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About YerBuddy

  • Birthday 12/14/1974

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    St Louis, MO.

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  1. Hrmm, if you read this could you contact me via the usual email or IM if you'd like. Thanks.

  2. I would have to agree with Tallmike about finding out first. I would assume if this new owner didn't say anything about you leaving then they probably aren't waiting to move in. Before worrying about the laws and lawyers, find out if there is a problem. Good luck!
  3. I won't be your best critic because it's just not my style of music. I sounds good, easy on the ears but seemed to be missing somthing. I kept waiting for a climax through each song. To me they all seemed like the beginning, and or ending to great rock ballads but missing that middle part or chorus that kicks it up a notch. All in all it sounded pretty good. I believe you said you wrote the music yourself which amazes me every time I never got past playing scales (keep that in mind while evaluating my opinion )