Reverend Tess McNamara

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Everything posted by Reverend Tess McNamara

  1. I left the Universal Life Church many years ago and asked them to remove my name and my comments, never have I had a response can admins remove all mention of me and my comment son this site please Thanksxx

  2. Dear Fellow ULC Ordained Ministers I need to ask , am in Western Australia, How can I start to begin to gather together a Church community and fellowship for worship ULC Ordination is not recognised in Australia, wish someone would get it registered with Attorney Generals Dept. Why cant ULC HQ do this?. They have good lawyers I take it?. Am so sick and tired of people saying ULC ordinations are not valid or credible. I love this church of ULC. I love th motto, and the credo. I love the fact that we are all accountable for our actions, I love the fact that I believe that The Holy Spirit and God have called me to Ministry. I do not fit into any of the other churches as they have such fizxed rigidity and dogmas which I think are mostly anti women and anti gays etc, and I just dont agree with that philosophy of exclusionism. I welcome all to teh Table of Our Lord. i blieve that I am guided to Ministry. I have bought all my own vestments, catholic red and white ones, albs, chasuble and vestments but was angry I had payed so much- 1000 dollars at least, which to my way of thinking is outrageous. I have thus decided to buy some patterns and using low cost materials as a ministry, make low cost vestments only for us in ULC too. I love this church and am very very proud to be Ordained here in ULC no matter what anyone says I believe it is God inspired called and recognised by God almighty, Can we in ULC in Australia organise something to form a unified ULC HQ here or something here for ULC members in Oz. Reverend Tess McNamara Western Australia
  3. I believe that under NO circumstances should any person be able to deliberately harm themselves, when in their full faculties and not under duress or influence of chemical in the brain issue such as mental illness. I believe that we as a society need to protect children and vulnerable adults if they cannot protect themselves, with proper medical care. I believe that when a woman is pregnant she carried within her a human life not a clump of cells. I do think each person will have to answer to God for their own actions in this life. Murder is still murder, whether or not a baby is considered by law a clump of cells. In cases of incest or rape, or direct medical danger to the mothers life- then a woman I believe is able to decide what is best for herself. I am a Feminist and believe that every woman must have access to a legal abortion and not suffer as our parents or grandparents etc generation did, possibly dying at the hands of back yard abortionists. I do believe we each must accept complete responsibility for our lives. I do not agree with murder of unborn babies, our civilisation must not go the way of cannanites whom once killed their children, and was condemned in Bible for doing so. I condemn suicide murderers, whom are victims of an ideology of glorification of death and severe and dangerously brainwashed fools whom once dead realise all too late that there aint no 72 virgins in paradise- its a myth designed to stop soldiers afraid to die and is misused now to create slaughter of innocent people. I believe those suicide murderers will go to hell immediately. Any such ideology of racism, hate and violence should be banned forever from the earth. Murder is still murder no matter what cult chooses to enact brainwashing to make it look heroics. No such thing as a martyr, only a sucker who is brainwashed loser who chooses to commit gutless suicide and murder others- they will go to hell i am sure of it. Every life is precious. Every single baby is a life from moment of conception regardless of what anyone else thinks, I have a right to believe what I believe. I think we all must decide ourselves where we stand. I would never ever place my own beliefs ahead of that of a person needing counselling and support, my love and support to humanity is unconditional in this instance, all human beings are God's own children and we have a duty to be there and support everyone in need, no matter what our own personal beliefs may be. We as Ministers are in a unique situation. I do not ever condemn anyone for their choices. It is not my right to deprive anyone of the right to choose whatever their choice may be. It is however my duty to be unbiased and give support uncoditionally to all Gods children in Ministry. Pax Reverend Tess
  4. Dear Family I am so saddened to hear of Lidias passing, the ULC has provided a haven for the people who were guided by God to the Church, I am in Perth, Australia and I send my sincere love and hugs and best wishes to you all. The Hensleys changed my life and my world. Thank you for your life Lydia and the amazing spirit within you which guided so many Tess McNamaraxxxx
  5. I chose to listen to the calling of the Holy Spirit and become an Ordained Minister. Sadly many attacked my Ordination and called it bogus and ridiculous. Many said it was a sin and I am quite sure you have heard all the negatives. I am quite devastated at the response negative to my wanting to serve Humanity as a ULC MInister. I am in Perth Western Australia and feel somewhat disorientated now and lost and confused, and not sure now what to do and how to begin a Ministry and how to set up a church and Minister to the people noone else wants, the disenfranchised and most needy vulnerable in the Perth area. I dont have money to buy vestments, dont have money to buy chalices and all the other things one would assume comes with Ministry including somewhere to Minister . I have no church, no fellowship and no flock. am just so lost now. I truly wanted to serve Jesus, and Humanity. All Perth churches seem so bigoted and claim it takes years to be ready to minister and be ordained and want doctorates and bachelors degrees in theology and divinity which costs thousands per yr. mNoone seems to want to allow me to Minister in their church. Reverend Tess McNamara
  6. Thank you sincerely Reverend Hansen, that site has given me a lot of information. I think it is a well researched one. Blessings May God Bless you Reverend Tess McNamara Perth Western Australia