Mystic Fyrewalker

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About Mystic Fyrewalker

  • Birthday 04/12/1971

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Lake City, FL

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  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Christian Mysticism

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  • Occupation
    Industrial Electrician

Mystic Fyrewalker's Achievements

Titled Friend

Titled Friend (4/17)

  1. Happy Birthday Mystic Firewalker !!

    hope it's a good one, and sets up a perfect year !!

  2. Happy Birthday there Mystic! Take it from experience, it's like the old Chevy's...0-40 takes forever, 40-60 (3rd gear) gets the pistons pumpin' - 60 - 100....4th gear and pedal to the metal!

    But also like a "Classic" such a cool things to drive! - Life that is!!!

    Blessings of Peace,


    BTW, you still ...

  3. I offer up to the Great Divine All the friends I concider mine A plea to the light To chase away our blights For energies all healling to all thats appealing Its through this might We continue our fight Blessings of peace to one and all
  4. This reminds me of a time I found my two daughters sitting on the couch texting each other. I asked them why didn't they put the phones down and just talk. My oldest told me they didn't have anything to talk out. It left me completely dumb founded.
  5. Looking for where my piece of the puzzle fits.

    1. Brother Michael Sky

      Brother Michael Sky

      you may be in the right place.... spin it a little and try again... :)

  6. Its only through His grace I can say I'm free.

  7. Only through the acceptance and understanding of someone else's beliefs can we understand our own

  8. Merry Meet all and blessed be. I'm recently ordained and made this my home forum do to open mindness and respect of beliefs I have found here. Its so refreshing to find a forum to one does not resort to profane language and disrespect. So far I have not seen a single post were one has resorted to childish tactics in order to try to prove a point. Thank you all.
  9. I was ordained on 3-12-10. Why would you say it is ill advised as a wiccan to work in hospitals?
  10. I like your idea but I would also include a reddish hue clerical blouse to the list, especially if dealing with a same sex comittments.
  11. I was raised in the Southern Baptist church. Growing up I often struggled with the feeling that something was missing in my spiritual life. As I grew older I started studying other religons. I was able to solve this conflict by mixing a little wicca and druidism with Christianity. I have had numberous conversations with poeple on my reglious beliefs.I have even found others who tthink along the same lines. Now as a adult I have had trouble finding churches that accepted me and my beliefs. It was so refreshing to find the ULC. I became Ordained with the ULC because of its open door and its acceptance. One does not have to attend years of schooling to be a spiritual leader and teacher. Our father has given us all we need to teach and help others. This is a calling I have felt for along time and the ULC has given me the chance to fulfill this calling. I live in Lake City, Fl. which is part of the bible belt so I'm not sure how well or if I'll even be able to get a ministry off the ground. Thank you ULC for giving me this chance.