Dream Works

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Hi all! I am new to the forum. It's sooo great to talk philosophy, spirituality, etc. with people who are open and willing to experiment with new ideas. Among other things, I like to draw. Lately, I've found it very theraputic to draw some of the scenes, motifs, and characters that pop up in my dreams. I'm pretty New-Agey and I am always looking from the hidden meanings in everything I come in contact with. Below is a pic I did last week. I call this guy "The Dreamon". He delivered pizza to me in a dream. (I guess being a dreamon doesn't pay the bills)

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As a fellow artist...cool stuff.

As a fellow "philosopher"...always great to exchange.

As a fellow forum member...Fawzo, grab the kettle...we have a "hot one" here....muuhhwwwaaa.... :devil: ...shouldn't need more than a bit o' braising and splash of glaze!!

I too have drawn many of the images, as well as write out descriptions, I received through dreams and have found a few to "stick" with me long after the journal and sketch pad have been filled and new one started. I'm going to see if I can find one that your pizza delivery dude reminds me of...should be around.

I'd really like to see anything that anyone has to offer here..could turn into an interesting thread.

Blessings of Peace,


found it quicker than I thought....

from 2006, but now that I see it again...not as much like yours as I thought I remembered.


Edited by Atwater Vitki
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May I ask what topping was on the pizza Smurf Dreamon delivered.

Al can we forgo the pot this time and break in the smoker....for some reason I'm having an urge for snake jerky :)

Welcome to the forum Rev'd Rattlesnake!!!! I have to ask first off do you have any allergic reactions to any spices?

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  • 1 month later...

This is a drawing I did today while drawing with my daughter. Not my best work but I thought I'd share. I'm toying with the title being: "Socialist Bogeyman". Notice his white, straight teeth and healthy glow, which comes from ample access to adequate dental care and preventative healthcare....very scary indeed.

Also, now that I finally understand how to post pics to replies...here is the pic of ST.EOM from above:

Edited by Rev'd Rattlesnake
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  • 3 months later...

Hi Bro K,

I cleaned out my profile a while back when I was taking stock in how I was presenting myself and what I was presenting of myself online. I don't actually recall taking down the pics but I probably did in a fit of over-zealous deletion. I did thesame with my twitter andfacebook. I figured as old as the posts were, there wasn't much traffic on them. Sorry...I'll add an avatar, I feel so empty and insubstantial without one. LOL

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Those are super!I love them--wow, you are very talented.-- St Eom in NIrvana is absolutely adorable!! :cupidarrow::wub: Do your children have the gene.. :derisive: ? Now if that is "the portrait of the artist as a carefree lad"--I would love now to see the artist with a wife and two kids :derisive: now.

Congratulations--great stuff--I dig it to quote a certain Rev`d Rattlesnake AKA Mithrandir and RW. :derisive: !

blessings and love,


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