Pete, I Went To The Top Of The Mountain Today

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and sent good wishes to your mom from there (I think I promised I would :)) since I don't have a great sense of direction (I think I was facing east) sent love and good wishes to the other side of the planet


about halfway down the mountain, we stopped at a lookout with the most amazing tree.. of course, I had to climb it. haven't done that in decades, it.was.unbelievable. I decided that you are never too old to climb a tree!

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Thanks Grateful and Frank. I just spotted this. Mum died about three months back. Her ill health just became to much and she had to many medical conditions hit all at once. If she had lived then things would have got a lot worse and she was already in a lot of pain.

I am sure Mum's spirit got you blessings

:friends: Thanks my friends for all your love and well wishes and Grateful and Qryros for giving me time when things were going through such tough times for me and Mum and Dad last year. Your all wonderful people.

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I'm sorry to hear about your Mum passing, Pete.
Even though it does sound like it may have been a "blessing in disguise" for her,
still, it is never easy to lose a parent. I am so glad that many of us here have found "family" among our membership;

Many of you feel like family to me too.

Sending some of Frank's bright blessings your way, Pete..

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oy, my sincerest condolences on your loss pete :( I had no idea.. since my computer went kaput I haven't been able to visit ulcuk :( I'm so sorry. both of my parents are gone, it's a sad club at first, isn't it?

the fire is contained :) 3,100 acres lost, thank god the wind turned. it was awful the first night, we're only about four miles from the base of the mountain so seeing in flames was so sad. vitki, can you see mount diablo from your neck of the woods?

I'll find you a picture of the mountain pete!

(and maybe one of the orbs on the summit!)

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I would like that thanks Grateful. I will try to see it on google maps. I know this is not the best way but it may give me an idea of the surroundings. I can imagine I am there too.

As for the club, I agree its not one I liked much and I am sure you do not either. I thank you again for being there for me. It was greatly appreciated.

I found this. It looks a lovely place to be.

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Thanks Frank. I did not put it on line. I got a lot of support from Gateful and Qryos and that meant a lot to me. Dad died last year and Mum this year. Mum and Dad's death were long drawn out and cruelly painful and it unsettled me. Grateful and Qryos were a great help at that time.

I know we never really say goodbye to those we love and I feel Mum and Dad often around me and I am sure I always will.

Grateful I love the pictures. They are wonderful. Could you email them to me?


I do not know how to say this, but I know everyone on the forum are there for me but I am still finding it hard to talk about what happened. I am sure you understand because your very wonderful people. I just ask for now to not continue on this topic. I am finding it is hard for me. Please forgive me.

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