Stray Pets Of War

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The above www addy is for "Operation Baghdad Pups", a service of the SPCA of America, Intl'. It brings all the logistics together for our US Military Servicemen to send the stray pets they find in the war zones to loving families at home.

The site will give details, but in short, the strays they find are mostly cats and dogs, however a horse and a small monkey have also been a part of good Works.

What the program offers is:

All the normal veterinarian approved health checks, vaccines and tests

Detailing if the pet is going to the service-person's home or to a foster facility or adoption center. The SPCA also has a sign up center if you wish to adopt one of these loving, scared and lost pets.

There is a full time staff dedicated to every little piece of this enormous operation that literally takes hundreds of people to accomplish. Not just the care of the animals, but air line travel, safety and comfort, temporary housing, license and documentation etc etc....the whole nine yards of bureaucratic red-tape!

As a vet, for our vets and in support of the many brave men and women doing their part for Democracy throughout the world, that also find a place in their heart to watch over our spiritual companions, I give my complete support, many prayers and sincerest thanks for their dedication to Life here on planet Giana/Terra Firma/Mother Earth

I hope you'll join us in support of this Program. Of course monetary donations does the "most", but opening up your home, volunteering as a foster/temp shelter during the pets travels, online help and so on. There are many, many ways in which you can volunteer or donate to this tremendous cause.

It made me almost :cray: seeing this on Animal Planet today (orig broadcast last year from date) due to a heartfelt "thank you" to all the staff that pulled this off. So, if this story and/or addy has been posted before, sorry for the redundancy, but hey, it is just another way we can support our troops, regardless of our political views regarding why this program even needs to exist.

Besides all the ugly about it, you have no idea how important those little critters are to our service personnel. Our little "20", (found sleeping on 20mm ammo boxes) just a plain little gray tabby that was sent from the Ethers to six teen-aged buddies who were scared out of their minds, away from home for the first time and dealing with War. It is virtually impossible to describe how much that little cat kept our minds and focus beyond the horrors...a pin point of "home energy" wrapped in a fuzz ball and personality of a tiger.

Blessings of Peace,

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