God bless David with understanding and forgiveness
Oh lord, forgive David for not leaning on your word to hold strong within his marriage. Forgive David that marriage is unto the kingdom of God and his mercy.
Lord, sometimes when we love someone so much we forget about our Father in heaven. We forget that we suppose to love the Lord with the same passion and the same feelings. God put your hands on David, and show him that true love is the love of Jesus. Our lord and savior know your heart and know your wife’s heart.
God knows that when a marriage is broken due to not believing in his holy name, David your heart and first love belong to the lord. And if the situation was made for a reason because our Father in Heaven knows what you’re going through. God gave you the strength to see the real heart of your wife. Our Lord loves both of you.
But, his judgment is just and will bless you beyond your obstacles in your marriage. Trust and believe that God is a loving God, Jesus is his son who sacrifices his life for us to be free and full of joy. David, your life has been full of beautiful moments and miracles that your heart was not able to see.
David, our Lord promises he will never leave us vulnerable to sin. Be born again and love the Lord with all your heart, for your love will bring you peace.
Psalms 54:2 “Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth”
1 John 3:20 “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.”
Psalms 105:3 “Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.”