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I am going on vacation - as much of a vacation as 10 days spending "quality" time with my mother-in-law can be.

I realize that this isn't really a topic of any interest per se, but I will be without computer access during that time. I know that some here get a little nervous, given the sometimes unpredictable nature of my health, when I do not post for awhile.

When I get back I will start to address, probably on the sermon thread, some of my concerns about some of the concerns expressed about G-d, morality, punishment etc. in Jewish scripture.

I presume that the TOS allows me to be both defense counsel and a character witness for the accused.



Edited by RabbiO
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  • Administrator
  On 6/28/2012 at 12:08 AM, RabbiO said:

I presume that the TOS allows me to be both defense counsel and a character witness for the accused.



If not it will be changed to allow You that privelege.

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