Letter To The Hensley Family

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Ancient Helenistic Tomb prayer:

Parched with thirst am I, and dying.

Nay, drink of Me, the ever-flowing Spring

Where on the right is a fair cypress.

Who are you? Where are you?--I am the son

of earth and of star-filled Heaven, but

from heaven alone is my house.

To all who love Lida Hensley, to all who value and benefit from the work of the Hensleys and the ULC: Blessings & strength. May Lida continue to help us from beyond the threshold of death.

Rev. Van-Manen

Universal Life Church United Kingdom



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My love and blessings go out to the Hensley family. Many of us are forever grateful for all that your family has done to aid us in our lives and our rights.

May Lida's soul be free to continue her work in love and light on the other side.

Peace be with you all,

Rev. Deborah Bussa


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I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.

I lost my father a few years ago and know what it feels like to lose a parent. Time will ease the pain I promise you. Your parents were an awesome display of tolerance, love, fairness and examples of Christ. I know that we will all carry their spirits on in everything that we do. You and your family were very blessed to have her and your father in your lives.

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