God put your hands on Wonda this hour.

oh lord remember Wonda, she has been so much in two years. Father God thank you for this grandmother who raised her grandchildren and raised them in your bosom. Death for us is so painful lord, please Jesus, help her, help her right now, last year her 21 year old granddaughter was taken by a car accident on Thanksgiving. Last, month the sibling the older brother passed a week before Christmas. Jesus how can one woman take so much pain. Lord, give comfort, heal her mind lord, give her mind rest take the devil of worry off of her. Please lord remember Wonda, Bless Wonda right now, let your light shine around her, let your love comfort her, take the storm out of her life. oh Jesus love you so much because only you can save us. Peace, lord , thank you Jesus bring peace, bring peace to her life. Help her carry her cross, her cross is so heavy to bear. God thank you for your mercy. Keep Wonda in your bosom forever. Bring light to her life, restore her soul lord, restore her joy in the lord. God bless Wonda night and day. Let her light shine! hear her cry at night and her agony from the lost, God your so beautiful to make a soul like Wonda, thank you for sacrifice so save those who are lost. Jesus, I know that Wonda is included and will be remembered by the lord when she is called home. Your love, your love is needed lord, thank you for hearing Wonda’s cry.

2 Timothy 4:8″Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

Senior Chaplain Melaney

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