Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for loving every soul on this prayer page. Jesus, please accept all prayers to be herd by father God in heaven. No matter where you are in life, a sinner (we all fall short of the glory of God) but we have faith, and we believe that the son of God is Jesus. Please focus your mind and heart to meditate on the lord.
Lord, please hear the prayers of the hearts who are struggling, the hearts that has given up because of the pandemic. Lord, lift every heart, and lift every spirit to live abundantly. Jesus, loves YOU!!! Jesus said come to me all who are weary. Jesus, can change your life, he will carry your burdens and relight your eternal light that we are blessed with.
Thank you Jesus for your healing hands on our world. Lord, please hear all the prayers who need you right now. People are scared, people are faced with challenges that takes away their quality of life. Bring light to our world, thank you lord, thank you with all my heart. I shall not cease from praying and giving thankfulness in my life as well as those who need guidance and protection.
Psalms 19:14 “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer”