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A Prayer From Benjamin Jenks Prayer Book
(Edited by me)


O RIGHTEOUS Lord ! Thou lovest
righteousness , and Thy countenance doth behold the upright. Thou favourest them that espouse Thy righteous cause; and wilt for ever glorify such as turn many to righteousness.

Thou hast commanded us not only to be holy , and to walk circumspectly ourselves; but also to show our concern for the souls of others. Thou hast appointed us to contend for Thy most holy faith; yea, to contend also with the wicked, and not to suffer sin upon our brother.

Thou hast enjoined us, at the peril of our own souls, to use our utmost endeavours to convert sinners from the errors of their ways: and to recover out of the snare of the devil, those who have been taken captive by him at his will.

Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth, and the faithful fail from among the children of men. Wherever we turn our eyes, how many are there who seek their own things, and how few who seek the things that are Jesus Christ’s!

Arise, O God, and plead Rhine own cause: and be with them that rise up against the evil – doers; and that strive, by executing judgment, to stay the plague and wrath that are gone out from the Lord against them.

Plead their cause, Lord , with them that strive with them, and stand up for their help; and stop the way against them that persecute them: and make them successful in promoting the honour of Thy great name, and the interests of Thy holy religion.

O that none of the correctors of others may deserve like censure themselves! but that they may all be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom they should shine as lights in the world.

O give them a tender love to the souls of men, a zeal according to knowledge, and prudence to walk in wisdom towards them that are without .

And give us courage to endure the contradiction of sinners: let us account it a small thing to be judged of man’s judgment : and help us in patience to possess their souls, and in meekness to instruct those that oppose ourelves.

Make the weapons of our warfare mighty through God to the pull ing down of strongholds. And so speed them with Thy heavenly blessing, that, how small so ever our beginning was, our latter end may greatly increase.

O let us go forth in thy strength, and prevail and prosper, and florish as the blessed of the Lord. Though we live in an age when iniquity abounds, and almost all abominations are shame fully committed openly, yet Thou, Lord, who dost
marvellous things, canst bring light out of darkness:

and when thou pleasest , canst change the face of evil times. Yea, Thou hast taught us to expect glorious things in the latter day, even such a holy and happy state of things as this wretched sinful world has never yet enjoyed.

O when shall it be, Lord, that judgment shall return unto righteousness, and that all the upright in heart follow it?

O when shall the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; and profaneness and lewdness, intemperance and extravagance, be put to confusion! When shall iniquity stop her mouth, and the righteous flourish, and Jerusalem be the joy and praise of the whole earth?

The Lord hasten it in his time! In the mean while, speak, O Lord, from heaven, and restrain the floods of ungodliness that have lifted up their voice and their waves; and say to those proud waters, hitherto shall ye go,, and no further.

O cherish and prosper all good beginnings , and all hopeful proceedings, for the furtherance of piety, and for the advancement of Thy glory.

Make magistrates and ministers, and all orders of men, vigilant in keeping their own hearts, and ordering their own conversation aright; that they may more successfully promote the edification of their neighbours. Make them all to account it, not their duty, but their honour and pleasure, to advance this blessed work: make them to do it heartily, as to the Lord; to the reformıing of the world, and to the rejoicing of all that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity . Amen .


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