I had a great scare when my daughter was diagnosed with ovarian tumor that has invaded the surrounding organs, especially the colon.
Thank God, after a few weeks self prying and group praying meditation, my daughter was informed that her tumor was decreasing in size! She was advised to wait for a couple of months to see if the tumor would continue shrinking, so se waited! Glory to GOD….. after the two months, the tumor shrank and kept shrinking, so now, my daughter of 45 years of age, is tumor free, her colon is functioning normal as well as her ovaries!!
MIRACLES DO EXIST TODAY!!!!! I AM SO VERY GRATEFUL TO MY LORD AND GOD, JESUS CHRIST that I wish to share this miracle with everyone!
We must always remember that GOD is always in the middle of our tribulations, and when we exercise faith in HIM, He will come through, always with the right answer according to HIS plans and purpose!
Forever faithfully grateful,


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