God bless YOU right now, Jesus is in your presence daily
Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for giving us the gift of hope. Jesus your humble love and unconditional wisdom are needed in each servant vowed to serve our father in heaven. Lord, we are weak beings and need your constant light to shine in our lives. Bless those who is reading this prayer with understanding and give them a piece of your knowledge. Sometimes it’s hard to accept life’s troubles when we are faced with death, unemployment, lack of finances, and most of all help with situations that only YOU Father God can open the path of content, love and grace. Jesus thank you lord, hold us in your bosom. Give us a blessing of trust, knowledge and anointing. Give us peace upon our hearts, heal our bodies and most of all take away the worries and troubles that is too heavy for us to carry.
Job 22:29 “When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person”