Rachara El

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About Rachara El

  • Birthday 07/10/1955

Helpful Information

  • Marital Status
    very happily married
  • Location
    Alexandria, VA USA

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  • Occupation
    energy healer, artist
  • Website URL

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  • AIM
    Alachua Artist
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Honorable Friend (6/17)

  1. and a howdy doody to you, too!

  2. Good day Rachara how are you today

    may God bless you....Michael

  3. Contact a local shaman. They will carry your soul to the Light. It's a beautiful service.
  4. I became ordained more as a safety net. Being an energy healer, it was suggested that I become a minister to "minister" healing touch to clients. It also gives them some of peace of mind that I'm ordained. Nobody has really asked me about it though.
  5. Not a smart idea, as being unconscious (in whatever way) is what made you susceptible to the entity in the first place. You need to consciously participate in your healing.
  6. yes, I have performed exorcisms. In the work I do it's referred to as an extraction. Depending on what the energy or entity is, there are different ways to extract "it" cleanly. And it's not for the faint of heart.
  7. actually, there's nothing special or magical about asking for something. It's been done for years - "Ask and ye shall receive" Now it's true, what is the intent behind the request - now here's the real catch: be careful what you ask for - you just might get it.
  8. Interesting post, and quite humorous, actually. Makes me wonder why you were moved to write it. So, I'm compelled to write a response: I agree. There is no "God-thingy" who will show up, saying "okydoaky!" So governing yourself is the exact plan set in motion when you were born. Glad you got the message. Now, the reason you can do all these things is: You're God. Yep that's right - you're God. We're all God (or whatever you want to call him/her/it). We just don't know it. And so we wreak havoc on the world and each other, trying to find SOMEBODY in charge and SOMEBODY to blame when we screw everything up. Or we use the 10,000-year old excuse: It's God's will or the Devil made me do it. Well, sportsfans, guess who's all the above? You see, there are 4 levels of spiritual consciousness: 1. Me. This is where God exists outside of myself. That I must look to some higher power/wisdom to find Grace. 2. Us. This is where "me" realizes that God is beside me, helping, guiding and answering prayers, leading me to Grace. 3. We. This is where "me" realizes that God is in my heart, within me, and that the Light of Spirit actually resides and creates within me the love that is the Grace I have been so desperately seeking. 4. I (or One). Now this is where "me" realizes that God is not only within me, but that I am one with God, connected to God and every THING. By working as the One, the all connected, goodness and mercy can be spread throughout the world, and Grace becomes a living entity.
  9. pull his hanky out of his pocket and wipe the mayo off the platypus. Once this was accomplished, Marty...
  10. much music is truly inspired - Mozart is a classic example (and no pun intended). The complicated mathematical computations required to create music (way beyond head-banging or rap) takes it to the highest level of the art form, just as complicated structure and color management takes painting or sculpture to its highest level. The emotions music compels is an indicator of what level it reaches. When it touches your soul, there ain't much higher than that.
  11. IMHO, truth comes in all colors, like people do, like plants do, like everything does. And each has their own truth. And the truth changes, as it should. For what was true in the past, is no longer true today. And that is sometimes a good thing. And so, the colors will change - by hue, by tone, by value. And that is also sometimes a good thing. Life adapts. We should, too.
  12. hey, Buffalo Gal wontcha come out tonight? We'll dance by the light of the...
  13. looking for the Golden Pencil Box, which seems to have become totally lost in this...
  14. forum addictions. And so, we are told that in order to break free of these addictions, we must...
  15. spam. You see, spam is the national food staple of...