1 Peter 2:24
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

This powerful passage talks about Jesus who was born without sin. God’s son who is his beloved sacrificed his life for our sins.

To understand the heart and soul of this passage is to know Jesus’s life. He was obedient to God’s word and promise since a child. As he grew up, his eyes and heart was set upon the throne of mercy, forgiveness and truth.

The devil tempted Jesus, his fervent prayer never ceased and overcame temptation. This part of Jesus’s life was not easy, as with our daily life it’s not easy but Jesus reminded us to pray, to gain strength and God’s holy power. We too must keep our mind on his word.

Jesus stripes, when he was whipped saved our life from damnation. Each time Jesus was whipped, each time when we sinned we are forgiven. His weeping, and pain was done out of his love for humanity.

We are healed each day we take a breath, all he ask is for us to be holy and obedient.

In Jesus name I pray

Senior Chaplain Melaney 

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