Dear lord I need you now more than ever things have been getting out of hand in all areas of my life I’m 35 no wife or kid’s and still live at home with my parents and it’s time that i left and started my own life and my own family. Things are getting really bad in the cayman islands where I live and I wish things will change for the better for all Caymanians including my girlfriend who feels like she should pick up and leave I love her enough to want the best for her and her daughter’s but I love her too much to lose her i pray that i can have the means to take care of her and let her stay with me i have been praying nonstop for her heart to be guided to me because i know there is some love for me there. She says if things don’t improve she doesn’t want to Stay but I know she loves it here. she has been praying and so have i for her as well and she is desperately looking for new employment and better pay and benefits and I am desperately praying that she finds it because I don’t want to lose her i just pray that our government can improve and take our islands in the right directions to help improve the lives of all local people and if we have corruption in our government that they can see their faults and the impact that it can have on our islands and its people and that you lord god can guide them in the right directions. I have also been praying for new employment for myself because my job doesn’t pay very well and management only really looks out for themselves and their interests and not the lives of their employees who without us the business would falter I want a better job that my girlfriend could be proud of and my family can be proud of and something i can be proud of and something that can make a positive impact on other people’s lives I just want the means to take care of myself and the people that I love. I also pray lord that you can help me to better understand this adult life and to make better financial decisions and choices I also pray that you can instill in me wisdom, knowledge, understanding, patience, and strength. I also pray that the project’s that me and my brothers are trying to undertake that you will help guide us to make wise decisions and that you will bless us in all of your divine wisdom and to help us see a major financial gain that will help all of us. I also pray that you would bless my parents in all that they do and undertake because they have sacrificed so much for me and my brothers but I feel like i have not given them anything in return for all that they have done for me

In Jesus name Amen


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