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About kevinc

  • Birthday 09/24/1982

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  • Marital Status
    Not married
  • Location
    Raleigh, NC

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  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Just plain interested

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  • Occupation
    Software engineer
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Honorable Friend (6/17)

  1. This is cute, but, science tends not to deny what it doesn't know, such as what happened before the big bang. It's often misunderstood that science claims the big bang was the first instant. Actually, we just don't know how to tell what could have happened before.
  2. Things that are more personal than we have a precedent for. After I share something, you can ask about similar things, but before then I haven't made it your business.
  3. Here's a hint folks: They are worth a lot more if you buy them without a reason at all. If you make your s.o. feel loved all the time you don't have to scramble to do it when you screw up!
  4. I feel comfortable answering anything. I have an opinion to fill every hole... But if my knowledge is sketchy, I try and qualify it as such.
  5. good for you!!! what kind of business is it? fingers crossed, good luck
  6. two or three. i remember lying on my back in a pew during mass and looking up. it was a dark church with lots of shadowy depths up at the ceiling and only a few stained glass window slivers in the walls. heh, in those days they would use an overhead projector and flimsies to put hymn lyrics up on the wall. maybe it was too dark to read a hymnal..
  7. Took me quite awhile to figure out some of these puzzles. The style is very neat, and I'd sooner call it a particle physics game than anything else -- but physics and music are both so fundamental that they match, and this flashy minimalism fits nicely. Play Auditorium. If you have trouble seeing it, you probably need Flash Player.
  8. This is very appealing Though it strikes me as the kind of thing that is vulnerable to "we cannot understand God so simply" arguments. Regardless, I think it is a fine spiritual foundation and I'd like to hear more!
  9. i have never heard of that ever. wouldn't there be scariness regulations? like the Spooky Act of '03 or something?
  10. This is a fantastic thread! Good luck in all the spiritual terrain your paths cover.
  11. Not a set amount, but my wardrobe discard pile ends up at Goodwill.
  12. Of course not! By itself, ethanol is not .. smooth .. but every alcoholic drink is alcohol plus something else that makes it less gross, and in many cases, delicious.
  13. the ancient greeks would view time as a line extending ahead of them into the past, and behind them into the future. in this way you walked backward through your life and could most clearly see where you had just been. i try not to view my present as the result of the past, though. cause and effect just go on forever, and that would lead me to think, "what should i have done?", which is totally negative. better to think, "this is where i am. what can i do from here?"