God bless Leslie,

Thank you Jesus for bringing Leslie to the throne of forgiveness, strength and courage. Lord, help Leslie overcome her fear, help Leslie to look at the wonderful being she really is. Jesus loves you Leslie, and he will not put more burden upon you. Lift your head and call out to lord with sincerity and tell God how your feeling and what’s going on at your job. Yes, our father in heaven knows all, however, it’s our devotion to express verbally what is going on. Jesus loves you, he has protected you down through the years, when you didn’t know it. Praise his name, hallelujah to his name, let the angels sing unto our lord, give God a praise Leslie, you are strong, you are beautiful in the image of our lord. Leslie, you have the power to stand upright, to be happy, God have blessed you to be a changed being, be born again and let the saints sing to the heavens. Each soul that is born again, God’s blessings showers upon you like the rain. God walks with you. In this new year 2020 Jesus is in your life and prayer is your strength.

1 Thessalonian 5:8 “But let us who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

Senior Chaplain Melaney

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