LORD help me get myself together. SO I feel ontop of it, ready to conquer the world/motherhood, hopeful and ready to actively do and be what I need and dream to be. Accomplished. Organized. HELP MY SONS BEHAVE LIKE GENTLEMEN, BE RESPECTFUL TO ME AND OTHERS AND EXCEL IN SCHOOL. STRAIGHTEN THEIR PATHS.
Remove ungodly/unkind words from our mouths. Help them choose good and prefer me always. Remove our anger issues. Give us abundant joy, peace, love, healing, forgiveness. Surround us by positive influences, good Christian friends. LORD THANKYOU FOR THE TIDAL WAVES OF BLESSINGS, THE FLOODS OF FAVOR THE EXPLOSIVE GODLY DREAMS YOU HAVE TO SHOWER ON ALL OUR LIVES.. TY in advance for more than enough cash to pay all bills and dreams easily and be a blessing to others. Help us find reliable help and keep all property well maintained. Thankyou in advance for wisdom and guidance to use time and resources efficiently for your will. TY LORD FOR ENDING THESE BODY ACHES/HEADACHES, DEPRESSION, NEGATIVE THOUGHTS FOREVER. By your stripes we are healed completely- backs, necks, hips, knees, feet, eyes, teeth, ears, stomache, breathing, bloodpressure headaches/bodyaches. TY FOR GIVING US JOY, LOVE, BOUNDLESS ENERGY & GODLY PRODUCTIVITY. RESSURECT OUR MARRAIGE FOR LIFE. TY for helping us have fun and be fun, enjoy and be enjoyable to be around. LORD thankyou for removing all attacks from our mind, body, family, marriage, life. SHOW US THE BEST WAY TO HANDLE ALL PROPERTY AND WORK IN YOUR WILL.