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Everything posted by Pegasuss

  1. Fuzzball, QUIT licking those cats! Batteries hell, get the otd generator from the bus and go for more power.
  2. I touch and feel the wonder, the energy of your smile, I feel your emotions your likes and pains, I touch and feel the tingle of your senses and feel the touch back to myself. Only when I touch you as gently as a butterfly on a flower, will you know who I am as touch between persons is the most wonderful thing to man.
  3. Voyager One, The only thing to leave this solar system we created.
  4. Me To! You hit me on home base. I understand! Just quite Possibly, these two halves equal more than the sum. Some will not give this concept a chance, others will naysay forever, until you have had the experience of finding a soul mate, or mirror match you cannot know this answer, imho... I have experienced this first hand! And understand what you are trying to say. You must first be willing to let go of the old concept of "me" and go with your heart, if you listen carefully, it never lies. I believe love for another is the greatest but least understood power in this existence, or universe. Everything else pales by comparison. Check my signature, I like the quotes I used, Just me.... ~Pegasuss~
  5. To all, The point I was trying to make is and has not been understood, obviously my command of English and my conveyance of my thoughts and what I am trying to convey are not happening. My fault. True, but not what I was trying to relate to at all. Their is a true beauty of having someone you do not lie to, no survival, no saving face, no white lies, just the truth, only then is your heart and self really free, becaues then is when another will truly know you, the real you, no gloss, no pomp, no bs. It is wonderful to have another know the real you. Just a form of my take on life.... ~Pegasuss~
  6. Just wait until you retire, then you wont be talking about cars.
  7. Another thread brought this to mind. How many have anyone that they do not lie to, at all? I have a friend that I believe I now have no lies with, and it's a good place to be. We met over my ex's death and I was way to hurt to lie at that time, truth was just truth, take it or leave it. After months it was realized we had no lies with each other. He corrected me tonight on my first lie to him, on smoking. Yes evil cigs and I had starting to lie. So I felt the need to correct the other second lie I had let slip in, and did, Damn it feels so good to actually believe I have no lies with another. No white lies, no feel good lies, no self esteem lies, none that I am aware of! Anyone else here? Do you think it is a good/bad place to be? Comments? ~Pegasuss~
  8. Yes they most definably Are! as this connoisseur would agree.
  9. All, Just some links from an atheist pov, for your discussion and comment. Within the narratives their are some interestingly profound thoughts and pov's. politics and religion whats good about religion? hello angry christians god bless atheism was jesus gay? what have I got against religion? united states of jesus why are we friends with saudi arbia?
  10. Would love to hear some discussion on this, seems interesting.
  11. Capt. Kirk had a different take on the prime directive, more like "search the universe for female life forms to date"
  12. Sideways, cool, never thought about it that way.
  13. that would be my line, but i aint a gonna touch it.....
  14. The level of problems in the world would decrease if abortion was made to be retroactive to age 18!
  15. It's a slow erosion, you inch in laws to protect the fetus and at some point by default the fetus is a legal person, step 1 to ending abortion.
  16. To Me, 13 days and it will be 2 years, I miss you babe, with all my heart, I miss with all my soul, I promised you I'd be ok, It's hard as I miss you babe, Why does one learn so much so late, As I promised I'm out and meeting people, I've met friends that I would not trade for anything, to bad the way I had to meet them, I've met acquaintances that I would not trade for anything, to bad the way I had to meet them, I miss you my love, The one you promised soon will come, so I leave my heart open, as you told me to do, yes I know you told me he will stop the bleeding But for now I still miss you. Somebody used to love me, somebody used to care, someone used to hold me, someone was always there. I'd give heaven earth and hell, just to still have you here. Some say there's a heaven, some promise me a hell, I'll assure you my friend their both here on earth not and over there. Somedays the pain is easy, Somedays the pain is ---------, All I have are memories and I wont let them cause my fall. I do not know the answer as now I have had both, is it better to have loved and lost or never loved at all, You've told me in my waking, you've told me in my dreams, I must move on to heal my heart, it's just harder than it seems. In 13 days my love my friend, It's time to let you go, my future is in one you never met and never got to know, He will know your love through me, for you made me who I am. I still have love in my heart, and am thankful that I can. ~Pegasuss~
  17. The last thing you would want is the government deciding on your harm, will fat people be arrested for eating donuts? (they cause ins rates to rise) will you be arrested for smoking in your own home, (well their are kids in the house) the mother drinking hurts the unborn child, (but she has the right to abort) the person with a 60 iq has a child, (is this intentional harm) should the unwed, un educated, unable to support mother be forced to abort? (maybe society does not wish to pick up her tab for 18 years) It appears to me that in most cases your harm has an indirect harm to others and society, if only through cost.
  18. Excelent post, applies to others and other trains of thought, just change what you said from gypsy to gay...........
  19. The purpose of a donut is cream filling and gooey glaze.