Love Your Mother

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I like to observe certain "modern" secular holidays, even though their placement can sometimes throw off my usual festival observances due to the lunar/solar calendar issue. For Earth Day, I make it a point to pray to the four generations of Greek Earth-Goddesses: Gaia (Ge), Rhea, Demeter, and Kore; along with the nymphai and other daimones of natural places. My offerings are of grain (the fruits of Demeter's agricultural teaching), and I pour sober libations (water, oil, honey, milk, etc.).

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See how dem paper calendar thingies get e'vybody corn fused? Every day is "Earth Day" as far as I'm concerned!

I saw a flyer the other day at our Hobby House stating "Earth Day BBQ! Monday 4-8p!" so yesterday afternoon I get this big whiff of BBQ smoke in the office window (down wind about 200' from Hobby House) and then "Oh Yeah!" hit me bean. Several minutes later the smoke is so thick I'm cacking in my office! Then as I went out to the store last night, 2 large garbage bins overflowing with paper plates, plastic table cloths, tin-cans etc etc and yes, even recyclables, are sitting in front of the HH on the street. Wind gust and poof....stuff goes flying across road into parking lot.

Grateful, I know that's not your idea of "Loving your Mother" (Gaia) but it got me to thinking....did anyone else at that BBQ see the "insult" to the day as I did? Less than 20 people made enough trash in 4 hours as 2 entire households do in a week! I think some people come up with any excuse to party!!

We planted some wild flowers along the back fence in a private, silent acknowledgment.

Blessings of Peace,

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you are so right, sigh. I try not to use disposable at all. if I have a party, it's usually small and I usually use the good china :) linen napkins are just fine. was also really disappointed in the mess that was the 4/20 party in the city. for god's sake, just pick up your own trash and call it a day!

my sister handed me her purse the other day in the car and said, can you look in my trash can for my sunglasses?

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