Japan Earthquake

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Very disturbing. What is interesting, as you watch on CNN, as the news becomes more "important," it seems to me that the commercial breaks become more frequent.

As we all do our Spiritual Best for the people of Japan, isn't it interesting that TV/cable/satellite doesn't miss a beat. In the midst of tragedy they still concern themselves with who's watching what and for how long. I know, as fact from disclaimers on our accounts, that both DirecTV™ and Comcast™ have tracking software that allow them to see, in real time, what we are watching.

We all use "alternate/back channel button" I'm sure as I know of few who enjoy commercials. Have you also noticed how very few channels allow you to be free of commercials when switching back and forth? It's like 90% of TV is now set, in sync, to commercials and there's very little we can do about it.

I'm certain there are very few in Japan that give a rats patoot about TV or commercials right now. We (wife and I) shall continue to reach out Spiritually to Japan in prayer and meditation. I also thought it was interesting that the "Governor of Tokyo" made a statement that the quake, failing nukie sites and tsunami were all "acts of God in response our departure from doing the right things. We have become greedy and now must pay for our actions." I say 'interesting' as a high ranking official, in a majority Shinto/Atheist nation would state his religious views. Nothing like a good old fashioned disaster to make people think about what is really important, yes?

I'm sure that once CNN drops coverage, usually within a few days of any disaster, all will be back to Nermal on the airwaves. "Move along folks! Shows over, nothing to see here, move along now!... and back to you Commentator of Hypocrisy (mainstream media) I'm sure you'll set us straight!"

Blessings of Peace,

Edited by RevAl
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Acts of God, is a legal term used in Insurance Claims that is rarely covered under most policies. Any political official announcing an act of God is announcing insurance settlement clauses and responsibility. On your car insurance, Lighting strikes a tree and it falls on the car totaling it, it is called an act of God in old policies - some newer ones call it now an act of nature. In any case for it to be covered, you would have needed to have extra coverage.

The cost of getting the news to you, the cost of making sure they get to you the news you want to see, the cost of live feed from Japan, and so much more is in the billions.

I don't have a TV feed, I only use the internet, cutting out the middle man in the advertizing ring. So I only see the ads that support the station and not the provider.

The solution to beating out the TV/cable/satellite of their greedy need to feed their employees is to get a boat and go to Japan. Pack your lunch, because a Big Mac in Japan is around 320 Yen.

I joined the ULC for the reason of the by laws stating it was for the betterment of life for all. That means for rich and poor, corporations to corner lemonade stand.

Japan is not a 3rd world country and far from the need of financial assistance, everything would have been insured, but with the public claim of acts of god, some assistance may be required.

Living in Florida I can tell you, the most needed insurance is the hardest to get, Flood insurance wont cover a flood zone, wind insurance wont cover a high storm area, mortgage insurance wont cover a low income area and so on.

Be proud, you are important enough in life that someone wants to know about you. Also be proud in life that you have to power to mess them up. Just leave your TV playing on shows that are total failures and get a few friends to do it too. Totally mess up their numbers.

As we all do our Spiritual Best for the people of Japan, isn't it interesting that TV/cable/satellite doesn't miss a beat. In the midst of tragedy they still concern themselves with who's watching what and for how long. I know, as fact from disclaimers on our accounts, that both DirecTV™ and Comcast™ have tracking software that allow them to see, in real time, what we are watching.

We all use "alternate/back channel button" I'm sure as I know of few who enjoy commercials. Have you also noticed how very few channels allow you to be free of commercials when switching back and forth? It's like 90% of TV is now set, in sync, to commercials and there's very little we can do about it.

I'm certain there are very few in Japan that give a rats patoot about TV or commercials right now. We (wife and I) shall continue to reach out Spiritually to Japan in prayer and meditation. I also thought it was interesting that the "Governor of Tokyo" made a statement that the quake, failing nukie sites and tsunami were all "acts of God in response our departure from doing the right things. We have become greedy and now must pay for our actions." I say 'interesting' as a high ranking official, in a majority Shinto/Atheist nation would state his religious views. Nothing like a good old fashioned disaster to make people think about what is really important, yes?

I'm sure that once CNN drops coverage, usually within a few days of any disaster, all will be back to Nermal on the airwaves. "Move along folks! Shows over, nothing to see here, move along now!... and back to you Commentator of Hypocrisy (mainstream media) I'm sure you'll set us straight!"

Blessings of Peace,

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"I don't have a TV feed, I only use the internet, cutting out the middle man in the advertizing ring. So I only see the ads that support the station and not the provider. "


First off, welcome to ULC's family!

Second, how does your internet only TV feed work out for you? I've heard a lot of pro's and con's and the wife and I are exhausted trying to keep up with ever increasing cable/internet/satellite fees. I realize it costs money to put satellites up, wire house etc, BUT...70% profit margin is out of line ifn's ya axt us...all the while workers buy their own cable ties and install screws for the system and use their own cell phones for communication...all this after Mike White CEO of DirecTV™ promised viewers "there would be big changes" to how they did business on "Undercover Boss" last Aug/Sept.

We are counting the days until our contract is up with Direct and have about 14 months to go and then either back to Comcast or just go with internet TV too. We both watch a lot of series and fav shows via internet now, but sitting at computer isn't the easiest for 2-3 hours at a time.

Anyway, your take on the above is very on point and well thought out...glad to have ya on board!

Blessings of Peace,

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First, Thank You

Second - F'ing AWESOME!

What I did was lower my cable connection to the time warner 1mb connection at 20.00 a month.

So I can only use low quality feed, but with a better connection you can get HD with out any streaming issues at all.

I do not use internet TV service, the only things I have trouble with is comedy central and some HBO shows.

All fox shows are up loaded by fox day after first airing and you can only get 5 of the last the full episodes at a time.

Using a service for online TV defeats the purpose of online TV.

You have to go through programming rehab.

First, the TV is not playing in the back ground wile you are working. So your brain actually goes into an alert stage.

I never watched TV during the day but had it on for back ground noise.

Then there is the choices. OMG so many, you suddenly realize you where paying the TV providers to enslave your brain.

Things like choosing the reruns you want to watch. You look at one and you know if it was on TV you would watch it, but now you get to choose what rerun you are going to watch.

Your brain in putt is totally - 100% in your hands. Now if you waste that time and input its all your fault.

These thngs take about 3 months to get over.

After that when you watch something, you really want to see it so you pay more attention to it.

Your brain starts really exercising.

Thought becomes clearer, reasoning is fresher, as well as you have true input in to the media.

The checking what your watching on TV is not true input. Everyone may be tuning in because the really really hate it.


A town of 5k adults - 2k mothers, 4k of the people tuned in to see if it was true their kids was getting a fractured sexual education from a TV show.

Viewer numbers went up big time, 3k of the 4k began a campaign to clean up the programming for their children, but it only got worse because the numbers in the viewing audience out numbered them.

Same thing online, the show gets dumped into the parental control and they have 3k post telling them its wrong and why. Viewing numbers may still go up, but advertizing dollars will go down. Because the advertisers see these post as well and see that its negative numbers that will reflect on their product.

Be prepared to feel as if you are going through drug with draws. Give it 3 months and understand all the negative complaints you have in that 3 months could just be the with draws. Its a whole new way of life.

Google will now be your remote. As far as that TV on the internet combo thing they put out with the new TV's. forget it. That sucks. Its also expensive.

Start here

World TV PC


South park fans


Fox Fans


Futurama Fans


ABC News Fans


There is so much more, and even though it a day late, more then 90% of the time its a dollar ahead of the game.

In the News its already late before they tell you.

Want global warming news before some loser predicts it will happen because you don't belong to his church?

Join the science channels. They publish some times as much as a year before it becomes public braid cast.

The reason is public speakers have to figure out how they are going to make money off the information before they give it to you.

That includes NOVA - PBS - Learning Channel - National Geographic - and Billy Graham.

Any way TV on PC is the best. But on your regular PC, not that new USB TV cr-at-p.

:) sorry, I talk to much. :)

Nanu Nanu :)

First off, welcome to ULC's family!

Second, how does your internet only TV feed work out for you? I've heard a lot of pro's and con's and the wife and I are exhausted trying to keep up with ever increasing cable/internet/satellite fees. I realize it costs money to put satellites up, wire house etc, BUT...70% profit margin is out of line ifn's ya axt us...all the while workers buy their own cable ties and install screws for the system and use their own cell phones for communication...all this after Mike White CEO of DirecTV™ promised viewers "there would be big changes" to how they did business on "Undercover Boss" last Aug/Sept.

We are counting the days until our contract is up with Direct and have about 14 months to go and then either back to Comcast or just go with internet TV too. We both watch a lot of series and fav shows via internet now, but sitting at computer isn't the easiest for 2-3 hours at a time.

Anyway, your take on the above is very on point and well thought out...glad to have ya on board!

Blessings of Peace,

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