My prayer request is that God would help me reach Christians throughout the world to let them know how to live the life He and Jesus want them to live so that they will be known by Jesus and will be welcomed into Heaven.
Estimates are that as many as 80% of those who go to church won’t be let into Heaven when they die because of the way they have lived their lives. God has put this on my heart and has given me a way to decrease that percentage so more Christians will actually enter Heaven.
People can’t just know who Jesus is and what He has done. They must know Him as a person and must live their lives in a way that makes Jesus want to know them. It has taken a long time, but God has now shown me 21 things every Christian needs to know about living the life He and Jesus want us to live so that they will know who we are and will welcome us into Heaven when we die. He has led me to finally write a book called, “I’ve Just Taken Jesus As My Lord And Savior And I Am So Excited! What Do I Do Now? It’s only 62 pages and is easy to read but it is so important to take into your heart.
Thank you and may God bless you in your prayer ministry.