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Hi Jonathan, how awesome!


What is the method of this vs. Reiki? The name sounds like it is something hands on like acupressure + Reiki ?

For you was this something that was opening flow in meridians or something different? I'd love to know more.



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We are going to have to do this in small bites.  Otherwise, it will confuse and overwhelm.  


Reiki traces back to Buddhism.  It begins with a "Master Teacher" performing an "attunement" for the student.  In essence, hooking the student up to the "Universal Life Force".  I am persuaded that the attunement process is a watered down Buddhist empowerment ceremony.  


At First Level, the student is taught touch healing.  At Second Level, the student is taught distance healing.  Also, the symbols which had been "planted" in the student at First Level are taught consciously at Second.  The symbols are a means of expressing intention.


I'm being simplistic here.  We don't want to get lost in the details.


Therapeutic Touch derives from Theosophy.  It is elegant in it's simplicity.  Since it is practiced by a lot of working Nurses, who are concerned with medical credentials, it sometimes seems more formidable than it is.  Likewise, the Nursing schools that teach it also love complexity and jargon and credentials.  Still, the practice is simple.


Keeping things simple, we are a collection of different energy fields.  Fields which are constantly interacting with the fields of others.


Basic Therapeutic Touch is a process.

1.  The practitioner centers self.  Calming and grounding.  Making quiet.  Don't make too much of this.

2.  Assessing the field.

3.  Unruffling/Smoothing the field.

4.  Directing the healing energy.

5.  Knowing when to stop


In time, the five steps become a continuing process, without sequence.


This seems like a good place to stop.  I really don't want to overwhelm.



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If it helps, I am an Usui Reiki RMT. My lineage is 7th downline from Dr. Usui. My teacher/mastership was earned in 2003. I am still currently an active practitioner. The major part of my career for over a decade is energy healing therapy.


I have heard of Therapeutic Touch as well as Quantum Touch. I never looked into them in depth. I had given one of them a glance. I don't remember which one it was, but they wanted a year or two of ongoing schooling and a mentorship to get a certification. The number of hours required looked really hardcore.


Your description of Therapeutic Touch sounds like Reiki 2/3 work without attunement or use of the symbols. I wondered if that is the case?


Is a Therapeutic Touch session different than a Reiki Session for you? Was this what opened the door for you to begin learning Reiki or was it Reiki that led you to discover Therapeutic Touch?

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Therapeutic Touch does not have the attunements or the symbols.  


There are differences.  There is over-lap.  The differences are more important for the beginner than the advanced.  Consider the Martial Arts.  There is boxing, kick boxing, various styles of kung fu, karate, jiu jitsu, etc.  In the beginning, it matters a lot.  Past a point, there is only one question.  Can you fight?


In the beginning, there is some real difference between Reiki and Therapeutic Touch.  If you care, we can get into it.  Past a point, technique stops mattering.  It's just you and the energy.  Even there, I'm not always sure how real the energy is.  When I act like it's real, it works.  


Kedem Morton, a Buddhist monk, said -- "The gods are illusory, but if we call upon them for assistance, they will help us anyway".  

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1 hour ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

Therapeutic Touch does not have the attunements or the symbols.


OK thanks. It seemed similar from your description. Out of curiosity, I will have to look up if it has any precepts that the work is carried out under, if any. 



1 hour ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

Past a point, technique stops mattering.  It's just you and the energy. Even there, I'm not always sure how real the energy is.  When I act like it's real, it works.




This is true! An interesting point about that is where some practitioners seek training to add certifications of different types of Reiki to add more symbols, such as going the route of learning the Karuna version.

But if one type is practiced for long enough, the realization comes that Ki is Ki and symbols are part of a ceremony of sorts for guiding intention.


Regarding your initial post:


10 hours ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

In ways that I can't describe, Therapeutic Touch changed my life.  It certainly altered my perceptions of reality.  


Energy work can really open up some avenues, no doubt about it. That has to be one of the most amazing things about the work is the experience is indescribable. One of the most amazing and rewarding things for me is after teaching Reiki I - having several people say their hands won't stop buzzing the next day or two. Nothing is ever said about it expecting any of that to happen, but it is reported over and over again. I remember being totally amazed by that after my own experience with my Reiki I attunement. It certainly set me on a course to continue on with! :atom:

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8 hours ago, Amulet said:


OK thanks. It seemed similar from your description. Out of curiosity, I will have to look up if it has any precepts that the work is carried out under, if any. 




This is true! An interesting point about that is where some practitioners seek training to add certifications of different types of Reiki to add more symbols, such as going the route of learning the Karuna version.

But if one type is practiced for long enough, the realization comes that Ki is Ki and symbols are part of a ceremony of sorts for guiding intention.


Regarding your initial post:



Energy work can really open up some avenues, no doubt about it. That has to be one of the most amazing things about the work is the experience is indescribable. One of the most amazing and rewarding things for me is after teaching Reiki I - having several people say their hands won't stop buzzing the next day or two. Nothing is ever said about it expecting any of that to happen, but it is reported over and over again. I remember being totally amazed by that after my own experience with my Reiki I attunement. It certainly set me on a course to continue on with! :atom:


In my case, Reiki turned out to be a gateway experience.  I was practicing what I had been taught for a distance healing.  Sending the Ki from where I was to the person being healed.  In other words, sending Ki through space.  I discovered that I was not sending anything from point A to point B.  What I was doing was over coming the illusion of distance.  It follows that if space has an illusory component, then so does time.  I'm still dealing with this discovery.  This is a larger world.  Healing is still important to me.  Other aspects have become more important.  


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8 hours ago, Joyful said:

This is so interesting, I have studied Reiki level 1 but the teachers who do alignment seem to want a lot of money to do it.  Please continue this discussion Its really interesting!  Thanks.


The world of Reiki -- I know too much to think of it as a community -- has a lot of wonderful aspects.  However --  It is not all Sunshine and sparkles.  There is also greed, ego, vanity, bull crap, outright lies, self deception, ferocious politics, self promotion, fraud, etc.  In short, everything that comes with dealing with people.  Such is life.  Let the buyer beware.  If you don't trust a teacher, you may or may not be picking up on something.  There are other teachers and other methods.  Move along.  Don't get stuck and don't be a victim.  

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15 hours ago, Amulet said:


OK thanks. It seemed similar from your description. Out of curiosity, I will have to look up if it has any precepts that the work is carried out under, if any. 




This is true! An interesting point about that is where some practitioners seek training to add certifications of different types of Reiki to add more symbols, such as going the route of learning the Karuna version.

But if one type is practiced for long enough, the realization comes that Ki is Ki and symbols are part of a ceremony of sorts for guiding intention.


Regarding your initial post:



Energy work can really open up some avenues, no doubt about it. That has to be one of the most amazing things about the work is the experience is indescribable. One of the most amazing and rewarding things for me is after teaching Reiki I - having several people say their hands won't stop buzzing the next day or two. Nothing is ever said about it expecting any of that to happen, but it is reported over and over again. I remember being totally amazed by that after my own experience with my Reiki I attunement. It certainly set me on a course to continue on with! :atom:



There are a few different things going on here.


First things first.  What matters is growing into the energy.  Maturing with it.  Making it part of your awareness.  Of course, you develop.  Is this because you have taken a more advanced degree?  Studied with a new teacher?  Learned more symbols?  Learned a new, more complicated attunenment process?  No.  Because over time, we mature and progress with the things that we make part of us.


People love to make simple things complicated.  Look at me.  My symbols are better than your symbols.  My teacher is a greater master than your teacher.  My lineage is hotter than your lineage.  It's all crap.  There is a maturing process and it is that simple.


Of course, people do want to make themselves known as great healers.  Certificates and diplomas have a certain cache if the goal is to build up a resume for potential clients.  It is also possible to go to a martial arts school and be declared a master 0f the grand glorious fighting crap.  That won't help you in a fight.  That pretty black belt won't jump off your waste and defend you.  In the same way,  mastering the symbols from twenty different Reiki systems won't make you a better healer.  A small incidental.  I have the Karuna training.  More symbols.  More certificates.


A sad reality is that some people really, really, want to be the founders of their own system and lineage.  Money, glory, and all the rest of it.  That is another reason why so many new things are springing up.  Talk is cheap.  They have a way of saying that their system is more powerful than Reiki.  This is a claim.  I have yet to see a healer with a better system do better with that system.


In fact, every where you go, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Pranic Healing -- the rest of them -- they don't just have a system.  They have the system.  It's part of Human nature.  



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17 hours ago, Joyful said:

This is so interesting, I have studied Reiki level 1 but the teachers who do alignment seem to want a lot of money to do it.  Please continue this discussion Its really interesting!  Thanks.


Hi Joy,

Like all who provide a service, even with wedding planning or wedding officiating for example, it depends on what is offered. That and "a lot of money" is relative. We know how that goes!


I will explain some of what is entailed in the costs. This is probably one of the areas that is very largely misunderstood because there are a lot of different ways that attunements can be approached.


Some teachers have classes that last all day, or even over two days, and they provide lunch, snacks, your materials and have to pay for a venue. That isn't cheap.

Others will hold a class all day for one day, and still provide a meal and snacks that are catered or whatnot in their home plus your learning materials, which still isn't cheap.


Usually those teachers who spend the most time up front can become your mentors. They stay in touch with you throughout your journey to mastership. It is often the goal to lead a student to do their work and intimately understand the value and benefits of how energy reciprocates among us to heal one another among other things. In the older tradition, it is a relationship that would ideally remain connected for life.


This is why lineage is important to some. In the circle of mentorship and connection, one will have a sense of living a way of life that is on purpose with reciprocating at a high vibration. The healers within a lineage become your circle. Your family. Everyone is on the same page with creating peace as their lifestyle and continue to work towards it always. Within a lineage, our forces gather to send energy outward in a way that is stronger than if we healed as individuals. The nature of peace for those connected within a lineage is always flowing, so it becomes important to train those within the lineage to begin to make peace and healing a way of life and not just a "thing" to visit with. Everyone living this lifestyle "under the same roof" so-to-speak is then healing together with an extraordinarily powerful flow. We believe this gathering will bring greater peace to the body and can bring miracles to heal the gravely sick and offer a whole other level of compassionate transition to the dying.


For the types of teachers above, the time spent mentoring students isn't often charged by the hour as if it is an appointment with a psychiatrist. That can happen, but generally it isn't like that. Mentorship goes on for months, sometimes years, and that cost is included in the initial fees. It could be the case that what appears to be a large expense up front doesn't earn a teacher much more than $2.00 an hour in the end, if that.


That and in general, Attunements are not something that goes on for a teacher every day of the week. More like once per month. The teachers often also pay for materials to include in their study books for you as I mentioned, or cover the cost of your notebook and all of the paperwork and certificates. Really it just depends on so much.


Some teachers will have a two hour session where someone comes in for a while, gets their attunement and goes out to celebrate, or whatever it is that one feels inclined to do afterward, and it costs $150 and includes the workbook materials and they go their own way. It is a solitary path where it requires work to continue to educate oneself without a mentor or a healing circle. Unlike the above which I described, some want the knowledge and only plan to engage in it for personal use and don't want to make it a lifestyle.


A person has to check in with what they want to ultimately get out of each level of their training.  There are a lot of times where the value may translate if you ask what is included in the service and it is in line with what you plan to do with the training. I think we all know quality education and training takes time. So much really boils down to how much time we want to invest and what the ultimate result to get out of it is.





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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, the Hearthwitch said:

How does Therapeutic Touch differ from, say, Hoodoo laying on of hands? Or other (Christian) faith-based laying on of hands?


The conceptual framework -- the underlying ideas -- are very different.  As to the actual healing process, I'm not sure that they are different.  I would need to do a specific side by side comparison.  Even then, I might not know.  


So much in life is cultural interpretation.  Just because it's what I do, does not make it the best.

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  • 9 months later...

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