Charlie And The Choclate Factory


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Okay, had I never seen the original, I might very well have been satisfied with the new one.

However, I found it paling in comparison, in terms of script alone.

The original Willy had a much more biting wit. And, frankly, more lines in general.

Dont get me wrong, I did enjoy Depp's version in its sheer weirdness. And the additional back story on Willy was nice.

Again, were it nor for the original, I would have enjoyed this one more...

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For the Willy Wonka fans of the new movie. go to: and click on, mobile. and they will send you the poly and mono themes for your cell phone for free. they only send them as a packette message thou.


It says click here and the click takes you back to the main page. What do you mean by packette message? My phone only acccepts certain forms of ringtone entry, and I really want a willy wonka one.

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  • Moderator
Be very careful of the sugar free variety.  Some of them have an, ahem, laxative effect.

Baskin Robbins has a very good sugar free mint chocolate chip hard candy.


Thanks Mommy, most of them actually have that effect. I read all the packages on the sugar free stuff. I have the Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip hard candies right next to me actually. I love those. Sugar free jolly ranchers are good as well and now they have sugar free milanos which makes me mondo happy.


I too can confirm this.

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