Bro. Hex

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Everything posted by Bro. Hex

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your Mum passing, Pete. Even though it does sound like it may have been a "blessing in disguise" for her, still, it is never easy to lose a parent. I am so glad that many of us here have found "family" among our membership; Many of you feel like family to me too. Sending some of Frank's bright blessings your way, Pete..
  2. Excellent suggestion, Leo... assuming, of course that Raincloud returned to Christianity in a somewhat "reflexive" fashion... still a good question, in any case.
  3. Jonathan is right about one thing: THOSE CHRISTIANITIES ... they come in a wide variety. Pagan is good.... Neo or otherwise, I suppose. The Christians of old (or their Master) demonized the Pagans most unfairly. It was all about "market share", although no one called it that back then. Just as it was with the bad-blood between Christians and Jews back then. The Christian tradition has always been an Omnivore... and has adopted (co-opted, really) ideas and traditions from every competing tradition that it encountered. Having said this much, I suppose it is somewhat "odd" that I continue to self-identify as "a Christian"... but I do. I suppose it derives from an stubborn refusal to "let the bad guys win". Understand that I am using the terms "bad guys" metaphorically., and that what I mean to imply is something closer to "misguided". At any rate, I am not willing, so far, to allow "Christianity" to be defined by those people who practice a judgmental, punitive, hierarchical, dogmatic, rigid approach to what "God" is all about.
  4. I don't see science as dogmatic... at all. Science... legitimate science... is evidence-based, and always open to revision if and when new evidence arises. Evidence itself, of course must be objective evidence, and not mere opinions or "feelings" (no mater how many people espouse such). While I do acknowledge that "pure objectivity" is difficult (if not impossible) to achieve, as long as one is following scientific methodology, as rigorously as possible, one will attain the nearest approximation to objectivity that is possible within the human condition
  5. Call the ambulance... and don't tell the hospital how you know "what you know" You haven't said "He told me this", so you haven't violated "the seal", Just say: "I can't tell you How I Know, but I KNOW...and this man needs a stomach pump"
  6. Want to know what NEFARIOUS machinations one of the WORST OFFENDER "FAKE ULCs" around is "up to" these days ?: WE (The "Good Guys"..members of .the ORIGINAL Universal Life Church) operate this "Modesto sanctioned" forum, right ? And our URL for this forum is ... what ? FORUM.ULC.NET right ? So this is what new URL that THE MONASTERY has chosen to obtain: FORUMULC.NET Which will get you a REDIRECT to: (which isn't even "a forum" at all !!!) Notice the "missing dot" between "FORUM" and "ULC" ?? That's dishonest, low-life and disgusting... "in my opinion". just the sort of thing that I have come to expect from
  7. I would NEVER put Amy Long, or her ULC Seminary, into the same category with the "fake ULC sites" (such as the Monastery). For one thing, she is "in communion with" Modesto. For another, I like her products.... and her self.
  8. If "Atheism" can be someone's religion (and some atheists claim that it is), I don't see why Universal Life can't be "another religion", and therefore a religious "denomination". Ask yourself this: Is Scientology a "denomination" ??? (many Scientologist say "yes, it is")... and it certainly is NOT a subset of Christianity. If Scientology can be a "denomination" (and/or a Religion... even though it posits no "God" as such), why can't we ??? If anyone is uncomfortable saying that their denomination is "Universal Life", why not just say that you are a Unitarian, or a Universalist (U-U), which is a RECOGNIZED denomination, and one with which ULC is a "perfect fit" ? Just say that you are a Unitarian, unaffiliated with any U-U congregation !
  9. I vote with Kirby (and BpCorey) I say we are a denomination and our Creed is "Do that which is right" A denomination (subgroup) of what?? of RELIGION.
  10. I am pretty darn sure that lordie is right, BpCorey. I think that if you have been "turned down" for food stamps OR Medicaid coverage that you need to seek a local advocate for the rights of the poor. I cannot IMAGINE how you manage to survive on only $300 per month (free abode, or no free abode).
  11. Sin is.... perhaps.... a religiously "inspired" concept (within our culture...I cannot speak for other cultures). EVIL is a MORAL concept which may, or may not, be "tied" to sin (in the minds of people who believe in sin). One does not have to be religious, or even a God believer, in order to have a moral sensibility. Atheists can, and often do, behave according to their own moral sensibilities. Evil is, to my mind at least, a very real hypostasis, whether or not a quality of "persona" is attributed to it.
  12. Please feel free... every now and again... to remind us of this Wiccan Rede It is far too easy for we non0Wiccans to forget that which we see or hear infrequently Thanks for sharing!!
  14. If you really wonder what that would look like, do a bit of nrt surfing on the topic of Yaldabaoth (alternative spelling = Ialdabaoth) and/or "The God above God"
  15. I'm sar-reee, I'm sar-arr-ray !!!!
  16. I totally like the subject matter of this thread... There SHOULD be lots of "secular" benedictions. There is nothing in the nature of a blessing that necessitates a creed of any sort... it just takes a change of perspective to get used to this concept that runs counter to our cultural expectations.
  17. Could not have said it better, merer. Thanks for putting so well, something that I was only "intuiting" ! "Judging is wrong and stupid"
  18. I agree with you on some aspects of your observations, Pan, but not on others. Yes, social programs are a tool for domesticating human beings. But I disagree with your cynical view that the purpose is to render people "more docile". That is just one way of viewing things... and I think it is a jaundiced view. It is equally valid to suggest that the "purpose" is to render society more "civil". .. or to enable more people to attain their potential. There are many possible, and perhaps actual, "purposes" for domestic programs. It strikes me that you object to these programs because they are "unnatural, even artificial". But societies themselves are " un-natural constructs... as are "markets" and "marketplaces". And "free markets" only exist in fantasy tales. All markets that the world has ever witnessed have been skewed and manipulated by those who would attempt to attain a monopoly, or by those who would create artificial shortages, or those who would strive to destroy a competitor. Competition is a buzz-word that all entrepreneurs pay vocal homage to, while in truth, they do everything in their power to avoid effective competition.
  19. Most young guys who "sag their pants" do so because "they think it is cool". It appears to be a "gangsta fad". And in a sense, it really IS "gangsta", because this "practice" originated in prison yards around this country. What (I am relatively sure) most of the young dudes who do this don't realize is that this practice originated in the prison yard as a way of advertising: "Yo, I am available for anal sex"