Performing Marriages In Wayne County Michigan


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can anybody tell me the policy of online ordinations in Wayne County Michigan , i heard that some counties dont reconized it is ULC ordination valid and legal in Wayne County if so do you need to register with the county or anything thanks to all answers in advance.


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ulc ordanations are valid in the state of michigan,period.a lot of county clerks will give you a rough time about it,but if you go acting and dressed as a professional,there should be no problems with getting questions answered.

there is no regrestration in the state of michigan either,although if you ask,the secretary of state or the county office where you get a copy of your birth certificate will put a copy of your certificate on file for you.there may be a small cost involved.

one thing i would suggest is that you look up the marriage laws for the state of michigan and read them before you go to the county'll sound much more intellegent.

Edited by mark 45
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thanks mark for the reply , was wondering do you know if i have to register in Wayne County Clerk or not , will try and find out myself but if you can answer would also be apprecited so i know what to expect you know ,

thanks again for response Jd

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no,you do *not*have to be registered in wayne county.there is no registration in michigan period.

if the county clerk you talk to says there is,politely ask them to show you the law.more than a few county clerks will give you a hard time about being ordained thru the ulc(and some offer unsolicited opinions).just ask them what ever you need to know,and be professional about appearance and demeaner.

hopefully this i also said.learn the state laws for whatever state your going to conduct a marriage in.indiana is as different as ohio vs michigan.

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so i could perform a marriage right now without even going to the clerk ? just filled out the marriages papers what not and mail it at the approbriate time is that it as far as Wayne County goes or am i missing something ? sorry for all the questions just making sure im not mis understanding somthing dont wanna mess up and do somthing wrong you know

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You'll find Michigan list, county by county in the first link below. The others are FYI and resources. I couldn't find "Wayne County" so either they have no specific marriage law or it wasn't included in Michigan's list...not sure. The very last link is to Wayne County Clerk's Office, again, just FYI.

Hope it helps.

Blessings of Peace,


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Mark, I know you've dealt with many a Court Clerk, as have I. It's all about how a ULC minister approaches the whole ordeal that can make or break the manner in which they are treated by that clerk. Too many people just think "well, s/he is the clerk, therefor whatever they say goes." True to a point.

That is why I agree so much with each ULC minister being up on the laws pertaining to wherever they are performing the ceremony. If a clerk has bias against the ULC, make them show where the LAW says "no", in a calm, non-confrontational manner. "For my edification and learning, would you show me the statute on that please?" or something like it...calling the Clerk a name or reflecting on their "dumminess" does not help.

We all need to remember we get far more flies with honey than vinegar...a proven scientific result! :)

Blessings Be,

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