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Everything posted by nestingwave

  1. In retrospect, I see that ALL THINGS have a continuity -- although not always obvious at first blush. After all -- if it wasn't for the items that the "experts" declare to be "junk" science ... where would we be?? I am so glad you finally got a good laugh! Very healing indeed. (and yeah that particular well known fact is not junk science at all -- laughter really does heal one's body, mind and soul -- yep). As history has proven time and time again, verisoph, one man's "junk" science is another man's creative innovation. It is all a matter of perspective -- or else -- the narrowness of ones perspective, having become cognitively constipated. I think you might even agree in retrospect (though you may not admit it) that it is tunnel vision that makes the "experts" declare that the Wright Brothers will never get off the ground -- or -- that it was "IMPOSSIBLE" for Galileo to see the moons of Mars through his telescope. Neither innovation fit the concept of the hour. And how is today any different?? The thing about "experts" is that their attitudes never change. I think that somehow they actually believe that their prestige and careers depend upon their absolutisms. To admit that they might have been wrong would be to ruin their image and reputation as a popular know-it-all. They become so entrenched in their favorite theories and cling to them so tightly, that they refuse to relinquish their grip -- even when they have an elephant of facts in their own living room staring them right in the face. We have the same folks right here among us today, do we not? Apparently, they keep reincarnating. Here are a couple of pieces of genuine "junk" science that were (at one time) considered to be irrefutable facts by the "experts" whom you so admire. Some even today, when well proven to be wrong, still cling on to the their old dead concepts. It is amazing to me how alike dogmas are, whether religious or "scientific." Of course, in reality, to make ANYTHING dogmatic in "science" is completely UNscientific. Nevertheless, it is a quite common practice of the well entrenched. 1) Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. 2) It is impossible for thoughts to move matter. "Nothing" and "impossible." The favorite words of many who have become ... shall we say ... ignorance afflicted? Actually .... "NOTHING" is "IMPOSSIBLE." But also -- "NOTHINGNESS" is "POSSIBLE." You see, indeed, it is all a matter of ones own perspective. Really. It's all a great big Zen Koan. So ... work it out. And ... when you finally give up in frustration ... there you are. (as one Zen student to another you should appreciate that) In this vast Universe .... there is an ORTHOROTATED SURPRISE around every corner -- even in some comic books and cartoons -- where, by the way, JET PLANES were first presented to the public long before anyone had actually seen one. FANTASTIC? "IMPOSSIBLE" according to some. Surprise, surprise! Well, to tell you the truth, prejudicial attitudes have not really changed that much. And those who would rather someone ELSE did their thinking for them will always believe an "expert" over their own experiences or the experiences of others who make no claims to be "experts." Anyhow, all it takes to be an "expert" are some credentials and initials in front of your name. VERY impressive, eh? Our present culture runs on advertising. But .... the consumers are slowly being consumed by their own consumption. hmmm .... perhaps there is a better way? "Horses don't bet on people .... horses have too much sense. Horses have no remourses, they pull wagons without recompense. Oh .... people who wager on horses, see their castles go up in smoke .... but .... horses don't bet on people ... and that's why they never go broke." (Spike Jones and the City Slickers) Namaste
  2. I finally got around to watching Mr. John Zion. heheheh. Everyone has some concept of 2012, eh? That's cause we can feels it in our bones. It is VISCERAL. However, the date is simply the peak of the Convergence -- the happenings are already here. It is going to get more and more .... interesting? namaste
  3. Verisoph, here is my view of the real definition of "junk" science: Weapons of mass destruction. One could also call it, "TRASH SCIENCE." Actually, it is not "science" at all because it ignores consciousness and thought all together and looks upon Mother Nauture as "dog eat dog." namaste
  4. I certainly agree. Nothing is "independent." It all works TOGETHER because everything exists in interconnectivity. And that includes everything in the physical world made up of earth, air, fire or water. Like Einstien said, "THERE IS NO MATTER. ALL IS ENERGY." And Wilhelm Reich proved that all energy is LIFE energy and has purpose built in. Of course, they arrested him and put him into prison where he died. They did their best to suppress his life's work because his findings didn't fit in with the old paradigm of "dead" earth, air, fire and water. And, worse than that, he DARED to mention the importance of the function of the sexual orgasim -- a complete no no in his day. That was just too much for the uptight. But anyone who knows anything at all about electromagnetics can look at the construction of an ORGONE BOX and see that it is a CAPACITOR. But, again, you CAN'T PUT A METER ON IT, so get it out of the way. And I also agree that "Intelligent Design" should NOT be taught by "religionists." It should be taught by scientists -- and there are a growing number of scientists who hold that view and have VERY good evidence for it, although ridiculed and poo pooed by the status quo pop stars and their followers. However, the status quo will only hire those who go along with the status quo program. The alternative to ID is to teach UNintelligent Chance (which we have all already been taught in our dumbed down educational systems) and to me that is very destructive, as the fruit of that is well proven to produce total dysfunction in the society at large. And that is because it is highly flawed, ignoring THOUGHT, MIND, CONSIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE and SPIRIT which are the primary Universal elements of all Creation. Instead, physical MATTER is taught as primary. "Evolution" is taught as a "law of the jungle" affair. So, the result is a blind dog eat dog consumer driven society which ranges from criminal Bankers, who steal trillions without a twinge of conscience, down to store clerks not able to make a living wage. I don't think we need religious doctrines and dogmas. NOR do we need "sceintific" doctrines and dogmas. Our education should not be a matter of indoctrination but of encouraging Creative Intelligence. That Creative Intelligence is ALREADY there. All we need to do is quit smothering it. namaste
  5. Since you are completely familiar with the known laws of space, time and consumer confidence, you should be ripe to become a corporate executive and get bonuses. Of course you did say "known." But I would ask, "known" by whom? namaste
  6. No need to apologize. I too have been busy. Working in the garden. Ever watched closely how a bee interacts with a flower? Of course, according to the old dead "Standard Model" of falsely so-called "science" there IS NO INTELLIGENT DESIGN. It is all CHANCE. And you would teach that nonsense to your children? Well, someday they will observe for themselves. But, they will have a lot of heavy luggage to discard first. A few of us already went thrugh that process. Many still cling to the old dysfuctions. Did you take a look a the short video I posted concerning the double slit experiment? Yes, that single quanta is either a wave OR a particle -- DEPENDING UPON HOW THE OBSERVER SEES IT. So, what that experiment shows is the interconnectivity of the observer with the results of the experiment. It demonstrates how our view of "reality" depends upon OUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. It re-interjects consciousness into the scientific equation. A giant step forward. A factor ignored by the Cartesian Split since Descarte (et al) made a deal with the Roman Catholic Church. That's pretty "absolutist" of you. So, in your view, Bell proved that God is playing dice with the Universe? And further more that is an ABSOLUTE fact???? Very dogmatic, I'd say. Sounds exactly like some religionists I know. Of course these S0-called "scientists" are the "experts" many follow, so they must be right. They are the "pop stars." "Regarded" by whom? How much do you know about any of these men? Very little apparently. You stopped with Dirac, Heisenberg and Plank. However, science has greatly moved on since then, although in the scientific dogma certain entrenched icons are still worshipped as absolute truth. Just another false "religion" in my view. Requiring a "belief system" built upon supposition, theory, presumption and the ever popular sport of Conclusion Pole Vaulting. The favorite game of "scientific" SUPERSTARS and AMERICAN IDOLS. Liars who mostly lie to themselves. Start with Tesla and Bohm if you care to continue your education outside of the cage. You are forgetting what I have been saying because, like the Indians who were unable to see the white man's HUGE ships on the horizon, because they had no experiences to relate to them, you are able to ignore what I have actually said in favor of your highly biased preconceived conceptual box. The old "standard model" of science is now totally defunked because it left out the most important things -- mind, spirit and consciousness. Your education (mine too) was entirely materialist/realist which IS the old "Standard Model." I suggest that you continue your education and break out of the jello mold. The Universe is now viewed as IDEO/MATERIAL -- that is MIND -- MATTER. This insightful scientific discovery finally balances the long unbalanced equation that has helped bring such ignorant dysfunction to this world and nearly brought it to total extinction. In the beginning was a primordial THOUGHT. A CREATIVE impulse containing INTELLIGENCE, INFORMATION and INTENTION. That THOUGHT materialzed via fractal mathematics into all the multifarious worlds of time and space. Therefore, the Universe is a HUMUNGOUS HOLOGRAM where EVERY part of it contains the WHOLE and every part of it contains the INTENTION, INTELLIGENCE and INFORMTATION of the whole because every quanta exists in TOTAL energetic sharedistributability with every other quanta in the Universe. The WHOLE UNIVERSE is a HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION from the First Souce. A prime CREATIVE IMPULSE with a PURPOSE to create EVOLVING LIFE throughout the far-flung Creation on every frequency of time and space. Ours is only one of them. Brother, NOTHING in this ENTIRE UNIVERSE is "ON ITS OWN." I have explained what I mean by "INTENTION." What appears to be "random" has INTENTION and that INTENTION is to produce LIFE in its EVOLUTION. The goal is to "KNOW THYSELF O MAN." That "SELF" is not your address and phone number. It is the ENTIRE CREATION and you and I are but a small and very limited expression of it -- a fractal of it -- but we are ATTACHED/INTERCONNECTED to and with it. Even QUANTUMLY ENTANGLED with it. That "limited expression" becomes less and less limited as we EVOLVE in CONSCIOUS AWARENESS and our co-creations become more attuned to the Universal Creation and its basic INTENTION. We are, each and every one of us, FRACTALS of Creation. Created in the image and likeness of our ONE SOURCE from whence ALL-THAT-IS .... sprang into BEING. Homo sapiens sapiens is entirely capable of realizing that and expressing it outwardly via CO- CREATIONS. He already does it but is not consciously aware of it .... YET. When he becomes consciously aware of it, he will become far more careful about what he creates and allign his creations with the overall intention of the Great Creation, instead of his own private and highly restricted selfish interests. No, we are NOT the pinnacle of evolution -- only kindergartners still squabbling among ourselves in ignorance. Creating all sorts of wars and dysfunctions in our IGNORANCE. Only sentient beings in their evolutionary ignorance rebel against the Universal Intention. It is a normal stage of growth because the angst it produces causes us to think outside the box we have created. Through the pain, suffering and dysfunction brought on by that ignorance, a metamorphosis takes place -- like a catapiller into a butterfly. This is TRANSFORMATION -- a continual process of evolutionary Creation. Carefully observing Nature is what true "science" is all about. So, what is all this change, growth, transformation aiming toward? What is the purpose and intention of all this? The old reductionist materialist model, under which you and I were educated, says, "NO INTENTION" just "CHANCE." Life is a lucky "accident." In my view and the view of the aforementioned scientists -- BS. BUT ... such barnyard substances DO have a purpose -- TO FERTILIZE IN ORDER FOR LIFE TO GROW. In this process of fertilization, the BS disentegrates into elements USEFUL to produce EVOLUTIONARY LIFE. And so will the old materialst/realist UNscientific "Standard Model." So, what IS the purpose and intention of Creation? Realization of WHO and WHAT we are -- and that brings not only "knowlege" but WISDOM about the Universe and how Mother Nature operates in all Creation ... and WHY. It is the NEXT STEP in our evolution. A tiny FIRST step in overcoming and becoming rather than annhilating ourselves. The new planatary civilization that will arise from the dust and ashes of the old one, will engage in a COMPLETELY NEW PARADIGM. One that will take us to the STARS and beyond to explore the multifarious frequencies of time and space. How do I know this? Because other intelligenent being in this Universe, some of them our genetic relatives, ALREADY DO THIS as a normal part of their lives. Oh, that's right, your defunct old "Standard Model" will not allow for this. Sorry. Watch Biophysicist Dan Burish's public DEBRIEFING. He recently presented his LOTUS PROJECT to CAL TECH and literally blew the minds of his collegues -- those able to think outside the hampster wheel cage and were genuine "scientists" and would admit that the old ways of looking at things may not be accurate when proven otherwise. Our evolution of CONSCIOUSNESS will now be done CONSCIOUSLY not instinctually, although the basic evolutionary drive of the Universe is always at work from the tiniest quanta to the largest STAR. And when we stuggle against the basic evolutionary intention, we become depressed and suffer. Much like our present world civilization. Our choices have CONSEQUENCES and if we PAY ATTENTION to those consequences -- we actually LEARN something and .... grow. That is the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. You and I as human beings are MADE UP of those subquanta and quanta. We are suibquanta and quanta ORGANIZED. We are LIGHT slowed down. Therefore, we have the innate ability to CHOOSE the intention of Creation just as the tiniest quanta also willingly chooses the intention of Creation originally without questioning it. We have the ability to question it and therefore can choose to GO AGAINST the intention of Creation. And we will do so UNTIL we gain INSIGHT as to what Creation IS. WHO and WHAT WE ARE -- and also HOW and WHY it CREATES. And ... then we will see OURSELVES as the CREATIVE beings WE ARE and alwasy have been. The quanta still have this choice but it is a NO BRAINER for them. It is the subquantum level of the Universal MIND. How can I say they have a "choice?" It is logical due to the fact that WE, being composed of those sub quanta and quanta, have a CHOICE whether or NOT to CHOOSE the basic intention of Creation. This demonstrates a single degree of FREEDOM from the very onset of Creation since interconnectivity has been found to be a basic principle of the Universe. Such freedom is innate in Creation. Unlike our International Bankers, Creation is NOT a selfish tyrannical controller but a wise Father and Mother. Creation is NOT a puppet master. Nor does Creation roll dice. It proceeds forth with vast intelligence and INTENTION and ALL the INFORMATION to carry OUT that INTENTION. When it organizes to the point of becoming a homo sapiens sapiens, ignorance producing illogic and unreasonableness becomes the possibility of choosing something OTHER than the Universal Intention. All of this is not just my idea and opinion but my synthsis of the insight of many many others, including today's top thinkers and scientists who remain unrecognized by the status quo because of the present controlling DEAD DOGMA that relys upon the ideas of men long DEAD as somehow having ABSOLUTE understanding not to be questioned. This is ridiculous. Even they, if they were alive today, would be far in advance of where they were then. That's easy to understand, isn't it? But the tendancy in our culture of worshiping at the shrine of entrenched ICONS still prevails, although its complete dissentegration is very near and, in fact, already upon us. FRACTAL GEOMETRY (Benoit Mandebrot) is mathematically how Creation constructs by focusing the Universal Vectored Intention and materializing itself into various oscillating energetic frequencies, which are SLOWED DOWN from the original mega-energetic creative impulse. You see, science now proves that there is a DOWNWARD CAUSALITY as well as an UPWARD CAUSALITY. It is a two way street. Both YIN and YANG. Not just "YANG." Not just UPWARD CAUSALITY but DOWNWARD CAUSALITY ALSO. Your old "standard model" is completely unbalance and therefore completely dogmatic, as you, being a spokeman for it, just proved. That old paradigm relys upon insisted entrenchments based upon the FEAR of being superceeded. The old paradigm does hold "the law of the jungle" as a doctrine and therefore FEARS any competition. They view the Universe as "Tooth and Claw City" -= a constant struggle to get to the top of the heap while staying alive. "Survival of the Fittest" means ruthless competition to some. They are not even close to being alligned with the Universal Intention of the Great Creation. But, this false doctrine and dogma already HAS been superceeded and the entrenched ones are vehemently clutching onto the past because they FEAR their demise, not being able to shake off their self-made cacoon inside their hampster wheel cage. Creation manifests in an infinite number of frequencies, one of which is our 4D spacetime, which is LIGHT greatly slowed down. And not just LIGHT visible to our senses and instruments. Your materialistic reductionistic "science" (falsely so-called) only admits UPWARD causality and ignores DOWNWARD causality from the Prime Causal One Source of All Creation. There is a PRIME CREATIVE IMPLUSE and it exists and manifests in EVERY subquanta and quanta in the entire Universe. First of all, the old "standard model" does not admit that any such One Source even exists, although it is even proven mathematically by FRACTAL MATHEMATICS. The old "standard model" does not see the Universe as completely interconnected. ignores thought, consciousness and Spirit -- and views those most important items as an "artifact" of physical matter, which they assume to be primal. A "God" particle which does not even exist, since ALL particles have the Great Creation as their source. Even Stephen Hawkings agrees that the pursuit for the Higgs Boson is entrely VAIN. Our society is VERY used to thowing trillions away. Yet the poor go hungry. You can't chop up the Universe and study a little part of it and gain knowledge. You must consider the ONENESS of the WHOLE. You must take INTERCONNECTIVITY into account. You MUST think holonomically -- not read it like a Popular Mechanics, a National Enquirer or a Wall Street Journal. The HIGGS BOSON (God particle) is only a false theory to support the long held scientific dogma. A presumption based upon a false BELIEF SYSTEM that MATTER IS PRIMARY. What if the old paradigm was dead wrong? It would put an END to GRANTS to support it. Some would consider it to be an INSULT to the ICONS they worship -- just as if Jesus was proven to have never existed or the resurrection proven to have never happened. Back to FRACTAL GEOMETRY. When we proceed fractally from the DOWNWARD chain of causality originating at the Prime Causal Super Domain -- a quanta is a fractal of a subquanta -- an atom is a fractal of a quanta -- a molecule is the fractal of an atom -- a living CELL is the fractal of a molecule - the biological "you" is a fractal of a living cell -- and a perfectly functioning society is a fractal of a perfectly functioning human being. A dysfunctional society is a fractal of an ignorant human being lacking Self- awareness. ALL-THAT-IS -- is totally interconnected at our ONE SOURCE as energy, intelligence, information and intention, now scientifically understood by the aforementioned scientists, from various perspectives. Each contributing their personal creative insights backed up by repeatable EXPERIMENTS. Many of the so-called 'scientists" entrenched in the old paradigm evern REFUSE to do those experiements just as the Catholic Cardinals REFUSED to even LOOK through Galileo's telescope. They FEAR loosing their reputations based upon their false belief system which they ASSUME to be absolute. The only ABSOLUTE that I know about is the First Source of All That Is and since that Prime Mover is all anyone CAN know, one must say, "well there MAY be something beyond that indeed but from our point of view it is indeed "absolute." Anything that might be beyond that is the UNKNOWABLE from our present perspective. EIN SOPH as the ancients said. No idea, theory, opinion, proof, doctrine or dogma can EVER be called "absolute" fact. And that surely includes what I am saying right here. I say it however, because it has been far better proven to me than the old dead "scientific" paradigm and I have learned to go by the principle, "judge the tree by the fruit it bears." I consider this adage to be WISE and personally VERY helpful in making proper discernments. My life experience has proven that to me. That is experiential knowledge, not doctrine or dogma of any kind. Could I be 100% WRONG? Yes indeed. But, IMHO, if so it will not be because of the old paradigm but because there was something else of which I was not aware and almost none of us was aware. If your materialistic reductionistic paradigm is correct, then let's get it on and totally destroy ourselves because that, in my view, is exactly where it leads. But, as for now, SUICIDE does NOT seem to be the guiding principal of the Universe at all. Now, why do you think it was that Einsteins theory of relativity and Bohrs quantum mechanics and all the scientists working on those discoveries came together to make a NUCLEAR BOMB to destroy other human beings? Some of them didn't like that AT ALL and SAID SO. Others were fully alligned with that grave error. It shows that all that knowledge gathered together was MISSING SOMETHING, eh? Einstein knew it. Unlike many of his colleages, he had a genuine HUMAN HEART. The turning of all that knowledge into weapons of mass destruction broke the hearts of some. Oppenheimer finally died in despair. Some committed suicide after realizing what they had done. This action was nothing but a RAPE of Mother Earth and the Great Creation. IT SMASHED A PRIMARY STRUCTURE of the GREAT CREATION with the intention of vaporizing other human beings. BRUTISH MINDLESS FORCE! It was the ultimate ARROGANCE of those who have NO IDEA WHO and WHAT THEY ARE. That was the "Law of the Jungle" fully MANIFESTED, eh? And what did it bring? The TOTALLY disfunctional and rapidly dying civilization you see right now all around you. Yes, my friend, Cause and Effect is indeed a Universal Law. But UNDERSTANDSING is an ONGOING process -- and stopping along the way is to become petrified and cease evolving. And that is EXACTLY what happened with the old (now defunct) yet highly ENTRENCHED "Standard Model" of science that has held the thinking of the world in dogmatic bondage for so many centuries and led us very near to self-destruction. Suicide. Our world's "technology" got ahead of our human heart because that old paradigm didn't SEE the connection. Human hearts became petrified and thus, our technology became our Frankenstein's MONSTER. In IGNORANCE our world thinking rebelled against Mother Nature and all the Laws and Directives of the Great Creation. We poisoned the earth, air, fire and water and thus OURSELVES. SUICIDAL SELF DESTRUCTION. Not Creation's INTENTION for BEING. Now, the chickens are coming home to roost. So, the time has now come to move on. The entire old paradigm is completely UNSUSTAINABLE. Just look around you. A sour dying tree does not produce sweet fruit. Visionaries are always ridiculed by the entrenched status quo -- yet -- they foresee the next step in human evolution. And sometimes that next step is a giant leap. We are now at the beginning of such a "punctuated equilibrium," right at this very moment. namaste
  7. No. I will NOT hold your hand and do your homework for you. LOOK IT UP. I have given all the information you need to find out things FOR YOURSELF. If you are REALLY interested, you will find out. If not, so be it. namaste.
  8. This one aint as long. That’s right. But even what seems to be “predictable” in common phenomena brings … SURPRISES. Like the Qigong Master who demonstrated his chi by setting a bundle of newspapers on fire. It is because we often do not recognize the Universal Intention. And that is exactly why planet earth is in such a state of fear, stress, confusion and angst at the moment. All our “predictions” are based upon the limitations of our mental processing grids – until we start paying attention to our intuitions and develop our conscious awareness of them. This “groking/gnosing” is a knowing that goes beyond our mental processing grids. However, that mental cognitive process is the only way we have of explaining and describing in limited human language that which is far beyond words because such knowing exists at a far more basic level – a quantum level, in fact. Even a subquantum level. Yep, that is because there is a Universal Law called “ATTRACTION” which we would call “GRAVITY” in this case. However, as is now proven, gravity can be nullified. Volumes of Catholic literature stored in the Vatican tell of various “saints” who levitated regularly with eye witness accounts. Now we know HOW and WHY. Our extraterrestrial frineds and relatives have no problem at all overcoming “gravity.” However, the Law of Attraction is a Universal Law. “Gravity” is a local occurrence and highly variable. It only appears to the limited human mind to be “chance.” Human resoning which is in no way absolute. Quanta are not effected by earth gravity until assembled into objects such as visible light and bowling balls. However, the Universal Law of Attraction is always at work. The quanta pop in and out of our 4D realm. Where do they pop out from? They pop out from the virtual Quantum Potential and often pop back into it out of our sensory and instrumental range. In their individual quantum state they are totally unpredictable and appear to be chaotic. So WHY are they totally unpredictable? Because our scientists of the Standard Model are completely in the dark about the basic Intention of the Universe, which is EVOLUTIONARY LIFE. What is totally predictable about these quanta is that all their popping in and out is merely their readiness to condense into more solid form in a given horizontal timeline. There are an infinite number. The Quantum Potential is also called the “TIME DOMAIN” because it is totally outside of our horizontal timeline. That’s why the influence and confluence of the quanta have been witnessed as coinciding instantly clear across the Universe transcending the speed of material light limitation imposed by Einstien but now totally disproven – but, of course, not admitted by those who still cling to the old belief system of materialistic reductionism. It is only our ignorance and mental limitation that can say that they are based on “chance.” A supposition due to lack of knowledge as to what their puposeful intention is. According to your present knowledge and understanding but not according to many others who have gone further than Niels Bohr and Einstein, such as the scientists I have mentioned. Nope. It already made its conscious choice -- ONE choice, according to the Universal Consciousness and according to the Universal Mind and the Great Creation – for EVOLUTIONARY LIFE and all its bliss and its individual vectored intention is to fulfill that choice. I fully agree. Religion and Spirituality are in no way the same thing. Religion is of men’s doctrines and dogmas and has the intention of fulfilling regulations given by human authority figures. Spirituality is of the Universal Mind and Spirit and has the intention of fulfilling the Universal intention. Many people also use the word “belief” and “faith” as the same thing. But, “belief” is clinging on. “Faith” is letting go. That’s why they are two words. In fact, they are direct opposits, just like “religion” and “spirituality.” No wonder our present world is totally confused about most everything. Yes, we should all take that advice. Including you. Including me. But, more that that, “facts” are entirely linear. Discovering Mother Nature requires holonomic thinking and linear thinking is a hinderance to that discovery because it trys to divide things up into little parts and study the parts without grasping an understanding of the WHOLE. So, any knowledge gained in this way is only very partial at best. Religion will only confuse the issue. But the understanding of Spirituality fulfills the questions of science. Most of those “questions” are highly redundant and can be answered with ONE insight. One then realizes that reductionistic/materialistic falsely so-called “science” has never made any progress without INSIGHT which is Spiritually groked. Of course, they will never admit that because they do not recognize the Universal Spirit. That materialistic “science” is EXACTLY like man-made religion. Both are VOID of Spirituality. Most of the debates of “science” have been nothing but closed mental exercises stuck in a loop. But, when one adds the facts of mind, thought, consciousness and intention to the material/realist science, which has become the false god of Western Civilization, not only is knowledge gained but wisdom and understanding also. Knowledge is useless … a mental game … until …. it is experienced into wisdom and that requires the experiential insight of the Spirit. That requires a complete “letting go” of all mental machinations and parlor games and a dropping of ones own personal luggage. That “letting go” is NOT permanent, only to get ones attention that their mental processing grids are NOT who and what they are. After that, they can USE their mental processing equipment to describe and communicate their insights, instead of being manipulated and controlled by limited closed loop mind-sets. In other words, your cognitive mind becomes a TOOL rather than a CONTROLER. The Spirit is NEVER a controller because it ALWAYS offers the CHOICE of intention – from the tiniest quanta to the most massive star and everything in between. One will never know if the Spirit exists or not … until …. One directely experiences it and gains the insight thereof. And that is strictly an individual matter. The Spirit is beyond “persuasion” and is missed simply because it is so fundamental to the Universe and ALL THAT IS. It is in plain sight yet hidden. It requires seeking with all ones heart, soul and mind in order to be found. Until then, one will remain only in their mental processing grids and continue to be confused. Think about WHY you choose to become a minister in a “church” which calles itself …. “UNIVERSAL LIFE.” ? Could it be an insight that LIFE IS UNIVERSAL? Perhaps an insight still residing in your subconscious? If LIFE is universal, then isn’t it easy to see that that Universal Life is the very innermost intention of Creation? namaste
  9. Pmdirac, I am enjoying having this conversation with you and appreciate your willingness to discuss it and stand up for your point of view. I once again apologize for the length of this post. It didn’t start out that way I assure you. Please do not misunderstand me here. What I write below is my own individual insight and I do not claim it to be “absolute” in any way whatsoever. This is my own conclusion arrived at after having studied and participated with some of the scientist I mentioned. No, I am not a scientist myself – I am a jazz musician and novelist -- however there are those scientists that consider science to be a communal endeavor and appreciate the insights of non scientists such as myself. In other words, there are some scientists who broaden their perspectives beyond academia. I have learned a lot from these guys having had the opportunity for interaction with some of them. One of them asked me to write up a couple of essays for their new website, not yet up online, and to do so, I had to read three new books (to be publically published shortly) and understand them. WHEW! pmdirac said: Please explain what you mean. There is only ONE preordained pattern. It is a basic Universal intention of Creation and all the Universal Laws are for this and for this only. Laws such as Cause and Effect. Attraction. Transformation. These Laws are Cosmic (All - Inclusive) and are everywhere and everytime existing in all the infinite worlds of time and space which the old science assmed to be mostly lifeless and “dead” matter. “Maybe out there someplace millions of light years away there maybe might be some primitive “life” as we know it.” While they are peering into their telescopes looking way way out there, the Universal Intelligence is tapping on their shoulder saying, “hello there, pay attention.” The preordained pattern is to produce EVOLVING LIFE to the point of total awareness of the ONE SELF. Yes, my friend, the Universe is literally TEAMING with life. As we know it? Yes, AS WE KNOW IT ... but also ... NOT as we know it as well. A process which is infinite. The entire Universe is a gigantic PROCESS of transformational energy which is intelligent information with a goal -- to EVOLVE LIFE on multifarious frequencies. Our present 4D earth plane (frequency) is only one of those. It is impossible to grasp without stepping outside the old petrified "standard model" of materialist/realist "science" falsely so-called. Although quantum theory BEGAN there, with Niels Bohr and the "standard model" physicists of that day, it is NO LONGER there but a new model being established by the new Life Physics (based upon David Bohm’s work and the work of A.R. Bordon, Tom Bearden, Nicola Tesla and many others, including biologist Bruce Lipton, biophysicist Dan Burish, who recently blew the minds of the scientists at Cal Tech with his presentation on his Lotus Project that completely revises how life on planet earth came about. Also, Dr. Marcia McDowel, Dans partner, who studies sonobioluminesence and how various frequencies of sound effect physical matter -- one of the most promising and practical modern scientific pursuits. Speak for yourself. “We” is the old scientific paradigm, now defunct. It cannot be related to with linear thinking. It can only be related to with holonomic thinking which is completely outside the old "standard model" of materialistic, reductionistic linear thinking which very mistakenly refused to take consciousness, mind, thought and Spirit into account and was looking for a completely reductionistic, materialistic answer to what Mother Nature is about. A very vain pursuit to say the least. Yep, in the days of Niels Bohr. Quantum Physics has now progressed WAY beyond that. The “probablistic” view is only true when approached via the old "standard model" of the Cartesian Split in the time of Descarte, which in Niels Bohr’s day was still all there was, where, many centuries ago, those who wished to study nature appeased the Catholic Church by agreeing to leave all things "spiritual" up to them, (“Your in good hands with ALL-STATE” ) since they insisted upon it and would not have allowed such inquiry about Mother Nature had this condition not been met. This at least gave some foothold (where there was little before) for those who wanted to observe and discover Mother Nature, even though the most important items were ignored publically, such as consciousness, mind, thought and Spirit. Those were left to the tender mercies of the absolutist and highly dogmatic Roman Cardinals. This is how our standard "science" started on the road of reductionistic materialism -- only HALF of the eqation ignoring the other half. The Universe is now found to be IDEOMATERIAL = THOUGHT/MATTER. Think about what this says. "Everything depends on chance." That means, no intention, no will, life is just a rare chemical reaction, a rare accident, a chance happening with no meaning, there is no Universal Law, energy is random, there is no Universal Intelligence or Mind, consciousness is just an epiphenomenon of physical matter, there is no Spirit, no consciousness survives death, the Universe is nothing but a huge gambling casino of probablilities only partially discerned, the great teachers were just delusional, the prophets were fools and religious fanatics, taking personal responsibility is only a matter of whatever is expedient for ones own present welfare according to whatever one thinks that is, there are no consequences for ones own actions, evolution is simply the physical survival of the fittest in which the physically strongest or most clever wins by killing off the weakest and stupidest. Sounds like some bankers I know – some of our present world “shakers and movers” also. hmmmm ... sounds a lot like todays world philosophy (a man-made RELIGION in itself) that has brought us to the brink of self-annihilation and the total trashing of the planet – which in this reductionistic view of course, is nothing but non living rock and mud and dead liquid -- all of which is just there for "hghly intelligent" homo sapiens sapiens to exploit however he chooses according to his view of how to SURVIVE, which is what reality is all about to them. To tell you the truth, brother, this is religious hyprocrisy. It is falsely so-called "scientific" DOGMA which is percisely the same as RELIGIOUS DOGMA. For one thing, this view says there is no such thing as Universal law and yet promotes at least ONE Universal Law which is best described as "the Law of the Jungle" which boils down to "Might makes Right" and "Its a dog eat dog Universe, only the strong and clever survive." This view says that SURVIVAL IS ALL. So, the hypocrisy is in the fact that, while denying any Universal law, they promote one called "Survival of the Fittest" which says that "survival is everything." And, of course, this is how they view "evolution" a UNIVERSAL drive to ... "SURVIVE." Therefore, a Cosmic Law, although they say there is no such thing as a Universal All-Inclusive LAW. Hyprocrisy. They are ignorant about how Universal Law operates – such as Cause and Effect, Attraction, Intention and Transformation. "Evolution" in this paradigm is totally UNCONSCIOUS and the drive to "survive" (which IS conscious) drives the hidden and unconscious "evolution" which can only be described in this paradigm as INSTINCTUAL, having nothing to do with vectored intention – or “will.” Nothing co-operative, just mindless instinct. Here Niels pretends to believe in an Almighty God with no direction, intention or purpose, only hooked on gambling. Sounds to me like Niels was “creating” a non-existant “Almighty God” in his own image simply for the purpose of trying to refute Einstein. Einstein wouldn’t buy it because he was a man whose study of Nature had proven to him that the Universe operates via law and intention. What is that intention? LIFE and EVOLUTION. That is, LIFE in constant TRANSFORMATION. Some have described it as a huge “Universal Conspiracy for LIFE.” And every quanta participates willingly by following its innate BLISS. That is the “choice” it makes – not the way a homo sapiens sapiens or a Dolphin makes a “choice” via cognitive reasoning. A “choice” none the less – but in the case of a quantum and sub-quantum particle, always a wise one since it is fully aware of the Universal purpose to create EVOLVING LIFE which can eventually engage in self-inquiry when organized into a complex oscillating biological entity. You see, Einstein was INTUITIVELY correct and has since been proven correct by the latest most advanced science. In other things, such as the speed of light limit, he was not correct. This is because the understanding of TIME, TIMELINES, VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL TIME and the HOLOGRAPHIC nature of the Universe had not yet been established by later scientists such as David Bohm. And the new information discovered about TIME has only come in the last few years from scientists like Dan Burish and others who have been in direct contact with various extraterrestrial bioforms which have been not only visiting earth but contacting thousands of people on earth since 1947 -- including many governments on earth including the U.S. Briton, Germany, Russia, Canada, China and Brazil. but with few exceptions, by far, the greatest information gleaned from our extraterrestrial frineds and neighbors has been via CIVILIANS. The Military/Industrial Complex is only concerned with "National Security" and are thus VERY paranoid of this phenomena at the highest levels. And, by the way, the best minds on planet earth have vigorously been involved in studying this phenomena since 1947. Some, but not all, of their information has now been publically released. For example, Dan Burish's public DEBRIEFING after having face to face interaction on behalf of the U.S. Government -- a time traveler from one of our own possible future timelines which was called a J-Rod. Find out about it for yourself. You see, in the ONENESS of the Universal Hologram of total quantum entanglement, every quanta and subquanta are energetically and informationally interconnected. The same thing David Bohm, A.R. Bordon, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Tom Bearden and many many more also discovered (since the time of Neils Bohr) in their various scientific pursuits. Neither Niels Bohr NOR Einstein knew anything at all about how TIME operates or about how planet earth fits into the Cosmic picture. No he did not. He in no way “proved” that God plays dice with the Universe. Where on earth do you get that? I think I know. “Leading” according to what? Leading WHERE? Look around you. Have those who have been “leading thinkers” done such a good job? Is leading the world into despair and suicidal destruction productive or counterproductive to EVOLUTIONARY LIFE? It depends upon whose “lead” you take. I take the leading of those who have insight as well as mechanical, materialistic “knowledge.” I have already given you a very few names which will lead you to many others, if you so choose. Back to your paragraph that I quoted --- Not choiceS but A choice which is to be a living part of the Universal Conspiracy for EVOLUTIONARY LIFE. This is the most basic desire in the Universe because it represents BLISS consciousness. “Follow your bliss,” as Joseph Campbell once said. It is a “choice” because INTENTION is innate in ALL THAT IS. Every quanta and subquanta is energetically mingled and exists in complete SHAREDISTRIBUTABILITY (also known as Agape Love) with every other quanta and subquanta in this entire Universal Hologram. That means, at the deepest level, every quanta and subquanta is energetically interconnected (entangled or mingled) with all that is. You and I are made up of those quanta and subquanta. And by the way, both subquanta and quanta are ENERGY. Einstien WAS correct when he said, "MATTER DOES NOT EXIST -- ALL IS ENERGY." Right on. We have intention and will and purpose which is innate down to the finest level, not just a result of our cognitive reasoning. Not until a being has evolved to the point of cognitive reasoning (represented by human beings) can one rebel against this Universal intention and that too is a matter of choice – and like all choices has consequences (which the dead Standard Model also will not admit because they do not recognize the Overfunction of Universal Law, only various systems of highly limited man-made mathematics. Structured according to very limited conceptual theories that ignore the original Spiritual meanings of numbers.) Quantum Physics has even called for new mathematics in an effort to comprehend the incomprehensible. Some mathematics are so abstract that they are little more than a mystery inside a metaphore wrapped in an enigma. Really nothing more than a mental exercise through a labyrinth of supposition upon supposition upon presumption. This can keep a person distracted from reality for a lifetime. The ancients knew the meaning and use of numbers very well but their knowledge is considered to be too "occult" and "primitive." However, they could do some technological things that are considered to be "impossible" by any technology we have today. The extraterrestrial bioform use numbers in the same way the ancients on planet earth did and, in fact, GAVE that knowledge to early homo sapiens sapiens having MENTORED them. Now, much of it has become impractical, theoretical and obscure. I am talking about a Universal Intention here which, of course, is denied by the reductionistic/materialistic paradigm. The advancements in Quantum Science have departed from the “chance” theory and come around full circle to ETERNAL PURPOSE. Yep. And, no, I am not just talking about “Christians” here but about all who have some Spiritual insight and that includes some people in every culture on earth. Most people inculcated with religion of any kind, especially the religion of materialistic reductionism, have trouble with this. They have a long going fight with what they refer to as “religion” not realizing that they are in the exact same dogmatic position and thus equally in bondage. Their antedote to “religion” is materialistic reductionistic “realism.” But the real fulfillment (and dissovling at the same time) of “religion” is genuine Spirituality based upon direct experience. You see, brother, there was never any reason at all for a “VERSUS” since both sides of the prime-time wrestling match were fully engrossed in the exact same error. And that engrossment did nothing but produce a bad case of tunnel vision on both sides. MORE in my next post.
  10. IMHO and the opinion of many many scientists nowdays, except for those working for the Military/Industrial Complex who hold the position of final authority as far as the public is concerned, there is a basic predictability inherent in every subquanta and quanta in the Universe: LIFE and EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. That is because the Universe has PURPOSE and BASIC INTENT and that basic intent is evolving life. ALL is for this. Science and spirituality now merge because to leave consciousness and mind out of the equation, as the old so-called "science" does in the now defunct "Standard Model" is NOT science at all. It fact it is a religious cult of dogmatic materialism. When was the last time you dropped a blowing ball and it flew away? Yep, it is made up of quanta and SUB quanta. When was the last time you saw a dog give birth to a cat? All chance eh? If you really think so, you are very depressed indeed. Does an individual quanta make a choice? Yes it does. That choice is to choose the basic drive of the Universe -- evolutionary life. The sub-quanta and quanta organize mathematically. The "randomness" is only how it appears when an observer, such as you or I, becomes involved. This is what the double-slit experiment is all about. This famous (or infamous) experiment is about human consciousness. When trying to determine if a single electron is a particle or a wave, it was found that it is both and neither depending upon how one observes it. Watch the video above, it is an excellent and clear explanation. As it turns out, our ENTIRE oberservation of the energy impinging upon our senses is this way. WE create our own reality by HOW we perceive it. We project our inner perception outward and call that "reality." This gives support to Michael Talbot's "Holographic Universe" and Physicist David Bohm's view of interconnetivity also, as well as many others who are very aware of this also. So, if the scientist does not know WHO and WHAT HE IS, and if the scientists does not intuitively sense the interconneticity of the entire Universe, ALL his perceptions are inaccurate. And the extent of the accuracy of his perceptions are determined by the extent to which he knows WHO and WHAT HE IS. ALL is energy, as Einstien said. We INTERPRET this energy impinging upon our senses according to the processes of our mental processing grids. This process is no longer the mystery it once was. Our interpretations are personal, although influenced by social consensus reality, cultural consensus, education, knowledge, personal trauma etc etc. From all these factors existant in our memory processing system, we FORMULATE the reality of what we see, hear, taste, smell and feel (which includes INTUITION as well). So our views of the Universe, even among scientists, VARY according to HOW we interpret it. Up until consciousness became revealed through the intense study of it, OBJECTIVE reality was considered in some way to be solid and unchangable but with the understanding of the subjective element, (perception and consciousness) that all changed. Only when the quanta are organized into sentient beings does rebellion against the Universal principal come into play. No, quanta cannot rebel, simply because they don't WANT to. The freedom is inherent even in the subquanta and is expressed in the organization of the sentient beings who can EXPERIMENT in order to prove how the Universe works or how it DOES NOT work. Not only is there ENTROPY, but NEG-ENTROPY as well. Both organizing and dissolution principals. Your old science only recognized ENTROPY. But it is now proven that BOTH form the Universal ONENESS. A WAVE of duality in the midst of a SINGULARITY. As physicist David Bohm and others have said, the Universe is both EXPLICIT and IMPLICIT not just EXPLICIT. The Universe is a huge mega-hologram with UPWARD causality (which the old "Standard Model" recogmizes") BUT ALSO ..... DOWNWARD causality, which is the basic Universal CREATIVE impluse to produce the innate quantum drive of evolution toward conscious awareness. Until the 1980s, consciousness and mind were consider by the "Standard Model" to be epiphenomenal "artifacts" of PHYSICAL MATTER which in the reductionists philolophy of the defunct "Standard Model" and was considered to be PRIMARY. So, all your "science" before the world wide push to understand human consciousness is null and void as an overall "model." It IGNORES THOUGHT AND CONSCIOUSNESS -- the two most important elements in ANY knowledge whatsoever. The old scientific paradigm believed that ALL can be reduced to a PARTICLE and even now continues spending billions in vain to search for the "Higgs Boson" -- the so-called "God" particle. Stephen Hawkings has seen WAY beyond this and has predicted .... "THEY WILL NEVER FIND IT." And .... they haven't. And won't because what they are looking for and don't know it is a SINGULARITY that is OMNIPRESENT -- everywhere and everytime all at once. "God" is not a particle. Nor is "God" a wave. GOD IS OMNIPOTENT, OMNICIENT and .... OMNIPRESENT. Transcendent but at the same time TOTALLY INVOLVED continually in Creation from the tiniest quanta and subquanta to the most energetic STAR. "God" is the ONE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS. "God" is YOU, ME and the cat too. The tree, the river and the mountain, as well. That primary essence that we call "God" is at the ROOT of everything and it is ONE. All that emerges out of the ONE is TWO -- that is CREATION. A yin yang -- a frequency -- a WAVE -- a duality -- up and down, this and that. A projected HOLOGRAM with THOUGHT and INTENTION behind it. This is not "religion." This is science that recognizes thought and consciousness which simply CANNOT be ignored any longer. No, YOU are not an "accident." YOUR life has a definite MEANING and PURPOSE. Really. The Existentialists of the 1930s, 40s and 50s were VERY depressed because they were so detached from reality due to having come under the seducing influce of the fake "science" of the day. "Science" FALSELY so-called. This materialist/realist philosophy came close to DESTROYING the entire planet. May this ignorance perish forever. It is 100% ANTI-LIFE and ANTI-EVOLUTION and ANTI-CREATION and substitutes SELFISHNESS, FEAR and ANGST instead. I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s where the threat of WORLD ANNIHILATION loomed over us all. Why? Due to this absurd Cartesian split that occured back in the time of Descarte. Utter foolishness. A "deal" between the pious Cardinals and those who wished to explore nature. The scientists said, "you pious Cardinals handle the spiritual aspects -- and WE will explore the physical." DONE DEAL and NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET. The Cardinals were fearful that the ones exploring nature would find out something which didn't fit into their predetermined dogma -- such as that the earth was not the center of the Universe. However, the twain HAS NOW met, in spite of this criminal "deal" several centuries ago that has cause so much divisiveness on our planet. The great step forward that will eventually bring us OUT of this nonsense is the exploration and understanding of HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, untertaken since Francis Crick called for it in the late 1980s. Your scientists who still cling to the old disproven "Standard Model" do their VERY BEST to ignore all this work which has been going on intensely WORLD WIDE. It is hard for new knowledge to overcome old dogmatic entrenchments. However, consciousness and thought can no longer be ignored. Why was it ignored? Simply because it means an ENTIRE new paradigm for planet earth. The people entrenched in their dysfunctions are AFRAID of such a huge change. You see, the old reductionist model produces human FEAR because it leads them to believe that their life has NO PRIMARY MEANING and that the Universe is an ACCIDENT and all that nonsense. The work of the scientists I have mention PROVE that not to be the case. It can no longer be ignored because this old error has brought us to the brink of suicidal destruction. Recognizing the ONE SOURCE is required in order to have any clue whatsoever as to WHO and WHAT ones real identity IS. If a person does not know WHO and WHAT they are ..... ANY KNOWLEDGE they may have is totally inaccurate because it has no solid basis. No foundation. The observer observes and is foundational to what he is observing because HE must interpret what he is obseriving in order to express and communicate it. If the observer does not know WHO he is, then what he observes is pure speculation and presumption. All the great spiritual teachers have told us this. Now what has been called "science" has made this discovery and things will NEVER be the same. Thank God. The results of our civilization's scientific materialism is seen all around us because it has become the dogma which rules our culture. And, not surprisingly, our culture and so-called "civilzation" is rapidly dissolving. Total collapse is the result of our mistaken self identity which IGNORES consciousness, mind, thought and intention and thus ignores individual will and creativity. In this false lopsided scientific paradigm, the world has become ROBOTIC and human beings act like automatons instead of the creative artists that they actually are. The results (fruit) of such dysfunction is HUNGER, POVERTY, DESPOTISM, SELFISHNESS, WAR, HATRED, DIVISION, CONFUSION and FEAR. All of this is about to work itself out, end forever, and allow human beings on planet earth to begin once again to evolve and flourish. And that, of course, is the meaning of this huge shift that is underway. The Universe has PURPOSE. That purpose is EVOLVING LIFE and that EVOLVING LIFE IS CONSCIOUSNESS. I have already given long lists of scientists who know this very well. Don't think that just because you may not be familiar with physicists such as David Bohm, A.R. Bordon, Bruce Lipton, Eugene Mallove that physics has not moved beyond Einstien and Bohr. In many things they, although revered in their day and great contributors, have been proven totally wrong. Example. Einstein's speed of light limitation. There is a science revolution afoot that recognizes the quantum potential as energy, intelligence and INFORMATION. Oh yes there is. But many are stuck and frozen in the old materialist/realist "Standard Model" -- now proven to be only ONE HALF of the equation. The other half is monist/idealist. The Universe is IDEOMATERIAL -- that is, THOUGHT -- MATTER. In the beginning was the THOUGHT and it materialized into the multifarious worlds of time and space. Wise men have alwasy known this, but materialistic "science" denys it and thus denys life itself. That old paradigm is now DEAD but some try to reanimate it and produce nothing but walking zombies -- the living dead. They need to all go back to their coffins and are rapidly doing so because they have no where else to go. The Cartesian split has a history going back to Descarte. It was an artifical split from the beginning due to an agreement between those who wished to find out how nature operates and those who thought they already knew it all -- the Roman Catholic dogma. Now, the situation is reversed. The "Standard Model" is the know-it-all dogma that is petrified. That is not "science" at all but a religious cult. A VERY destructive religious cult. A religion that worships at the srine of materialism and does the bidding of the Military/Industrial Complex and all its minions. Just look at it this way. Judge the tree by the fruit it bears. The "fruit" of that old "Standard Model" is NUCLEAR WEAPONRY that can annihilate all life on the planet. INSIDEOUS WEAPONRY such as chemical and biological. Use of the world's resources to control the minds and souls of men. POSIONING the air, earth, water and fire. WAR. Creating despair and hopelessness. Allowing despotism to rule. Making a GOD out of $$$. Yes, that is the fruit of the Cartesian split. Now it is becoming recognized that such a split was completely irrational to begin with. If anyone can look at the state of todays world and not understand that what is going on is completely illogical and counterproductive on every front, not to say "insane," they are mind controlled slaves living in a cage -- and haven't a clue because their thinking is compltely stultified. I suggest you find out what the new science is revealing in the 21st century. All it takes is pulling yourself away from the traditional UNscientific dogma that ignores mind and consciousness all together in favor of physical matter which they assume to be at the root of everything. In other words, this old unscientific paradigm is substituting a dead idol, which can neither see, hear, think or feel, for the basic living drive of the Great Creation and everything and every being in it. It is no wonder that under such a cult there is NO respect for the web of life nor any personal responsibility for it. Nor is there any empathy brought about from the certainty of our interconnectivity with all that is and thus very little appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding nor valor. When we get beyond the narcotic stupor produced by the unbalanced materialst/realist paradigm, we can allow our hearts to become energetic and begin to dwell in the realm of those six virtues that HEAL rather than destroy humanity, which, of course, includes US. Religion is NOT spirituality. The philosophy of materialism is NOT science. DOGMA is not science. DOGMA is NOT spirituality. However, dogma is often "religion" AND falsely so-called "science" as well which is a religious cult to some. DOGMA of any kind doe NOT allow for any further insight or progress -- OR -- dogma trys to take control of all progress, thus ENSLAVING mankind. But .... "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." That's ALL of us who love the truth and refuse to stop short of it. namste.
  11. T.S. Eliot is my favorite poet. I like "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock," "The Hollow Men," "Murder In the Cathedral" and "Journey of the Magi" particuarly, but I appreciate all his writing. It moves me. His metaphores are wonderful and multileveled. In order to fully appreciate him requires holonomic thnking and, in fact, that is where I first became aware of it. I'm glad what I wrote in my update made things a bit clearer as to WHY many of us see the magnitude of this event and that there is substantial evidence for the material aspects of it as well as prophetic evidence for the metaphysical aspects of it. Both sets of evidence are required to even begin to understand the vast implications. No one knows exactly what will occur only that earth changes will happen and human consciousness and DNA will be effected. It should be obvious to anyone who has been paying attention why NO SCIENTIST in the United States is going to stand up and publically announce on CNN or FOX that our solar system is NOT from the Milky Way. They are ALL under National Secruity oaths, for one thing. Plus, any scientist who did that would be virtually stoned to death by the rigid scientific minds entrenched in scientific dogma, not to mention lose his career and, most important, lose his GRANTS -- EVEN if he showed proven evidence. It has to be shown in REPEATABLE experiments so the standard approach is NOT to make definitive statements ahead of time, but only after many many years of gathering evidence. So, the speaking they are doing is entirely OFF THE RECORD and will remain so. By the time they get around to announcing it, it will already be over. Such radical changes in direction usually take a LONG time to be absorbed by status quo science. In this case, it means the complete rewriting of ALL the textbooks. Vested interests are horrified by such a prospect because they would have to admit that they had been wrong all along and, in their minds, loose credibility. But when one simply LOOKS carefully at the New Sky Map and the photographs which TRACE the path of our solar system, one can see for themselves that we are PART of the Sagittarius Dwarf system coming down into one of the MW spiral arms into the plane of the energetic whirlpool disk of the Milky Way. Looking at the infrared photos which traces the journey of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, which is going in a different direction than the MW spiral, (TANGENTAL to it, in fact, an X) one can see WHERE that path is going and where we came from because there are stars coming down from on top of us and also stars directly underneath us from the Sagittarius Dwarf remnants which outline the path WE are taking. WE are part of the remnant. Our Sun is directly in the infrared path of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the fact that we are coming in AT AN ANGLE shows that we are moving WITH the Sgitarrius Dwarf remnants. Had we come out of the Milky Way, we would be alligned with the movement of the MW whilrpool disk instead of at a sharp angle to it. WHY this is -- has been the greatest mystery of all in astronomy -- but that mystery is now solved thanks to the new infrared Sky Map. It is the work of the Russian scientists who study the Heliosphere that is the most alarming aspect of this convergence. Dr. Dimitriv has fully outlined the energetics of this convergence. He states that every quanta in our solar sytem will continue to absorb and absorb energy until no more can be taken and then at a critical point every quanta will suddenly fly apart and stablize itself at a greater distance than before. This is a SUDDEN DENSITY change but not the death of the bioforms because it happens at the speed of light or beyond the speed of light and stablizes at the new distance instantaneouly. We probably won't even notice it. You see, the study of ENERGETICS has long been a Russian scientific pursuit, since they fully recognize, as Albert Einstein said, that EVERYTHING is energy and there IS no matter. Thought is energy and the Russians have also led the way in PSYCHOENERGETICS (psychic phenomena) and even MAPPED the entire human brain. Their culture has long accepted the intuitional things such as clairvoyance, astral projection, psychokenesis, telepathy, precognition, remote viewing and shamanistic traveling. The Soviet Union put millions into developing Remote Viewing and that finally prompted the U.S. to do the same, although reluctantly because we in the West have a religious and cultural bias against anything psychic. The Russians do not. They have ALWAYS respected the importance of THOUGHT, INTUITION, PSYCHIC PHENOMENA and have studied and proven the powers innate in the human biomind for a very long time. Now, since Ingo Swaan and Harold Puthoff developed Remote Viewing at SRI, our scientists, who are dedicated to studying human consciosuness, have followed the lead of the Russians. However, many scientists in the U.S. under the old Standard Model which, at the moment, RULES our Western science, only views thought and consciousness as an EPIPHENOMENAL ARTIFACT of physical matter, which they consider to be the final goal of their reductionism. (A "God" particle -- the Higgs Boson} -- which they will never find, according to Stephen Hawkings, because what they are looking for cannot be separated into an objective particle or a wavicle since it is outside of time and omnipresent at the base root of ALL time. Other scientists, such as David Bohm also had the same insight, as have many others, although rarely understood. The highly reductionistic view of the old scientific "Standard Model" is rapidly changing because of the intense study of human consciousness and DNA, going on since the 1980s at the request of Francis Crick. But, there are still scientists entrenched in the old traditions and they are often at the higher levels of authority. This is because they have been around the longest. They feel very insecure over anything as bizaar as this convergence, and especilly anything that questions LONG HELD ESTABLISHED thought that has been held SO long that it has become dogma not to be questioned. Of course, that way of thinking is totally unscientific. The present knowledge of this coming convergence has become known because of the new evidence about the direction our solar system is moving in space with relationship to the Milky Way Galaxy == and our solar system's movement into new fields of energy never before encountered as we cross down into the plane of the Milky Way's flat whirlpool disk. We are about to JOIN the Milky Way Galaxy, become a part of it, go with its movement and experience a whole new level of energy. To some, such as those experiencing the earth changes, it is already "dreadful." To others it is a rare opportunity to move toward world peace. It is, and has been, a diseased world system simply because the fruit of its actions has been to poison the earth, air, water and fire. And thus, poison manikind and all the Earth's beings, including Mother Earth herself. These dysfunctions are no longer sustainable. The world is moving on. Mother Earth is in labor and experiencing birth pangs. Those who have not yet recognized this fact, soon willl. As sentient beings on this planet, we can no longer treat ourselves in such a self-destrctive and disrespectful manner and expect anything but DEATH to come out of it. We must take responsibility for our own actions and not allow false pride to have its way. We can no longer be manipulated by greedheads and liars who dare to call themselves leaders, shakers and movers, yet only have their own agendas and selfish interests at heart. In order for a man in a three piece suit to ever be trusted again, he must EARN that trust. You see, people have been duped because they took too much for granted and were overly awed by societal prestige, $$$ and power. To the people in Italy who just experienced the earthquake, it is terrifying. To the islanders about to loose their traditional home and culture, as their world is swallowed by the sea, it is very disconcerting. Regarding the selfish Corporate CEOs, they sense that their world of greed and power is now coming to an end. To the people who were ripped off by the criminal world financial ponzi scheme, anger and mistrust has replaced confidence. The biggest HEIST in human history is now fully exposed and we know who planned it and carried it out and WHY. But, to those who desire a better way, and to those who have enough vision to SEE a better way, we also now have the opportunity to become very creative and engage in alternatives to the old dysfunctions. And, that is the story of this huge shift. We are in a period of rapid and intense transition and there will be turmoil but where we are headed is into a world of peace and a new direction of adventure and discovery never before imagined. What it takes to get there will not be pleasant for those stuck on the old dysfunctions. But to others it is the fulfillment and answer to their heart's prayer for the future of their children, the planet and all her creatures. So, what is going to happen to those tens of thousands of islanders who will have to relocate? Right now, NO ONE is willing to take them in. Perhaps when THEY THEMSELVES begin to experience the intensification of these earth changes, their hearts will change. Some will and some won't. There will be MANY people die unnecessariliy just as many just did in Italy a few days ago because the status quo powers-that-be would NOT LISTEN to the warnings because of their ego entrenchment. The Italian PM, Burgulosi, surveying the damage said, "well you folks who lost your homes and are now having to live in tents can just pretend that you are on a camping trip." Uh .... that went over like a lead baloon to people who just became homeless and crushed in grief over the loss of their friends and families. This is the way the detached rich comfort the poor -- "No bread? Well, let them eat CAKE." Its like George H.W. Bush (41) who, during his reign, was preplexed by the bar codes on items at the grocery store. He had never seen them before. Why? Because he hadn't had to go shopping in DECADES. You see, his servants did that for him. We should never elect leaders who are completely DETACHED from the outside world and unable to relate to common people because they live in a BUBBLE full of MONEY. An OIL bubble full of money, in his case. There will be many changes and some folks are afraid of change itself, but, in this case, they have no choice. Others are embracing change, especially now that the old way has proven to be totally counterproductive and injurious to the health of mind, soul and body. Did you see the video of the electric car that the Japanese are producing?? It is up on the other thread I started about cars running on water. There is no need for us to continue to poison the atmosphere, the water, the earth and all the creatures. When folks finally wake up to that, they will DEMAND change and no despot, propagandist, fascist or megalomaniiac controller can stop such progress. Folks might even get to know their neighbors and learn how to SHARE instead of play oneupsmanship games trying to claw their way to the top of the heap and rub elbows with the rich and famous. SHARING may be necessary for their VERY SURVIVAL. Good. You see, we are ALL in the same boat named the TITANIC. Some will push others aside to save their own skins and others will act SELFLESSLY. We make our own choice either way, regardless of the outward circumstances. IMHO, this Nexus Event is a world, national and personal REKONING. You can call it "JUDGEMENT DAY" -- or -- you can look upon it as FINAL EXAMS. Some will pass, others will not, depending upon how well they applied themselves to their homework and how well they paid attention in class. The whole Universe is a gigantic SCHOOL ROOM and we all have MANY lessons yet to learn. Graduation day is soon. The next tiny step in human evolution. There will be many many more. Peace be upon the earth and among all beings. namaste.
  12. That's right. I fully agree. Yes, status quo scientist cannot relate to things outside their field that often connect with their work. Today I updated this page to include the opinion of the status quo. It was the same in 1983 when R.S. Harrington discovered Nibiru via the IRAS telescope. What he said in private was somewhat different than what he was allowed to say in public. "National Security." See the additional info and links toward the bottom of the page. When everything is taken into consideration, it is easy to see why those representing the status quo (the government position) hold the opinions they do. This Nexus Event represents the top priority of National Security. And every professional astronomer in the U.S. of A. must sign a National Security Oath after a weeks indoctrination at Langley Virginia. The meaning of that must also be taken into consideration. namaste.
  13. For the last two days I have been trying to find the way to clearly present WHY this coming energetic change is happening now and HOW scientist know about it. This represents the results of the new Map of the Sky completed in 2003. Absolutely ASTOUNDING things were discovered. The research was carried out by two Universities as well as the government using state of the art computers, telescopes and very advanced equipment. Since grade-school we have always been taught that our solar sytem was part of the Milky Way Galaxy and that our solar system emerged OUT of the Milky Way. Now scientists have found that such is NOT the case. FIVE (5) major discoveries from that project have set the entire world of science on its ear. All the textbooks will have to be rewritten. DISCOVERY # 1) Our Solar System is traveling in a whole different direction than the Sciences previously understood or thought possible: DISCOVERY # 2) OUR SOLAR SYSTEM STARTED IN A WAY PREVIOUSLY NOT THOUGHT POSSIBLE: DISCOVERY # 3) THE NEW STAR MAP TELLS ALL -- THE MILKY WAY NOT OUR PARENT GALAXY DISCOVERY # 4). CLIMATE CHANGE--The REAL REASONS? DISCOVERY # 5 THE SOLVING OF THE REAL REASON WHY THE MAYAN CALENDAR ENDS IN 2012? Not the End of the World? We are not and have never been a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is well know that the huge Milky Way continually absorbes other much smaller Galaxies. Our Solar System came out of the very small Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy which is presently being absorbed (eaten, if you will) by the huge Milky Way. The two are colliding and merging. The MW, being the giant, is the "winner." The Saggitarius Dwarf Galaxy in its mass is 10,000 times smaller than the MW. The black/white holes in the MW Galactic Center are sucking us down INTO the MW Whirlpool Spiral and we will JOIN with it, having been captured by it. When you trace the path that our Solar System has taken as discovered by the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), you will see how far out in the darkness of space we have been and how that path being taken by the disjointed Sagittarius Dwarf stream leads us directly into allignment with the flat MW disk with its long spiraling arms. The arms are literally sweeping our solar system in. We have NEVER experienced such energies on this planet. Although there are many cycles coming together this engagement is not cyclic but an ENTIRELY NEW EXPERIENCE since the beginning of the condensation of our solar system far outside the MW Galaxy. The two Galaxies have been colliding for millions of years but we have always been far away from the energies of the central MW disk. We have been getting closer and closer and we are now about to CROSS that energetic center. Exactly what will happen is not known since this is completely unprecedented. All they know is that the extreme energies, such as gamma rays, nutrinos, cosmic rays and glowing plasma will cause changes to us down to the quantum and sub-quantum level. All DNA on earth will be effected. It is a huge die-off event but at the same time a "punctuated equilibrium" as biologists call it. The change in DNA will effect our human consciousness and, in fact, already is. Look at what's going on in the world around you. One of the greatest mysteries in Astronomy has been the fact that the Milky Way as viewed from earth is at an extreme ANGLE. No one knew why. If we were actually a part of the MW, then we would be going in the same direction as the spiral arms. No one has known why the MW is tilted in the sky. Until now. It is because we are not out on one of the arms of the Milky Way Spiral but traveling along with other debris from the Sagitarrius Dwarf Galaxy which is merging into the MW. If we were part of the Milky Way Whirpool Disk, our Solar System would not be traveling as such an extreme angle to the MW vortex. However, we are NOT and never have been a part of the MW. We (our solar system) is coming into the central plane of the Whirlpool Disk of the MW. And that's where the intense plasmic radiations are located that we are (and will be) encountering with ever increasing intensity. Of course, these energies effect our sun and all the planets in our solar system and that's why the many changes are being recorded and monitored, such as warming, freak storms, magnetic changes, atmospheric changes and also the plasmic effervesence that is causing the planets to glow brighter. That is why the Sun's Heliosphere is increasing its energy on the blunt end as the Russian scientists have told us with great alarm. And all these factors are well documented by NASA, the ESA and the Russian sientists who have whole institutes to study just this one thing. The Mayans always knew this was a CROSSING and indeed that is exactly what it is. It is a CROSSING because we are NOT traveling in the same direction as the MW Spiral but are coming down into it at an angle from the Sagittarius Dwarf stream, clearly mapped by using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the University of Virginia and, of course, the Federal Government whose state of the art equipment, including megacomputers, they used for this. The two differnt directions of travel were represented by an X by the Mayans. X -- a picture of the crossing. You can see that this is producing a collision of energies? Two directions of energy CROSSING. 1) the MW Whirlpool Disk and 2) the angular path of our solar system traveling the path of the Saggitarius Dwarf Galaxy which is being subsumed by the much larger MW. That produces wave interference and magnetic "churning." Yep, this is the real cause of "Global Warming" and the real reason every planet in our solar system is now experiencing this warming and many other freaky changes. So, we will allign on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 UT (Universal Time). Before then, we will be increasingly absorbing the cosmic energies coming out from the MW Disk and her black/white holes. We can expect earth changes of varying magnitudes. When a physical pole shift comes, IF it comes, that will be the worst of it. We are about to JOIN the MW Galactic Community! And that, my friends, has far implications beyond which you can not now imagine. So, I present to you two new papers I wrote over the last couple of days and put up on my website. Please follow the links I have there. You will then understand WHY I and others are saying these things. This next link is concerning Planet X (Nibiru) but, from the best evidence I can find, is NOT due yet for another 60 = 120 years, although some say it is already in the inner solar system and near at hand. I don't think so. Planet X, and all the discussion going on about it, is being used as a METAPHOR for the cosmic convergence, although Nibiru is REAL, discovered in 1983 by NASAs IRAS satellite and written up the Astronmy Journal by R. S. Harrington. Nibiru is a REAL planet in our solar system with a VERY VERY wide orbit that takes it far out into space to circle around a dead star on the other end before it comes back around our sun and usually causes some havok on our planets. Nibiru (the "Planet of the Crossing") was last here around 3600 years ago during what the Bible records as the Exodus. That was a MILD passage compared to the next one. NIbiru's orbit it RETROLGRADE and magnetically contrary to all the other planets. It has caused havoc in our solar system for a long time, including the planet between Mars and Jupiter which is now the Asteriod Belt. But, who knows what the extreme energetic changes will bring? In times past, Nibiru has instigated POLE SHIFTS but we may be up for one of those even before Nibiru arrives 60 to 120 years from now. namaste. P.S. Also:
  14. So, I suppose the next time someone predicts an eathquake via the radon gas released, they will ignore it and let people die as before? It probably doesn't fit their "standard scientific model." heheheh. Thinking to far out of the box I suppose. "No, we'll stick to the standard method because that's the way its always been done. Daddy did it that way. Graddaddy did too. We can't break with tradition, now can we? Your in good hands with ALL STATE. We can't have some nut case telling us what to do! Do you realize who I am?" Of course, as in any good cooking, the real proof is in the pudding. Of course, there are those who prefer to see innocent people die rather than admit that they might not know everything. If one was honest, they might not win the election. namaste.
  15. Here is a current example of how denial and skepticism regarding these earth changes cost lives. The denial prevents their seriously looking into the matter and thus are able to maintain their attitude of skepticism as a kind of arm-chair philosophy based upon supposition. It's always a "shoot the messenger" game. "Get otta da way, you aint nutin but a crazy doomsayer -- give us soothsayers who predict smooth things and adulate our great accomplishments daily." The voices of warning crying in the wilderness are never heard by those who ridicule. The biggest skeptics and naysayers are often authority figures. And then .... lives are lost unnecessarily. Innocent people die because of someone's ego and false pride which would not allow them to act. They are so afraid of possibly looking ridiculous and ruining their self mage, that they have so carefully created, they aid the destruction and death brought by the disaster rather than minimizing it. See to it that your town has a wiser mayor who actually cares about his fellow citizens and puts them above himself. Interesting article and very timely indeed. namaste.
  16. Is there gobal warming. OF COURSE THERE IS. If you had been reading what I said you would know that. The propaganda is not about IF there is global warming but WHY. And CO2 in the earth's atmospere cannot be the entire story because of the fact that other planets in our solar system are ALSO warming up as proven by many NASA probes and ESA discoveries. Besides in the ice cores they have found eras in which the CO2 was much higher than now, due to volcanos, and yet the earth was cooling, not warming. So, it should be clear to you that I am not denying the fact of global warming at all but have researched the reasons and found that they are not what is being advertised over CNN and FOX. This 2012 convergence is the real reason. Why aren't they telling you about it? Very simple. They do not want panic and they want civilization to continue on for as long as possible. But you are already being prepared for these events in many ways. The REintroduction of the VICTORY GARDEN is one example. Folks who are paying attention are now growing gardens ALL OVER THE WORLD. It is now harder than ever to do because of the world wide disappearance of the BEES. But, growing a garden is EXACTLY one of the most positive things anyone can do, since we are going to NEED THEM very soon. Really. Another way you have been prepared are the many disaster films coming out of Hollywood. They have given you the message: in any kind of disaster, stay calm, help your neigbors, exercise your faith in God, give the best medical attention you can to those who are injured, be brave, be kind, subdue those who might panic or become violent, protect each other. Not bad advice at all, eh? That means you actually know something about it. Yes, I agree with the Mayans completely. Loosing our present civilization is not negative but a step forward since another much better civilization will soon arise and in fact already is. It will come from the challenges we will face in the coming convergence where cooperation will trump greedy competition and people will have to depend upon the talents, abilties and creativity of ALL. This will help prepare us for the new civilization to come after these few years are passed. With the new enegy techniques that will come into play, the restoration of planetary infrastructure and healing of the beings will be a far less daunting task that you may now imagine. This recovery will produce a singleness of mind, focus and vectored intention instead of the present suicidal selfishness of I, I, ME, ME, MINE which rules this present civilization at the very top levels and would like to rule everyone according to that dysfunction. uh, if I may say, your impresions are in no way absolute and at times may not be reliable. I'm sure you know that. Unfortunately, that is the case. How much loss of life? No one knows. Some declare about 90% due to the hunger, disease etc. that is sure to follow, however, that may not be the case at all. Fact is, no one knows. All we can do is recognize that the emergency is coming and do whatever we think is best to prepare. There is no place to run. No place to hide and since food will be a problem, that is probably a good place to begin ahead of time since it is basic. Also maintaining pure water. Things will be different in different places. Some places will have almost no problems from the earth changes but will be effected when the power grid goes off and the trucks can no longer deliver. Others will be inundated, such as those poor folks on their sinking island. The British Isles will go under the waves. That's why the Royal familiy is buying up lots of land in Colorado. If you live along the Madrid faultline or in Southern California your inner voice will probably tell you when to move or perhaps you will go on the roller coaster ride and have the opportunity to serve others during that time. It you live in Arizona or Colorado there may be virtually no effect directly from the earth changes. If you live in Florida, prepare to swim. If you live in central Texas prepare to swim. But I am talking here about a physcial POLE SHIFT when it occurs. Before that, just building up to it, such as the earthquake in the middle of Italy and the growing volcanic activity and the melting of both poles. This is an entirely NATURAL event. Pole shifts have happened many times before on this planet but there was hardly anyone around. We as homo sapiens sapiens WILL face it and survive it. Who will survive and who won't? We should all be ready to step out of our bodies at any moment. And, that's the way it should be ALL THE TIME anyway. Yes, some folks will totally despair. Bankers jumping out of windows etc. That's their choice. Sorry they couldn't have seen what this is all about but instead chose to clutch to their $$$ god. So, I intend to do what I can to inform folks and to SAVE LIVES by helping to simply inform them. I have nothing to "sell." Everyone must find out for themseves and I simply offer them the way to do that. Some will. Some won't. Their choice. Some will ridicule and mock, others will think deeply about it. Neither moves me. Here are the very positive aspects of it all: COOPERATION instead of greedy competition. CREATIVITY, as people are required to IMPROVISE and make do and find different ways of living. SELF EXAMINATION, as we all go through a kind of personal rekoning as to what is REALLY important and what isn't. PERSONAL LOVE AND SACRIFICE, caring for ones neighbors, friends and familys even in the worst possible circumstances. CONTROL OVER FEAR, as we are compelled to overcome our fears in order to survive. COMPLETE SHARING OF ALL GOODS, because in a disaster or emergency everyone must help everyone else for the sake of ALL. Selfishness, in these cases, is completely counterproductive to all concerned and hinders progress. LEARNING ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF MEDICAL CARE, will be required of us ALL. We will have to do with whatever is at hand. These are only a few of the positive aspects that will come out of this change. After the convergence is over after a few years, the survivors, a great number or a small number will build an entirely NEW civilization and we will have unlimited energy to do so at our disposal as well as direct advice from our ET friends and relatives, as many of us already do now. So, you see, this old civilization has become entirely dysfunctional and can no longer be sustained. To some that is a terrible tragedy because they love to engage in the dysfunctions so much. To others, it is liberation and there is every emotion in between. To the Native Americans it is entirely expected and they do know something about living and interacting with Mother Earth. We will learn from them. Mother Earth herself will help her children. As a Wizard, you know about that. People who now trust in their cars, their jobs, their government, their social security, their money, their toys, their games, their status will turn to the simple. Food, water, air, earth, fire, energy, Mother Earth, natures timing etc. And, the details of all this are completely uncertain but one thing is for sure: no more "business as usual." And that alone will make many rejoice and fill them with hope. Others who think business as usual is their very life, will despair and give up. Well, it depends upon what you love in this world. Some things are going, others things are coming. You might also call this a .... severe readjustment? I am sure there will be some that view it as "the end" and will despair ahead of time. Their choice. That's why I am offering a different view -- one of hope. Take it or leave it. Understand it or don't understand it. Despair or rejoice. As for me, I choose to rejoice but to be as real concerning this as possible. You can look upon it as a disaster or as a great adventure and opportunity. Kind of like the rest of life, eh? namaste, brother wizard. (conjure me a coupla carrots, will ya.)
  17. I guess conclusion pole vaulting is the game of the hour. No, my friend, I have ultimate respect for all Star Lords and that is an EXCELLENT screen name, as I already stated. Poking fun is not "making" fun of. Fun is just fun. Hey, I might even change me screen name to "NESTINGWING." Love it. What is a nestingwing?" --- a bird brain with a mylar cap who loves home sweet home. namaste.
  18. To all the dear folks who assume things are "business as usual." Go on back to sleep, dream of green meadows with pink flowers and don't have any night mares. The economic downturn will soon go away. 2012 is just another Y2K scam, ignore it. UFOs are swampgas. Extraterrestrials are nothing but the mistaken identity of crash dummies. Strange lights in the sky are nothing but weather baloons. Holes in the ozone are due to hairspray. The International Bankers have the good of all at heart. 911 was exactly as our honest government advertised. Everyone must have at least two operations in their lifetime -- tonsils and appendix. Jolly King George was a Christian, you know, wth a mission from God. Borned again. Like John the Baptist, the precursor of the Divine King. Obama is the Savior of all mankind. Christ in blackface. The Pharmaceutical Industry is your healer. War is justified if God is on your side. There is no other way to run the world except by oil, coal, nuclear, solar, wind and biofuels. Credible scientist say that energy from the quantum potential is presently impossible. The Oil Industry only promotes ecologically sound principals because they only have the good of the earth and her children at heart. Your in good hands with ALL STATE. BUY NATURE FRESH MILK. You should turn in your neigbors to the authorities if they seem wierd or demonstate peculiar or un-American behavor that questions the status quo. Always be sure to keep up your spending to help the economy. Take advantage of all sales, but only buy the BEST. Good and better is not the American way. And whatever you do, keep borrowing money. And go to church on Sunday so you won't have to burn in hell forever. Always put forth your nicest countenance and be agreeable with those in designated authority. If you want to be a CEO, be sure to show no sentiment to your fellow workers and always turn them in if they do anything wrong. Be a good American and be sure to buy lots of fireworks on the fourth of July to prove it. And be the first on your block to sacrifice your child to MOLOCH to assure our countries best interests. God is angry and jealous and wrathful, you know and demands lots of blood. (just in case anyone is taking this seriously -- it is a piece of tongue in cheek humor -- just so you will know and not form a mob and go on Jihad or start a pogrom) Surely my brothers and sisters in ULC are above that ...... hmmmm ...... unless, of course, some of you despise humor. uh oh. EVEN MORE FRIGHTENING are those who think I am serious! namaste. I see God in all of you. The real Almighty God of love, peace, light and life. Stay tuned for some really good information that will help you to understand 2012 a little clearer. 5 recent scientific discoveries that you may not know about yet concerning our solar system's origin and its place in relationship to the Milky Way Galaxy. This is why many scientists are concerned. dats me, a crazed doomsayer. namaste.
  19. Hi Rev. Allen -- another STAR LORD. Excellent. One in that position always has to retain a certain humility, of course. You are so informed about the matter that you do not even know when the Mayan Calendar ends? And yet you are able to judge the situation? I don't think so. Now, 2012 and all the implications surrounding it is definitely something which a Star Lord should find out about, since all of this is of a Galactic nature. And, if you knew anything at all about it, you would know very well that the "end of the world" scenario is completely false and the Mayans never said any such thing. Nor do I. You make assumptions and engage in conclusion pole vaulting, eh? Even if the continents shake like billiard balls in a hurricane, it is not the "end of the world." Conclusion pole vaulting -- A very popular sport. The Mayans NEVER NEVER predicted the now popularized "end of the world." Really. Yes, CYCLES. And you are entirely accurate about that and I give you credit for it. Yep, Star Lords are entirely aware of cycles and really that knowledge is primary in understanding 2012. All you have to do now, is fill in some of the blanks and replace popular misconceptions with accurate knowledge. This particular cycle is entirely new to human consciousness on planet earth because it is a convergence of MANY cycles including one that is 26,000 years long in linear time. Another one that is 3600 years (there abouts) -- and a cycle that is several MILLION years long. This is quite a bit more than "Jupiter alligns with Mars." It is also the passing of our solar system through the edge of the Miky Way center directly into line with the many black/white holes in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy that are continually pouring forth intense cosmic energies of multiple frequencies, some completely out of the range of any human instruments. I offer links to two recent University stronomical studies that show that this is an entirely unique event, not the naturally known regular cycle of dipping back and forth but a plunging of our entire solar system on its travel through space, down into and across the extreme energetic plane -- a NEW event for us never before experienced in human history. Another scientific confirmation that the Mayans knew exactly what they were talking about. Of course few will bother to read that article and prefer heresay and popular myths instead. I could give you that link right here and now but won't since those who wish to know can know and those who do not wish to know can remain in denial for as long as they want to --- or are able to do so. It is in the links on my article "Convergence." This is all a matter of choice, not persuasion. I have nothing to "sell." It is hard to believe that, I know, since we have all been at least partially programmed to think that anything not for "sale" is worthless. Our Sun is reacting in the observed changes in its normal cycle and every planet in our solar system is experiencing unusual changes including heating, atmospheric changes, freak storms, electromagnetic changes and others. Phenomena never before observed in the several centuries that such things have been scientificaly observed. This is completely confirmed, not only by the NASA probes but also by the ESA (European Space Agency.) So, its not as if there was no EVIDENCE for these unusual events taking place. Unusual to the scope of our developing science. And I am sure you are smart enough to realize that CO2 on earth does not extend to Pluto which is also undergoing a melt. The present propaganda we are constantly being bombarded with called "global warming" being caused only by excessive CO2 in earth's atmosphere, is sheer nonsense which has been designed to obscure the magnitude of what is actually happening and is going to happen as these energies converge. At least its got everyone attention that something is going on and mankind needs to start now coordinating together as a team to face the coming emergency. And, I think, that is exactly what the "global warming" propaganda is designed to do, although not telling you the genuine reason so as not to produce undue stress or panic. Very wise in my view. Most folks would not take the time to actually look into it but REACT in a Pavlovian response with the ever-popular, "IT"S THE END OF THE WORLD, RUN FOR YOUR VERY LIVES!!!!" So many folks with the runs would cause unnecessary problems ahead of time. (no pun intended) There are mountains of evidence -- only you will not hear about it on FOX or CNN. So, therefore, most assume there is no evidence. And that is the predictable reaction of a mind controlled society that allows the government to control HOW they think and WHAT to think and WHEN to think it. Yet, all the information is directly beneath the surface and many in government WANT you to know. Yes, many do want you to know, but at the same time do not deem it wise to cause any kind of panic and indeed they are correct. Every disaster film that Hollywood has been showing for the last fifty years has been preparing us psychologically to face up to these events whenever the time comes. Yes, they have known about this at least as far back as 1947. The Mayans did not predict the "end of the world" as is now POPULARIZED by fear propaganda the "doomsday" false prophets. (Of course it will be "doomsday" for Wall Street and Exxon that's for sure and it doens't take a "prophet" to predict that certainty.) However, the Galactic Mayans did predict radical change to the point of transformation and that change is already afoot. December 21, 2012 at 11:11 AM Universal Time is only the exact moment of the perfect allignment. It does NOT represent a particular "event." But, change is already afoot nonetheless. Perhaps you've noticed? Big change. The earth changes are already underway. Perhaps you haven't noticed. Yet. The Islanders who are about to loose their traditional homeland of many centuries, due to being swallowed by the sea, are well aware. Maybe you didn't know about that because it does not concern you? Directly. What just happened in the center of Italy will happen in the U.S. of A. and many other places in the world -- and much worse than the one in Italy. That might get your attention when it occurs and perhaps you may relate that coming event to what I and so many others are saying now about this convergence. Many, at that point, will get serious about finding out what this is all about. Of course many will simply continue on with their heads stuck in a bucket of sand and bare asses waving in the breeze. However, denial is a choice over understanding and no one but US is responsibile for the consequences of our own choices. The consciousness changes are already well underway too. Have you seen the news lately? Surely you watch FOX and CNN. More to come. Much more. Ignorance certainly is not bliss. Ignorance is just plain ignorance -- that is -- presumption based upon supposition in this particular case, according to the inaccurate statements in your post -- with a few exceptions which I acknowledge. I suggest you actually look into what the Mayans did have to say. I have some good references up on my website. Anyone can lean the actual facts, if they want to. Many professional researchers have dedicated their entire lives to studying this profound mystery of the Galactic Mayans. The "mystery" is not in what they had to say but in WHO they were to have possessed such accurate knowledge about the Universe. STAR LORDS indeed. Accurate knowledge which is now scientifically confirmed many many centuries later. Of course you will have to tear yourself away from FOX and CNN and that will be difficult. And I understand that there are many many folks who choose to simply remain oblivious. That's their choice. Perhaps they prefer to be surprised? "Why we never thought THAT could happen?" Nope. (Like the bankers who engineering the world wide financial meltdown. hahahahah "WHY WE NEVER IMAGINED THAT COULD HAPPEN." And with a straight face too.) In fact, we never THOUGHT -- but allowed others to do our thinking for us. And the crowd said among themselves, "They were popular government experts -- certified too -- and they told us what we want to hear, after all, tickling our ears is what its all about -- entertainment-- isn't it?" Well, actually, no it isn't. Of course the many many experts now predicting a huge earthquake (long overdue) along the Madrid fault are simply ignored . However, the folks living along that fault do not ignore them and are very sensitive to EVERY little shake. Just like Southern California and Alaska. Ask the people who survived Katrina what they think about the earth changes. Of course, that particular event may have been an attack upon the U.S. from the first generation scalar interferometers that the Japanese Yakusa leased from the Russians. Those weapons are are based in Siberia and most ham operators are familiar with what is called the "Woodpecker Grid" which is the carrier signal for those energetic weapons. The "Woodpecker Grid" fans out from three sources up in the north (Siberia) and spreads across the entire United States. They call it "Woodpecker Grid" because it makes a jarring tat tat tat tat like a woodpecker and very fast like a woodpecker too. Tatatatatatatatatatatata. LIke flashing colored lights, can give a person a seizure. That Katrina "event" may have been manmade, or rather man-enhanced, since that hurricane appears to have been steered and power boosted making two 90 degree turns to aim it directly at New Orleans, .... hmmmm ... almost like a ... bullet? So, either natural unnaturalness, scalar attack, or the Supernatural Wrath of God against "siiiiiin". Take yer pick. However, Katrina did appear to be driven like a bus and well aimed. Quite remarkable actually. Rare indeed. Especially its movement. Too rare. Thar's a smelly fish in the wood pile, ma! As for me I have NEVER seen a hurricane take two ninety degree turns -- but as a Star Lord you may have. Anyhow, I doubt if you could convince the folks in central Italy that 2012 is hogwash. Someone who follws the popular myths would probably say, "duh .... but it ain't 2012 yet." For many there, it was the end of the world. Yes, the coming events leading up to Dec. 21 2012 and AFTERWARDS will include similar disruptions and deathly events, but certain not the "end" of the world. In fact, the Mayans predicted the emerging of an entirely New World after the convergence -- and we can certainly use one. Actually the "new" world is simply the "old" world HEALED. namaste.
  20. Take it or leave it. I have nothing to argue about, only information coming from several sources. Peace be upon the earth and among all beings. namaste.
  21. But if you have not studied these matters, how could you know? Most folks just believe whatever the social consensus tells them. That has been a BIG BIG problem on planet earth, eh? Not with me but with the evidence presented by many many scientists from many sources which are posted up on my website. Many may disagree but I have yet to see anyone refute the evidence since it is corroborated from so many different sources. Most folks are far too lazy to do that because in order to do so they would have to actually find out about the evidence to start with and that might upset their preconceived opinions. Most folks do not wish to get outside their "comfort" zone. And I fully understand that. This really scares a lot of folks and that is why I say look at ALL the evidence and you will come to the conclusion that there is nothing whatsoever to fear, although the situation is very real indeed. This is necessary because presently there is much unnecessary 2012 hysteria and one should find out about the serious investigations going on about it in order to put it in perspective. Of course, there are many who would rather just ignore it and that is their choice. Or, try to ridicule anyone who makes them slightly depart from their "comfort zone." So, it is easier to say, "WHAT A NUTCASE THAT PERSON IS." That is fine too. That makes it easy for those in denial to simply dismiss it because it might be too much to handle. An escape valve. A necessary one. Certainly not everyone is ready for this, since it is so far outside their social consensus reality. It kind of, shall we say, upsets what one has always assumed about "reality?" So, kill the messenger through ridicule without actually finding out about it. Happens all the time. It happened to every single visonary in history as well as anyone who dared depart from the status quo. So, I do not simply stand upon the many scientists who research this but also on the many visionaries throughout history who have brought much creative thought into the world including the great teachers and prophets. I stand upon the shoulders of giants -- and merely point out what THEY have said that my own life experiences coincide with. So, I say to anyone and everyone -- take it, or leave it, but don't believe a word I say. Find out for yourself. You owe it to yourself. THEN, and only then, you will have a basis upon which to form an opinion. Most opinions are formed via social consensus realities, suppositions, preconceived notions and conclusion pole vaulting and not upon logic, reason and creative imagination. And certainly not upon the synthesis of the research and creative ideas of others. It is easy to say, "Oh, this is just nestingwave's madness." Well, maybe it is. Find out or simply reject it out of hand. Your choice. This is the challenge. Don't just believe something because some "authority" figure says so. I am NO authority figure at all, so am easy to dismiss. And that is PERFECTLY all right. I am not here to present any kind of doctrine or dogma but simply to express an educated opinion. Why is it an educated opinion? No, I didn't learn it in high school or at the University but followed whereever my heart led and I suggest to others to do the same. "You cannot go wrong if you simply follow your bliss," as Joseph Cambell once said. And, yes, living in the most present moment is exactly what this is about. As Ekhart Tolle said, "THIS PRESENT MOMENT IS THE ONLY ONE YOU WILL EVER HAVE." Very true, I think. These are not just my empty opinions as many might hope, but gleanings from the work of many scientists who very well know about this, although you haven't heard it on FOX and probably won't. It is actually a major factor now driving this apparently insane world situation here at the end of this long cosmic cycle and the fresh beginning of a new one -- a time of "REKONING" so to speak where all the loose ends get tied up and resolved? Forget my "tomes." You should spend more time reading the many references I give. Why? To inform and lessen stress. Better to know than not to know. And ... knowing AHEAD of time gives one time to mentally, spiritually and physically prepare. Also, the earth changes are not what is being advertised as excessive CO2 in the atmosphere, as the media propaganda is constantly telling you. And there is a good place to begin because that is quite obvious and the many NASA probes prove it. Of course, most folks know nothing except what they hear over FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, PBS, MSNBC, CBS etc. Also, the attention span of the tee vee generation is about fifteen seconds. No, you won't hear the truth about what is happening there. Does that surprise you? It shouldn't if you have been paying any attention at all. None taken. I write this to stir people up to look into it for themselves. I realize most won't and already have a preconceived opinion. That's fine. I have no need to "convince" anyone of anything -- merely point out the vast evidence for anyone who cares to find out about it for themselves. That's all. Everyone has the complete freedom to put all the evidence together for themselves. I won't be upset if you don't put all the evidence together the way I have but will listen to YOUR INFORMED opinion and even question my own. But, not just suppositions and opinions and conclusion pole vaultings given while ignoring the evidence from folks who know far more than I. What to do, what to do? Find out WHO and WHAT you are. Stay in the moment. Grow a garden. namste.
  22. Perhaps not 'devastation" but a few major problems at least, such as huge tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricane winds and volcanos. The worst of this would be during a PHYSICAL pole shift, not just a magnetic one which would be less cataclysmic. Both have happened many times before on planet earth but not in modern memory. The fact is, no one knows for sure what it means. And as for "Planet X" there are those saying it is already here in the inner solar system, however, I have not been able to substantiate that at all and the ones who apprently really know about this say its actual passage is between 60 and 120 years from now. However, that is not to say that it may not already have a magnetic influence. However, I think that the current "warming" trend throughout the entire solar system is due to the space energies coming in now from the black/white holes in the galactic center which are effecting our sun. All these things may be a factor. At any rate, the so-called "global warming" cannot be due simply to hydrocarbons in the atmosphere as advertised, although that certainly makes folks cough and pollutes the air. However, some of the ice cores show even greater concentrations of CO2 in times past where cooling was going on. That CO2 was produced by many volcanoes going off in a short period of time. To blame this heating on CO2 simply does not take into consideration that such warming is occurring on Pluto and Mars and other freaky activity is now taking place on all the other planets in the solar system. Atmospheres are changing. Many of the planets are effervesing as never before as is the Sun's Heliosphere. There is certainly NO evidence of any of these planets having civilizations that produce CO2 and yet they too are warming. So the question is WHY? Many say, the SUN is freaking out. OK but WHY is the Sun freaking out? Probably because it is responding to the cosmic energies from the galactic center we are now starting to encounter, which the heliosphere's increasing efferfescence is indicating as the colliding energies cause glowing plasma to be produced. All in all it seems to coincide perfectly with exactly what the Mayans had to say thousands of years ago. One then must ask -- HOW DID THEY KNOW??? Good question but they could only know from someone else having seen it or been privy to technology themselves that we presently know not of. This is NOT something that can be determined with the naked eye by any means. Of course it is ASSUMED that is all they had but that may indeed be an assumption due to incomplete knowledge. A particularly interesting thing is what the scientists found when they measured ocean temperatures around where the world's larget glacier in Greenland is melting. They say it is melting faster than any other glacier on earth. Huge pieces are breaking off and producing ice bergs which continue to melt. They found that the temperature of the water was higher far BELOW the waters surface than near the surface which may indicate a magnetic churning within the earths mantel or even the core, or both, being a major cause of the warming and not the heating up of the atmosphere which in many cases is getting colder or remaining pretty much the same. NASA recently discovered a HUGE magnetic BREACH around the earth (I have the article up on the website) and that, of course, means we are more subject to the space radiations, cosmic dust, and other energies that are normally deflected by the earth's magnetic field. It also means a change in human consciousness because it has been known since the 1980s by those who, upon Francis Crick's suggestion, undertook a serious study of human consciousness, that magnetic fields in their variances across the earth seem to corrolate with various societal attitudes in that area. For example, in California where the magnetic field is historically LOW, there is much creativity and freakiness and nonconventionality. Whereas in the Midwest where the magnetic field is normally high, (the Bible belt) you have very conservative linear thinking where the Bible is taken literally etc. Not as much creative movement as in California, for better or for worse. More "STAY AS ISNESS." Liberal democrats prevail in California and conservative Republicans in large parts of the midwest, including Missouri where I live. A major Cosmic Convergence seems to be what many scientists have concluded and some have correlated it with the Mayan prophecies and other prophecies across the planet already in existance for thousands of years. IMHO, I think this is all about TIME and our solar system being influenced by the numerous black/white holes in the galacitc center. Stephen Hawkings recently conceeded that they are not only "BLACK" holes which pull in energy but at the same time WHITE holes which emit great energies in frequencies that extend far above the measurable EM spectrum clear up into the scalar range. A kind of Cosmic recycling machine. So, how do they know these "scalar" energies are even there? (Also referred to as "dark energy.") How do they know these scalar energies exist? By the IMPINGEMENT that those scalar waves cause upon the EM waves. The scalar waves cannot be directly measured but the amount of IMPINGEMENT upon the EM CAN be measured. The Russian Scientists in the many Russian institutes set up to study this are concerned about how thiis might effect our DNA (and thus consciousness) and all DNA on earth. Perhaps it is the next major step in biological evolution -- or -- perhaps it is a massive biological "die off" -- or -- BOTH at the same time. Dr. Bruce Liption, a cell biologist who worked on human cloning, says that the human DNA is VERY pliable and responds to every frequency there is, even THOUGHT. That's why people can literally THINK themselves into cancer (or out of it) by whether they bathe their cells with WORRY and FEAR or bathe their cells with thoughts of PEACE AND LACK OF WORRY. A proper life giving mental attitude has been shown to be responsible for many whose cancer spontaneously went into remission. Of course, when one is dying of a so-called incurable cancer, the fear, angst, pain and constant negative messages coming from many quarters make it very difficult to think good thoughts indeed. However, it can and has been done and caused a real improvement, especially after a person knows, believes and understands that this is possible and not mumbo jumbo as was often insisted upon in the old reductionistic scientific model (now defunct) which viewed "thought" and "consciousness" as an "artifact" of physical matter. They assumed that everything can be reduced to a physical particle. An assumption now proven wrong many times over. They were recently searching for the Higgs Boson which they refer to as the "God Particle." Stephen Hawkings bet them $100 that they wouldn't find it and indeed they didn't, although BILLIONS were spent on that vain pursuit. That is the final fruit of the highly reductionistic "science" that insists that everything can be reduced down to a physical particle. A very vain pursuit indeed. Had they only been familiar with physicists such as David Bohm, Tom Bearden, Bruce Lipton, A.R. Bordon and many others, they would have known better. "God" is the ONE SOURCE of the entire Creation and is everywhere, everyplace and everytime ALL AT ONCE. FAR ABOVE any manifestation whatsoever and yet in the very midst of ALL manifestation. from the tiniest quanta to the most massive STAR. The many researchers into human consciousness since the 1980s, such as Dr. Harold Puthoff and Ingo Swann and A.R. Bordon, have proven that thought and consciousness is primary not secondary and not an "artifact" of physical matter at all but the very SOURCE of physical matter which, as Einstein said is not "solid matter" at all but ENERGY which is constantly morphing and changing. Sonoluminescent wavicles which sometimes congregate into what we call "solid" objects. The recent evidence suggest that to be true and I believe it is true because I have applied it with results. Not for cancer but for other physical ailments. Many, whom the doctors declared as good as dead, have greatly fooled the experts and surprisingly gone into remission anyway by a change of thought and attitude. This only goes to further prove the ancient proverb, "as a man thinks in his heart SO IS HE." All cancer pateints should be privy to this information, often denied them, because the hope itself tends to make a person more agreeable with their cells and thus improve their immune system and longevitality. Dr. Lipton says our cells LISTEN to whatever we tell them and in my own experience I believe this to be true. Dr. Tom Bearden and many electrodynamic engineers have long discovered that there is something which they call a "time-reversed wave." This was even known by Maxwell and Heaviside but the ones that followed them didn't know what to do with it and so IGNORED it to make the mathematics simpler. Dr. Bearden well documents this by evolking the original papers of these pioneers. Anyone can read them on his website. This (time-reverse wave) is related to what they call "BACK EMF" and has generally been considered to be a nuisance. Actually it is a "vacuum" response to the EM transverse waves. These "time reversed" waves are "virtual" or "scalar" waves -- a reverse wave accompanies EVERY EM wave. All waves are BIDIRECTIONAL having both an EM aspect AND a scalar aspect as well. The scalar aspect is represented on an oscilloscope by a very high D.C. SPIKE which is directly transduced into the EM spectrum from the scalar realm. Usable EM energy which is usually totally left out of our COP<1 electromagnetics. But this principle of the interaction of the scalar waves is the basis of the New Energy of which I have been speaking. It is learning to make use of this Back EMF "SPIKE" to produce OVERUNITY which is COP>1. This is not energy from "nothing" nor is it a "perpetual motion" machine as ignorant people often accuse but merely tapping the energies of the TIME DOMAIN and transducing them into real usable EM energy. The formula is now E= delta T x C squared. The scalar realm is is also called the "TIME DOMAIN." And, it is not "empty" but a seething matrix of constantly morphing energy, hitherto called the "vacuum" but far from "empty" as originally assumed. In fact, the source matrix of ALL energy found in the Universe. Everywhere, everyplace and everytime all at once. it is the SPACE between the quanta which is considerable when one considers the tiny size of the smallest known quanta. It is analogous to a golf ball at one end of a football field and the NEXT quanta being clear at the other end of the football field. A WHOLE lot of seething vacuum energy is in between. In fact, one centimenter contains more energy than is now used on planet earth in a thousand years. Even tapping a very tiny portion of this supplies ALL energy needs on this planet. And that technology is fully proven to be viable. So, why don't we have it? In one word --- OIL. In two words BIG OIL. In three words BIG OIL INTERESTS. In four words, BIG OIL POLITICAL CONTROL. But ... the kitty is now out of the sack. Antonne Priore in France (1970s), who was funded by the French Government, used this principle to cure cancer in mice but was then shut down from any further experimentation because evidently there are certain vested interests that do not WANT a cure for cancer at all because they think their livlihood depends upon expensive treatments for the sick and dying which they monopolize, such as radiation and chemotherapy -- the effectiveness of which is highly controversial and in some cases weakens the human immune system to the point of making the cancer worse instead of better. Sometimes the radiation or the chemotherapy itself kills a patient. Both are highly poisonous, you know, and effect ALL cellular structure not just cancer cells. These present methods of "treatment" are NOT good positive talk to ones cells, but just the opposite. I talked to a cancer surgeon back in the 1950s who told me that when he opened someone up and exposed the cancer to the outside air, it often began to spread rapidly. For this reason he deemed that it was wise to avoid surgery whenever possible and when it was not avoidable to do it quickly and carefully and in the least obtrusive way possible, closing the area of operation as soon as possible. Now, many decades later, they can do a lot of that with instruments that make it unnecessary to completely open up areas of cancer and expose it to the outside oxygen and instead handle it from an inner perspective with very advanced scopes, lasers and other instruments etc. This is one of the reasons cancer now has a much higher survival rate than when they used the old surgical techniques in decades past. People should realize that 2012 does NOT represent any particular event. Only the peak of the allignment. There is the building up to it (right now) and coming out of it -- after 2012. How we will change is not fully known but there will be change because this kind of energy collision causes energetic changes even down to the DNA level and the quantum level. Some biologists have called this coming change a major "die off event." Some have called it a "punctuated equilibrium." This too has happened on planet earth in the past, but many are highly concerned about the magnitude of this one which is unique because of the hitherto unknown space energies being encountered. I think there is evidence to suggest that our horizontal TIMELINE will split into two tributaries. Some will go on one and others on the other depending upon their own magnetic attraction and upon their most inner life intentions. I certainly cannot prove this but a careful study of what the Mayans have to say about it makes it clear that TIME ITSELF is a very major factor and the basic change to this planet is one from dysfunction and angst to what has always been known as "the Golden Age" where peace instead of war and angst reigns. If that represents one of the timelines in the split, then the other one may contiue on as dysfunctional "business as usual" once the mess is cleaned up -- or -- an even worse "hell on earth" like a total world police state society. Much worse than the one we presently live near or directly IN depending upon where we are. Without the New Energy, restoring the planet on that timeline might take considerable horizontal time. However, in the New Paradigm we will have all the energy we would ever need to accomplish the rethinking and rebuilding of earth's civilization and infrastructure, only this time with a consciousness of the planet herself and an attitude of healing her wounds, and from then on LISTENING to her, instead of approaching her as "conquerers" and "explioters" as has been the case now for thousands of years. So, 2012 represents a major change. For better or for worse and I think it depends upon our individual intentions, desires and perspectives because of the coming TIME SHIFTS where TIMELINES are greatly effected. These ideas are still too way out for todays conventional science but the fact is, many mainstream scientist are now ALSO contemplating these things. World geniuses such as Nicola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich and Dr. Tom Bearden and Dr. Bruce Liption and A.R Bordon were and are fully steeped in Quantum Physics which not only allows for these things but mathematically proves them as definite possibilities containing varying degrees of probability. The energetics is what brings these changes and many of these are, as of yet, totally unknown to human experience. Perhaps the reality is further out than any human imagination could concevie -- due to our highly limited perspective and experience. So, I think it is possible to take all this in two ways. 1) a horror of horrors -- or -- 2) the greatest human adventure imaginable and even beyond imagination. I prefer the second view and fully embrace it as do most of the scientists I know who know something about the "miracle" of LIFE and the UNIVERSAL MIND while recognizing the interconnetivity of the entire Universe and all the beings in it. Most, now view the Universe as a HUGE HOLOGRAM where even the tiniest sub quanta fractally reflects the WHOLE. Dr. Lipton even sees the human cell as a fractal of how the most functional human society will practically function. Others view the human system of fully interconnected cells as an unbelieveable and highly efficient BIOCOMPUTER and use computer terminology to describe how a human cell system works as a bioform. This too is a very good analogy but leaning a bit on the mechanistic side. Life is a continual surprise and simply cannot be explained in fully linear terms. One must approach this entire subject HOLONOMICALLY in order to even begin to grasp it. By "HOLONOMICALLY" I mean a way of thinking which includes the fuction of the WHOLE as reflected in ALL its parts and aspects. Since all things are intimately related to all other things, there is no way to chop off a little piece and understand it. Knowledge of it requires knowledge of how the WHOLE operates in ONENESS and now that is entirely possible, since we are ALL immersed in it all the time and are now beginning to realize that fact. Reading the works of those I have mentioned in this post will help anyone to understand this. These are not "kooky" scientists but very experienced ones who ALL are considered to be the very tops in their fields, although, at present, still too far out on to be understood by those who are only familiar with the old out of date "Standard Model" of Descarte, Newton and even Einstein. Real scientists ALWAYS remain open to change, for without it there is NO progression of knowledge. Those who constantly do standard repetitive processes get stuck in a rut and tend to avoid anything that might upset the accepted paradigm which they learned in school. But that was most likely twnety or thirty years ago and science simply will not stay put. However, this convergence event upsets EVERYTHING we think we knew and sets us upon an entirely different course. A course where the information contained even in the tiniest quanta becomes INFORMATIVE via the Universal Communications Grid which is INBUILT with SHAREDISTRUIBUTABILITY EVERYWHERE. To put it another way, the Universe, when properly consulted, is fully transparent. And that is how the Mayans and the prophets of old from every earth culture KNEW of this event and described it in the various metaphores of their culture and time. In my view it is a very exciting and fulfilling time to be alive and incarnated into a human bioform on this planet. I see the dysfunctions of our present world paradigm disappearing forever. That is not "heaven" nor is it "perfection" only normal and sane. With regard to the intelligence in this Universe, we are on the bottom rung of the ladder -- mere novices. Beginners. Juat beginning to be aware of our own evolution and how to facilitate it instead of hinder it as has been the case now for thousands of years due to ignorance and extreme selfishness hindered by a severe case of tunnel vision. A kind of BOX which has become a prison of our own making. Sometimes planet earth has been referred to as a "prison planet." If it is, we made it thus and are responsible for opening the prison doors. But, as the one who called himself the "son-of-man" once said, "You shall know the truth and truth shall make you free." As fearful and disturbing as things may now often appear, this prophecy is being fulfilled in these days. At the same time the world prophecy found in the last chapter of Malachi is also being fulfilled as is the real meaning of the book of Revelation which has been interpreted throughout the ages in so many different ways. As it turns out, that which was called "supernatural" in the past is fully shown to be only a further extension of Mother Nature Herself beyond what we have been traditionally aware of up til now. namaste.
  23. There is a great deal of denial concerning this present cosmic event. That we are in the midst of a huge cosmic energetic change there is no doubt. When one familiarizes themselves with the Mayan Calendar and the accuracy of it proven by those many folks who dedicated their lives to studying it, there is no doubt that we are now entering those areas of space where high and unusual energies are found and that is what is effecting not only our Sun and planet earth but every planet in our solar system as proven by NASA probes and reported back publically for anyone who wishes to see the evidence of this huge event. On my website I present TWENTY TWO solid references outlining these changes. Anyone can either become aware of them or not. When this information is put together from the scientific evidence and from the knowledge of the ancients as well, it is completely clear. Over and above the 22 references I have given, there are thousands more. So, if a person decides to simply be in denial, that's their choice. It is not surprising considering the magnitude of this huge never-before-experienced change. I simply present everyone with the opportunity to find out about it .... or not. Some say these changes are due to "Planet X." However, in my own studies, while such a planet does indeed exist, (found in 1983 by NASAs IRAS and written up in the Astronomical Journal by R.S. Harrington, head of that project) it is not due back around for another 60 to 120 years. The Cosmic Convergence is much sooner and conincides with the Mayan Calendar. From the beginning of this thread, I have offered the information and the links. Take them or leave them. Most folks simply have uninformed opinions and are entirely satisfied with those. Mine is an opinion too but not uninformed, however backed up by mountains of scientific evidence presented in the links I have given. So, what it boils down to is this. YOU read and study the links for yourselves IF you care to. Then YOU make up your own mind. Here is where you can find over twenty two references on this matter. There are MANY MANY more. And, I invite anyone to put up whatever references they may have to the contrary. Everyone should see both sides and then decide for themselves. We are in for some very big changes indeed and in my view, it is proven in not only the essoteric knowledge but scientific knowledge as well. The two completely coincide but do take some contemplation in order to synthesize all the information. namaste.