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About Sr.Sue

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  • Interests
    Needlework, cats, reading, cooking
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Reformed Catholic Church

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Sr.Sue's Achievements

Esteemed Friend

Esteemed Friend (7/17)

  1. May you be given the wisdom to do what is right, and the words that you need.
  2. Loved the series.... Adrian Paul is handsome. Proud to be a MacLeod!
  3. Hi Rev. Tess! Wow! If you start making low cost vestments, let me know. I'm also an independent catholic priest, and am in need of vestments. Right now, I have an alb and a clerical shirt and collar. I believe in simplicity. Personally, I can't imagine Jesus running around in those heavily brocaded chasubles I've seen in the catalogs. And you're right, they are outrageously priced. So I just keep it simple. Anyway, let me know if you do start making vestments. You just might have a customer here. Pax, Sr. Sue +
  4. Bluecat, I am sooo sorry to hear the bad news. I hope you're doing okay. Your stepdad sounds like he was a fascinating person.
  5. Congratulations! Woo Hoo!! He's beautiful! Blessings on you all!
  6. Just got done reading I Am Legend. If the movie is like the book, I'll pass. But then again, Hollywood changes books so much, it probably won't even be anything like the book. I'm still in the process of reading Anam Cara, A Book of Celtic Wisdom. And, after school gets back in session, my classes will be reading Esperanza Rising and To Kill A Mockingbird. Is it just me, or does it seem that books written now are less challenging and thought provoking than those written 10-20+ years ago?
  7. My prayers are with you and your family.
  8. Bel, my heart goes out to you and your friends family. May you all find peace in this troubling time. Pax, Sr. Sue+
  9. My condolences Blackthorn. My thoughts are with you.
  10. 1. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 2. The Dragonriders of Pern series 3. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 4. Ender's Game series I've found that these books have been fantastic for getting kids interested in reading. So if you have a reluctant reader, you might want to try these books.
  11. So what's the book's title? That way I know what to go buy...
  12. Some of us come from catholic backgrounds, and some of us are independent catholic priests. The colors are: Purple: Lent (The 40 days before Easter), Advent (the 4 weeks before Christmas), to hear confessions, and when you're surving communion in a hospital. Red: During Holy Week, Pentecost Sunday (when we believe the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples), for ordinations, and at a mass that celebrates the death of a martyr. White: During the 12 days of Christmas, the 50 days of Easter, for funerals, weddings, on Trinity Sunday, and Epiphany Day Green: Pretty much whenever you can't wear the other colors. Basically, its the Sundays after Epiphany Day and before Ash Wednesday and after Pentecost and before Advent. Hope this helps. Pax, Sr. Sue+