Walked to Temple.St.
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
Sunday Mass

It doesn’t feel like a church. It feels like a business. It feels like an international corporation or like a military installation.It doesn’t feel like a church. It doesn’t feel spiritual. It feels desolate. It feels as if the population is a menace to anyone who is not of their own sort.

No,these people do not feel like neighbors. I know what neighbors are. I grew up with neighbors we had a shared past a shared history. We had shared feelings.

It’s just a blank. There is nothing there. No emotion no feeling. Nothing to move the soul. Nothing heavenly.
These people do not feel like neighbors because we do not have a shared past, we do not have a shared history, we do not have a shared spirituality. It almost feels Anti-Church or Anti-Christ. These people feel like a menace to anyone who is not of their own sort. By that I mean prejudice and a peculiar evil seems to hover there constantly brooding.

Reality has changed. The Federal Law Enforcement the Federal Government has lost its nerve. The Federal Government no longer reacts against the works of the Devil. The Federal Government has lost its “edge” has lost its leverage and now what we have here is a monstrous foreign international settlement on United States soil, which lets the United States know and dictates to the United States when it is not welcome on their territory. It’s ironic. The Federal Government has lost its edge because it no longer reacts against the works of the Devil. I believe that this is what is the root cause of the shortfall, the moral decline and the failure to fix it.
To me these people are such a menace to society that in a crisis or disaster, I believe that they would withhold medical attention to people who are not of their own sort. I am sorry. But have been observing in the field for a very long time and I have more and more become convinced that these people are a throwback from the bronze have or even further back, pre-civilized, Neanderthals. I am convinced that American society is in a reversal and a downward and backward trend away from civilized behavior. This is what I’ve noticed. It’s going from better to worse rather than from better to better.
Possibly this is because I live smack dab in the middle of all of the negstive intrigue in downtown Los Angeles. You see all of the most degrading and dehumanizing of human beings that society can do to people. I had no idea.

And you see these foreign and international people, they are devoid of the kind of sentiment that motivates us to do good, but they are full of the kind of sentiment that motivates them to undo good, and live off of the carnage. These people make a living by despoiling things and people.

Industrialist American ideal is to build and to make great. That’s what I grew up with. These great stsunch North American Protestant, industrialist values. And so that is what I admire and regard as greatness.

But all of those great men or gone now. And now we have lesser men who want to obliterate everything that those great men did.
You see that they really are not like us because they never had the same American Country-salvation-centered, soul-saving, down-home, wonder-working true-Christian breeding and upbringing.

So visiting the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles today was a very uninspired situation. I mean to tell you, there was no inspiration there at all. Where did it go? When did it go? Will they ever get it back. Such a decline of inspiration.
It doesn’t feel like a church at all. It feels artificial. It feels superficial. It feels shallow. It feels lacking is something vital. Warmth. It lacks warmth. It feel hollow and empty and uninspired.


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