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My philosophy teacher Mr. Kovelewski in college in 1998 made the contradictory argument to us, the first day of class.  He was a Russian Catholic till he switched to atheism.  One student tried to argue the Christian perspective and failed.  It reminds me a lot of the movie God's not dead, except without the obvious bias.  That student didn't come back.


I have heard that none are so blind as those who won't see.  

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If someone wants me to accept an unjustiied belief,  then they have to justify the belief and prove that that there is something in the belief and it's not just supported by fiction and unsubstantiated repetitive dogma. It should be something I can question in my own mind without emotional blackmail  by saying I will be punished by their believed unsubstantiated god for doing so.

I am 65 years of age and witnessed much suffering and hurt as people make sense of this life in desperate conditions. I can say I want a chance for me and everyone to be forgiven because there are many hurts in this life. The idea of a so called god who cannot see that and wants to destroy all who do not have a said belief is for me immoral and then when I see that god has no evidence or intervention and watched so many die in war, disease, hunger, disaster, poverty and can sit back and watch 6 million Jews being massacred,  or others in the new years day tidal wave and so many other events and then has the blatant cheek to say that God loves us then forgive me if I vomit with the revulsion. I demand real proof and not notion.

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51 minutes ago, Pete said:

If someone wants me to accept an unjustiied belief,  then they have to justify the belief and prove that that there is something in the belief and it's not just supported by fiction and unsubstantiated repetitive dogma. It should be something I can question in my own mind without emotional blackmail  by saying I will be punished by their believed unsubstantiated god for doing so.

I am 65 years of age and witnessed much suffering and hurt as people make sense of this life in desperate conditions. I can say I want a chance for me and everyone to be forgiven because there are many hurts in this life. The idea of a so called god who cannot see that and wants to destroy all who do not have a said belief is for me immoral and then when I see that god has no evidence or intervention and watched so many die in war, disease, hunger, disaster, poverty and can sit back and watch 6 million Jews being massacred,  or others in the new years day tidal wave and so many other events and then has the blatant cheek to say that God loves us then forgive me if I vomit with the revulsion. I demand real proof and not notion.



To speak of God in the abstract, is not useful.  God is a three letter word.  It helps to be specific.


There is the God of Deism.  Maybe it is real.  Maybe it's not.  I don't think it actually matters.


There is the God of Pantheism.  There are some interesting ideas here.  All natural forces as God?  Conflating God with the Universe?  Maybe the Universe itself is sentient?  The connective unity of all things?  God is One?  Some interesting ideas.  I think it makes confusion without benefit, to throw in the God word.


There are the modernisms.  God is Love. God is the ultimate mystery.  Etc. In the end, it's all word salad.  IMO


Taoism allows for more abstraction.  "The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao."  Sometimes, Tao is translated as God.  I think that doing so is a mistake.


The Force, is dumbed down Taoism, with it's own mythology and magic.


The God of Hinduism or Vedanta is open to interpretation.  It is many gods.  It is one God with many aspects.  Similar to the Christian Trinity, except the idea is taken a lot further.


Of course, the God of the Bible and Koran.  Along with the angels, devils and other supernatural elements.  I suppose it could be real.  There is no good reason to think so.  The God's attributes are a logical contradiction.  Pretense to the contrary, there is no supporting evidence.  But sure, it could be real.  Not that it matters.








Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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The word God can be describing many things.  I guess if there is a conscious god  then to separate itself from the processes of just functions I look for logical sequences of suggested thought and consistency.  However, that may be a mistake because it maybe possible for a stupid blundering god.

With the biblical god  I see Inconsistencies in that you have an OT god who is busy destroying all in its path and a NT god that is prepared to die to save everyone.  That to me causes cognitive dissonance and I see a break in the logical pathways.  That is one of the reasons I don't see the biblical good as possible. It is the quandary a good God that is also a psychopathic killer, a loving god who cannot forgive disobedience   or caring God who claims to intervene but does not. That to me is evidence of inconsistency and the absence of reality, but I could be wrong a stupid, temperamental,  inconsistent,  or a illogical god  may exist.

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28 minutes ago, Pete said:

The word God can be describing many things.  I guess if there is a conscious god  then to separate itself from the processes of just functions I look for logical sequences of suggested thought and consistency.  However, that may be a mistake because it maybe possible for a stupid blundering god.

With the biblical god  I see Inconsistencies in that you have an OT god who is busy destroying all in its path and a NT god that is prepared to die to save everyone.  That to me causes cognitive dissonance and I see a break in the logical pathways.  That is one of the reasons I don't see the biblical good as possible. It is the quandary a good God that is also a psychopathic killer, a loving god who cannot forgive disobedience   or caring God who claims to intervene but does not. That to me is evidence of inconsistency and the absence of reality, but I could be wrong a stupid, temperamental,  inconsistent,  or a illogical god  may exist.



When you start looking for logic or consistency, failure is inevitable.


Consider the sacrifice of Jesus.  The sacrifice that saved everyone, everywhere, for all time.  What kind of ultimate sacrifice is this?  Seriously, did he stay dead?  Taking the story at face value -- he rose from the dead in three days.  That's it.  God in the flesh was dead for three days.  Now he reigns at the right hand of God the Father.  The world's worst weekend, followed by eternal glory.     :huh:


Some sacrifice.  When we die, we stay dead.









Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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