God bless Rev. James and his sister

oh lord life have stole every feeling of happiness today. I know you father God said to give all burdens to YOU, Jesus please hear this prayer for pain and heartache. Please bow down and place Rev. James and his sister in your bosom. Give them a quiet place to keep their mind on YOU. Jesus step into their life right now, their minds are full of worry, and their hearts have been fighting all odds in this life time. Down through the ages, you father God have seen David through his trials, Daniel in the furnace, and Joshua when the walls fell. YOU were there with them. I know you are present with Rev. James and his sister. God of all healing, God of our life!!!! thank you for sending your angels to be with this family; to heal and praise your name! Thankfulness and grace be upon this family. Thank you Jesus, praise your name, healing and peace of mind.

Joshua 3:5 And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you!!!!!

Senior Chaplian Melaney

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