I need some prayer help for forgiving myself for wronging others even if only a very small thing. But most for losing my faith in God and Jesus over the past 20 years . I grew up in a catholic school and ventured far away from it in teen and adulthood . As a middle aged adult I now understand all I was taught and feel terribly guilty that I don’t have faith in the almighty and his forgiveness/power. The world is so terrible right now and has been for our family for quite a few years. It’s taken its toll. And that’s not right that because something is hard I stop talking and trusting in the one thing that helps when we need it ! Sorry its so drawn out but in a nutshell my prayer request is for strength (but not by means of more challenges please). For me to not feel so alone all the time and to feel his presence beside me . Most of all I would like everyone to say a short prayer for all those in worse positions then myself and family as well , I know there are many so much worse off and I feel terrible about asking for something for myself when I know that fact, but God and Jesus have the power to help everyone if it is meant to be so hopefully they have enough strength and hope to spread to everyone ! If also someone could throw an additional prayer in for my son as well that would be wonderful, she is a service dog who is a chikd to my husband and myself and she has stomach issues, among a few other things . If you don’t have time for any of the other prayers please say one for her. I know if she was human she would be way more faithful then I have been 🙁 – thank you very very much!


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