Rosh Hashanah

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To Yael, Jewtonium, Jonathan, SilverRose and all others who by name I do not know -

שנה טובה

May you and yours, may we all, be inscribed and sealed for a sweet new year, a year of health, a year of blessing, a year of peace.

May the sound of the shofar awaken us anew to the potential we too often lock within ourselves

Edited by RabbiO
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May the sound of the shofar awaken us anew to the potential we too often lock within ourselves

I really like that thought RabbiO, I can almost hear its awakening call.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and blessed Holiday as well!!

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To Yael, Jewtonium, Jonathan, SilverRose and all others who by name I do not know -

שנה טובה

May you and yours, may we all, be inscribed and sealed for a sweet new year, a year of health, a year of blessing, a year of peace.

May the sound of the shofar awaken us anew to the potential we too often lock within ourselves

thank you, RabbiO... and the same to you, too :)

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