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path.

    Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand you...

  4. We stay Maui 8 years, Kahana north. We owned Lighthouse Tattoo Lahaina on Hinau and Honoapi'ilani Hwy across from Pizza Hut from '01-04.. so you Maui or other island...not matter brah Aloha No! anyway!

    No can wait to go back to the aloha and ohana o'kanaka, this time stay 4 life!

    pomai'kai o maluhi'a

  5. I'm going to see if I can find the article...think it was NY Times or Wash Post back around '04/05...Benny does NOT pay the carpenter and pool guy...even after judgements in court against him. What I remember most was a group of 5-6 people had done work for him and never got paid. They filed small claims and each got judgements to which he never paid still...then just before it turned to a criminal matter for not obeying courts, he would pay them the principle amount owed, no interest no penalty or late fee...just the principle amount. The jest of the article was that by doing so he made additional millions by keeping his money earning interest for him instead of paying people who slaved over working for him. In the end, they were just happy to get their pittance. Benny Hinn is one of the most glorified charlatans of the 21st century...even if people finally wake up and he never entertains a single other healing session, he's still sitting darn good...his arrogance and self proclaimed abilities would be funny if it weren't for the thousands of lives he has destroyed in the wake of his "ministry". Certainly, many will say his victims weren't coerced and "no one held a gun to their head" ...this is true...but he did worse he gave them hope, then shattered people's last remaining shreds of dignity with the stroke of a pen. What was the guy's name in late 90's? Aldrige? Daldrige? The fellow who Hinn's henchmen found out had good money (a few million) and he desired help for his sister's MS or other debilitating dis-ease, and Hinn bled him dry, working on his heart "You don't really love your sister if you can't make this sacrifice of's only money" etc Not only a charlatan, but hypocrite as well...took nearly everything the man had worked his entire life for by playing on his emotions in front of thousands and millions watching at home. GRRRRRR! Well, as is said about people like him whether he gets sent to hell, has to learn his lesson in the next incarnation or is cast adrift in the Lifeless Seas, he'll get his in the end...even looking at the above is a Blessings of Peace, Frankly...anyone posting anything to do with Hinn...should be ! GRRRR!! ...and actually, IMNSHO any of the many Tele-vangelist should all burn in the realms of Helja for their Works here on Midgaard...and be cell-mated with Loki!
  6. Unfortunately, many of us hold a personal understanding to things like this. Blessings of Peace
  7. Happy birthday! Many Blessings to you this and every day!

  8. Ya know, I was just reminded of something, from a shout by Hexalpa, that applies here. In my military service days I was so fortunate to have been allowed to visit dozens of countries I otherwise would have never been able to see and I found a Universal Principle during that period of my Life...people may choose to respect and co-mingle peacefully, individuals from all walks of life everywhere just want the same thing...a feeling of belonging and peaceful existence. It's our governments that have lost sight of this, our militarist leaders that cause conflict and those with the least invested that create war. Much is the same with all the diverse attitudes here in the ULC, many "factions" have lost sight of Rev. Hensley's original ideal. Personal interests and greed of those in authority have overridden the desires of the People (the individual ministers, pastor's etc) to peacefully co-exist and promote "That which is Right". Unfortunately what has gone on between Arizona/Seattle/Modesto and elsewhere, based organizations has confused the average folks and those who only desire to spread their message peacefully. So ministerMRG, yes, you have found the forum associated with the Original, Modesto Headquarters. We welcome you aboard and sincerely hope that you will find something among our many topics and posts that helps you along your Journey. We also look forward to hearing more from you in the future and about your Message and ideals. Blessings of Peace,
  9. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path.We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs.

    Blessings of Peace,

  10. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path.We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs.

    Blessings of Peace,

  11. Sickening.... I think you use the "Attachments" in Full Editor and then once loaded there, to right, "Add to Post" click and done...if I demember correctly. Make sure your cursor is where you want image or imbed...and if THAT doesn't do it...try the multi square box at top "Insert media" Blessings of Peace,
  12. I see 808 in your s/n...Aloha?

  13. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path you have taken for your ministry, at whatever capacity that may be.

    We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs,

    Blessings of Peace,

  14. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path you have taken for your ministry, at whatever capacity that may be.

    We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs,

    Blessings of Peace,

  15. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path you have taken for your ministry, at whatever capacity that may be.

    We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs,

    Blessings of Peace,

  16. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path you have taken for your ministry, at whatever capacity that may be.

    We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs,

    Blessings of Peace,

  17. Welcome to the forum. I hope you'll find something of interest and value here for your Good Works.

    Many Blessings of Peace to you and yours,

  18. There are so many ways a person can do so Idaho....may your Path be Enlightened and your Journey safe along whichever endeavor you find suits your needs best! Blessings of Peace,
  19. I saw that too md...just I HATE doing other people's homework! :P
  20. In what context? It could mean many things from the tid-bit there, but usually it means some sort of verification from the licensing agency that credentials and such have been duly noted and "certified" by the dept or agency. Without seeing the whole document and putting it in context though I'm really not there a link to what you are referring to? Blessings,
  21. How wonderful Bluecat! May your hard work and endeavors be duly rewarded! It's always so cool to hear when people reach towards goals and then obtain what they were after! and Yes, I'll definitely like to be added to "Premier Night"! I'd also like to purchase a copy when it's gets in print so be sure to update us with that jolly news and link as well! Blessings of Peace,
  22. I thought I had already posted, but with my mixed up head of late...sorry to be late in posting. ...The bottom line is you both have been in my prayers for the last few days. Being diabetic isn't the end of the world as I have been diagnosed for going on 7 years. The main thing though, do not take your doctor's word 100% as being the only truth about it. The American and National Diabetes Associations as well as myriad other sources are needed here. Do you own searches and create your own favorites, read, read!!! Come up with what makes sense to you! I am continuously fighting with my doctor over pills...he tries to cram every diabetes pill under the sun down my throat. For me I have found that a minor change in diet, with 1/4 the dose of meds has made a 1000% change in how I feel. I eat chocolate, sugar, and all the things you're not "suppose to", but in total moderation. MY A1c is never where the doc would "like it", but his number compared to how I feel is far more important to me. Like anything, it's common sense and your partner knows her body better than any doctor...take the doc's advice, but tailor it to your own needs and research, research, research until you find what averages out to your Truth on the matter! Blessings of Peace, .
  23. Aren't those chance encounters something to behold? Every time Kay and I have such experiences it is something we chatter about for's always such a Blessing sent from the Creator in our thinking. And yes, when a person mimics the sound it's always funny to see the expressions on the animals...sorta like when someone foreign to a language speaks with their "funny accent" we do the cocked head look and smile thingy...but then as I always say, it would be twice as funny the other way around as I can barely speak my native tongue, let alone human or animal in whatever is natural to them! I am a constant source of crack ups and laughter to my Swedish relatives when I try speaking Swede...I just can't seem to "get it". And then, to end the walk-about with home made strawberry jam! Oh my, what a purely stupendous and miraculous day you had!! Blessings of Peace,
  24. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe?

    It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix.

    Many Blessings to You and Yours,