Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  3. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  4. You have my curiosity up...just what type of performance were you doing to incite the assault of hot liquids and glass bottles upon your person? I don't want to jump to conclusions about your performance ability prior to inquiring, but the assaults you suggest, though certainly not proper, are generally indicative of very poor acting/performance.. etc or of being on the brash side of things. Blessings of Peace,
  5. Avatar (2009) has to be my #1 pick of the too numerous to calculate movies out since 2004...other than that your pick, your guess. This was one movie that struck several chords in me from the obvious of the over the top 3-D CGI cinema-graphics to the storyline...superb! Blessings of Peace,
  6. I finally got an e-mail response from the folks I know up north, Beth repeated the need of a "Earth-bearing Shaman" several times. I honestly don't know what the definition refers to, but I'm assuming a shaman that specializes in things of the physical Earth and it's properties. A good part of her response was simply rituals she uses, but I'm uncertain how much actually applies to your wife's situation, therefor the only part I feel comfortable in forwarding is about the specific shaman...hope it helps at least a bit. Blessings of Peace,
  7. You, well your wife, is the second person I've ever come across having this sort of thing going on. The other person I knew about called it "The Sensing" and she could predict earthquake about 15 minutes to half hour prior to the actual quake and the direction associated to her where it would might be in Japan, but she'd say "one's going to be west of here" type thing...she often said she wished she could be more precise as to the area/location. I haven't spoken to this couple in many years (old neighbors in Willow Creek) but they are more than likely still in their home as they loved the area and still had children to should be college age now. She went through the usual "your crazy" gambit with several doctors until she found a specialist in Crescent City, CA. A homeopathic and herbal medicinal practitioner if I recall correctly. I will try to get in touch with them and see if they have gathered more info on this unusual condition. In the meantime, tell your wife she's 1.) not crazy 2.) not alone 3.) help is available....I will call them this afternoon and post whatever I find out for ya Blessings Be,
  8. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  9. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  10. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  11. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  12. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  15. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  16. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  17. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  18. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  19. Bishop - I didn't get my household chores done today, nor did I get to the neighborhood watch meeting on time. I failed to get the garage cleaned out and the patio swept and dinner sat and burned in the kettle on the stove.... ...all because I watched 87 videos in a row of Postmodern Juke Box featuring "Puddles"... I'm sure there's some sort of penance I should do for acting out as such...but being's there only a few more of their vid's I haven't seen, could we talk about it after I clean the rat cages...tomorrow!?...pleeeeez Blessings Be,
  20. Somehow and sometimes it seems we go from to and before ya know it we're at and then when all we really wanted in the first place is, like you said, the occasional. It certainly can be a heart wrenching ordeal to get past where you are currently, but as always, honesty is the best policy. Like Mark and Bro Kaman said/inferred, keeping things at your level of comfort isn't always easy and what you have invested in this friendship vs what she has invested seems to be quite different. I would hit her with the reality check and if that didn't work on the peaceful level, a firm foot down and "NO!" would follow. Of course, none of us are in exactly the same shoes as you, but I think I've worn a close enough it sounds like Mark and Bro K have too, to lay it on the line and stop the intrusions. After all, from our side-bars it sounds to me like you have things going on with immediate family that deserve your undivided attention and of far more concern than an old school chum. If she can't understand that, well then me thinks she don't understand much! Hoping you get some understanding and healing from her.... Blessings of Peace, Al
  21. One of the older men in our community just celebrated his 80th b-day the other day at our Community House and when asked if there was anything left to do in life he spent nearly an hour going down the list of things that a "Good Christian" (his words repeatedly) can look forward to when getting to heaven. He knew he had earned his reward of the "Seven crowns", "everlasting life", "unending peace" and "glorified life with Christ at his side"...which was interesting because he went on and on about that part like Christ would literally be right at his side for the rest of eternity....well, for a few people I could see Christ being in the middle of their circle...but what about the millions of Christians that have "earned these favors of God and/or Christ"? Don't they also get to have him right there, next to them, at their side?? I realize we will probably be in an ethereal state after death and therefore probably not be subjected to the current laws of physics we are here on Earth, but it's still difficult to imagine millions of souls all being able to maintain certain "rewards" as suggested in the Bible for the believer to have for eternity. I don't know what the exact rewards are, nor do I care because gold crowns, streets paved in gold and all the other references to golden rewards just seems ludicrous to me for those who claim their spiritual reward is all that is necessary....seems to me the "golden reward" theory was tossed in by mankind...not God...and just one more thing to make people desire a certain path rather than express a reality. And yeah, every time I take a good look around I see the wonders of "God" (Creator, The One, The All, Almighty,etc......whatever label you wish) ...we live so close to Castle Air Museum airstrip that when the old birds B-17, B-25, P-40, P-38 and even the Marlin's fly over our house we can actually feel the prop wash and watch the dust and leaves fly off our roof...though made by mankind....just another wondrous thing alongside the Creator given miracles in our world! We have cats so we see miracles everyday!
  22. Since being a contestant on America's Got Talent the Prince has gone back to private performances and still makes several appearances per month at various venues...he might be a bit on the fringe, but what a voice eh? Uniquely qualified individual! Blessings of Peace,
  23. I am glad to know a few who are exactly like what you are saying Bro Kaman, completely at peace with who they are and what they believe without any need to convince others' of anything. One of these type couples lives down a few houses from us and quite often (at Neighborhood Watch meetings) mentions what Panpareil did: I completely understand where you're coming from Panpareil and I can include myself in that "group" as it were because I am rather up front and full on critical of the Phelps type, and many others in this world. You are also correct in this is brought on by my view of Self. Legally I have made all reparations the courts would have me do, but Spiritually I don't think it's even scratched the surface of the penance I think I owe the world from a decade of self indulgence and decadence when I thought I knew it all. Especially young folks, I do go a bit overboard on them simply due to the fact I (we all - anyone over 40 !) know they are merely blinded by youthful indiscretion and inexperience. But hey, when a older fella tries to get the younger ones to "man up" about things he's considered either a zealot or crackpot no matter what side of the fence he's on religiously and that is not always the case. Sometimes we just want to warn younger folks of the dangerous path they are treading on when they choose a life without control, without peace and without some form of Spirituality or Divine intervention or direction in their lives. You express a view many of us do coming from similar backgrounds Gruffydd, I too grew up Lutheran/Evangelical and is probably at least partly responsible for my views of Self and why I speak out against bigots and hypocrites so much. To me it does not add up that one self proclaimed authority or book is any more important or of value than another. One point I think a lot of folks overlook is; Up until the crucifixion of Christ, when any religious reading or oration was given, from any belief, it was done so in the context of "this is how we believe" or "this is what our ancestors taught us" type of perspective....never the authoritarian "this is the ONLY truth!" perspective that has been aggressively forced upon humanity since Paul, then Constantine, began to you know what to you know who regarding Belief and Faith..... It's all been down hill since then. Blessings of Peace,
  24. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  25. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al