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About Stormson

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  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    ~Shrugs~ We'll see...
  • Location
    My mountain hideout VA

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  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Born again child of the Almighty Living God (Christian)

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  • Occupation
    Developer,construction and restoration.
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Divine Being

Divine Being (12/17)

  1. So.. Im OLD SCHOOL Chatholic... I am a ULC Preast... BUT... Ok... Hypthetical.. What would or SHOULD be done in this situation... Imagine.. If you will.. One of your WORST enemies ever came to you and said that they needed a priest. They made you SWEAR to the confesional.. And the trust that contains. Then they told you that they where dieing from an intential overdose. I am a Priest... If I break the trust of the confesional no one can EVER come to me again... But if I dont.. well.. I have SEEN first hand where suicides go.... It ISNT pretty. And we ARE dealing with his imortal soul. I dont feel that I am breaking anything HERE as this is somewhat anonymous... Youy dont know him, but I do. EVERYTHING in me SCREAMS call the ambulance.... EXCEPT the confesional. How do I betray him without betraying him? BTW... I kinda need help on this RIGHT NOW... I dont know WHAT to do here. I have faced this before and the man died.... I am QUITE sure that he is in hell for it. But I take the santaty of ther confessional QUITE seriously... What the HELL amn.... What a trip to dump on me.. BUT.. I am the only Priest he has.. who else COULD he dump it on? **...
  2. Oh brother, my heart and my prayers go out to you... What horrible thing to endure. But he died a hero's death man... A TRUE Hero, and he should always be remembered as such. I know that it may be of little comfort, but try to keep in mind that if this was the sort of person he was, then he died in service to his inner most heart and being... Indeed I doubt he could have stopped himself even if he had tried. Remember: John 15:13 King James Version (KJV) 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. My brother, your son will sit at the right of the Father, WITH Jesus, for his brave, noble and selfless act... Of THIS I have no doubt.
  3. Well.. Hurting like a SON of a **... But I made it. Everything went off ok and they let me go... The maximum dose of Dalada, AND lortabs AND ultrums... Still hurting badly. God help me when the dalada wears off... But hopefully this wont last long. I want to thank all you awesome people again for your prayers, energy, luck and well wishes... I truly do believe that it makes a huge difference... In fact that has been scientifically demonstrated, but thats a thread for itself and I aint up to it today.. At any rate, you people ROCk and have helped me a great deal, thank you, all of you, SO much!!!!
  4. Thanks everybody.. Sorry I havent been around, but Ive been staying with friends and family closer to the hospital... An update... They switched my thing on the 22nd all way till Oct. because they have to put me under for both things and they refuse to put me asleep twice inside of 6 weeks time... Dont know if thats just standard or has to do with my lungs... Either way, I wont be sure about my guts and if they healed right until then. I DID test positive for the H-pylori virus, which isnt actually a virus (even though they call it that) but a baceria that eats holes in the stomach... So at least now I know the root cause of all that. I will be starting treatment for it, but will have to check with the sergoen first and find out if I start it before or after the next cutting... It HAS to be done though or it will continue to eat holes.. and there isnt enough stomach left to cut out any more. Thats about it... Just kinda waiting around for the 13th right now... On the bright side, I REALLY like my new Primary Doctor! Shes a woman which is sometimes a little disconcerting, BUT she explained a couple things going on with me RIGHT off the bat.. Stuff that I had been TRYING to get answers from the others from for some time. And to boot, she is for drug legalization across the board.. and as you you guys know me well, despite my own not using "illegal" drugs, it is a HUGE hot button political issue with me, so its a BIG plus to have a doc that actually thinks along the same lines as I do... A moral boost if nothing else... Pretty much thats all thats going on right now.. Staying sick, tired and weak, but still kicking and even getting some stuff done around my trailer now that the girls and the baby are not here all the time...So all and all, Im doing pretty ok given the cercumstances... I certainly do appreceate all you guys prayers and well wishes... Healing energy is a BIG thing and I know Im gonna be ok with so many great people pulling for me!
  5. So VERY cool my most treasured feline! When is it due (Simply says "forthcoming") and how will we be ordering exactly? Hehe.. we seem to be short a "local Oxford office" or two here in the mountains of VA.. I know this will be something of a sacrilege, but will there be an Ebook version as well?
  6. Yeah Im ok brother.. Basically got so worn out that I just totally spaced Sunday... Gonna try to be here this next one though... Thanks for thinking about me!
  7. Thanks guys... I think Im gonna be ok this go round, I am getting the hang of it at this point after all! LOL Seriously, its all good... I aint even stressed about it really, just wanting it all OVER ya know? I'll heal a heck of allot faster from this stuff I think... Especially with you guys on my side!
  8. Havent been around much the bast couple seeks... Lots going on... Mostly worn out from almost constant doctor visits etc... I guess I got a couple more surgeries coming up this month. Nothing near as serious as before, but getting seriously tired of the whole doctor thing all together. Anyway.. Hernia surgery on the 13th and then some "procedure" on thew 22nd to check and see if my stomach healed right or not.. will know about more on that front then... THEN I get to start messing around with the bone doc about my knee and hip... I imagine he will will be sitting in his office, sharpening HIS knife, when I go to see him! LOL
  9. She used to.. In fact she did one for the owner of tribal.. Havent talked with her in quite awjile though. She tried to contact me here, but was banned again before I could respond... Of course you can PM me LOL, I'll try and get hold of her if I can...
  10. This was my ex Vickie... Dont know WHY they banned her again, but yes she is EXTREAMLY talented...
  11. Yes, but many people dont know this... I knew it was a scam right off, but called to confirm anyway and see what I could find out.. according to the lady atthe bank today has been a pretty big day for this particular one...
  12. Aww... Thank you my sweetest of Lady Dragons! But really i was just answering the question ya know? Is love worth it.. worth all the suffering, all the heart break and pain? ABSOLUTELY... It is worth EVERYTHING..
  13. I just got a text message on my phone that said it was a "National Bank Alert" and went on to say that that my bank card starting with #### (real numbers) had been deactivated and please call this number (followed by a phone number). I instead called my bank and they told me NOT to respond to this under any circumstance that it was indeed a scam. and it was not only effecting my bank but other banks and customers as well. They DID get the first four digits of my card right, however I was told they ONLY have those first four and somehow plan to con the rest of the digits out of you during the call.. Again, DO NOT RESPOND if you receive a similar message, this is a scam!