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When I was on this forum under a different name years ago, we had a member who was a jedi.  He was interesting to talk with, though my memory is too poor to remember their name at this moment unfortunately.  


I watched this video and wondered at some of the things being said, more specifically if those same things weren't said by other people when other religions began.  "if it isn't hurting anybody and the basic tenents are be nice to each other, what's the harm?"  I wonder if some people didn't have that thought about Christianity or Islam.  From my understanding of the history of the church, it started off as a mild mannered religion which promoted peace, like their bible says.  Then it evolved with interpretation and branched, and many branches were more like noxious weeds that were trying to choke the life out of everything else.  I wonder if a few hundred years from now there will be serious interpretations of star wars that cause the same things, the same bigotry and persecution of others.


And of course, the identification of religion as just as mythical as star wars I wholeheartedly agree with.

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your referring to rev wayne.he went by a different name for a while,and then disappeared.i do miss him.


personally,i see no problem with jediism,or any of it's spinoffs.not sure i agree with some who have embraced"the dark side",whatever that means.come to think of it,we had a member who claimed to be a "sith overlord"or something of the sort.

Edited by mark 45
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8 hours ago, cuchulain said:

When I was on this forum under a different name years ago, we had a member who was a jedi.  He was interesting to talk with, though my memory is too poor to remember their name at this moment unfortunately.  


I watched this video and wondered at some of the things being said, more specifically if those same things weren't said by other people when other religions began.  "if it isn't hurting anybody and the basic tenents are be nice to each other, what's the harm?"  I wonder if some people didn't have that thought about Christianity or Islam.  From my understanding of the history of the church, it started off as a mild mannered religion which promoted peace, like their bible says.  Then it evolved with interpretation and branched, and many branches were more like noxious weeds that were trying to choke the life out of everything else.  I wonder if a few hundred years from now there will be serious interpretations of star wars that cause the same things, the same bigotry and persecution of others.


And of course, the identification of religion as just as mythical as star wars I wholeheartedly agree with.


The future is not knowable.  Still, history repeats.  The early Jesus movement was corrupted by the Roman Empire.  In similar manner, the Star Wars mythos is being influenced by the Evil Empire.  I do mean Disney.






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7 hours ago, mark 45 said:

your referring to rev wayne.he went by a different name for a while,and then disappeared.i do miss him.


personally,i see no problem with jediism,or any of it's spinoffs.not sure i agree with some who have embraced"the dark side",whatever that means.come to think of it,we had a member who claimed to be a "sith overlord"or something of the sort.



Humor aside, Jediism looks harmless enough.  In the world of religion, there are worse choices a person could make.  Whether it's a good choice, is a matter I leave to future history.  We have to wait and see how it develops.  What it becomes.







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2 hours ago, mark 45 said:

it is probably the closest you can get to taoism,without becoming a dude.


In my opinion, this greatly distorts Taoism.  In real Taoism, there is no war between Light and Dark -- Hard and Soft -- Wet and Dry -- Hot and Cold, etc. 


Jediism creates a conflict, where Taoism understands the process of change, harmony and balance.  By it's mythology, Jediism calls the Sith into existence.


Every atom has both a positive charge and a negative charge.  Without positive and negative, nothing could exist.  There is no war.  IMO





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