Brother Michael Sky

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About Brother Michael Sky

  • Birthday 10/11/1968

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Priceless Being

Priceless Being (14/17)

My Personal Page

I consider myself a Universalist. That is - I see Value in each and every belief system I have encountered. I have my own beliefs, which I am very willing to share, which I have acquired through years of study and open minded exploration.

I am spiritually based and find very little benefit for myself in the churches which I have attended. I would much rather find a quiet place to talk to those attending such churches.

I strive to understand the spiritual beliefs of all that will share their understanding with me, and continue to work on my ability to share what I understand to be true without giving offense. For never have I met another and been able to discount what they believe to be true.

I feel that our diversity as humans is one of our greatest assets, and wish to find a way to bring people together in harmony. But that is not to say that I find a need for everyone to believe the same thing. Unity is not necessarily achieved through common thought. Unity is our goal, and diversity the path we take to that goal.

I believe that we are all headed to the same place at the end of times, but that each and every one of us will walk a solitary path towards that goal. Only by examining the path that others take, can we fully understand and appreciate the path we ourselves walk. The more we understand of others, the more we understand of ourselves.

I am male, single, in my forties, and the Father of a six-year old son. I take my responsibility as a parent very seriously, and it dominates my life. The Joy I find in the exploration of the mind of a child is a glorious thing, and I wonder at times if my Creator feels the same about me... I try to hold that Joy in my mind as I meet each and every new person who comes into my life, for we are all our Creator's children...

I enjoy spiritual seeking, inwards and outwards, with Daily meditation and Nightly instruction basic tenets of my spiritual practice. I am a firm believer in Reincarnation, and the Divine Law of Karma - though the word Karma has a slightly different meaning for me than the usual definitions you will find. I look towards humanity for my understanding of spiritual matters as much as I look towards my Creator, and find spiritual instruction all about me in the Natural world. I believe Life is a gift from our Creator and strive to learn as much as I can while my mind is able, but see the definite need to slow down occasionally and Just BE... For in my opinion, Being IS the point of life....

I can alternately be reached at ...