What are the official ULC websites?

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The official Universal Life Church network is:  ULCHQULC Online, and ULC Seminary.

There are no other site names or affiliations considered official or recognized by our Headquarters other than the three sites listed above.

If you were not ordained through any one of the three sites listed above:

  • We will not have your ordination records to issue a credential because you were ordained by another entity.
  • You are welcomed and encouraged to become ordained through our website.  Your ordination will be entered into the church records at Headquarters in Modesto, California.
  • You can then begin your own process to receive your legal document(s). They will be processed through the original founding Headquarters or the genuine Universal Life Church associates.

If you were ordained through another entity and wish to know if your ordination is valid with your local or state government, please inquire with the organization you were ordained with.

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