please let the gang stalking end and save those tormented by others thinking they are helping by taking everything and giving no other option. Please pray for guidance for me and others in this process. Please pray for those doing my disabilty and ssi claim to see the diseaes and effects. Please pray for Russell James Vitale for the strength to continue his mission of spreading positivity and the resources to do so. Please pray for his family as well guiding him in his journey. Pray for Denny Arnold Martin and that he will see his flaws and admit and grow. Please pray for the state of Minnesota and its flaws in the legal system and corruption. Please pray for the higher power to guide and help those in need instead of stopping them on there journey and let them see that choices not forcing them to lose or leave behind everything. Please pray for these women that think sleeping with men for profit or to save them is the right way and empower them with knowledge. Thank you amen


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